Genre: Sci-Fi
Reviewer: Madison, Paranormal Romance Guild
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About The Book
On a planet far from dying Earth, Jerry Nichols, an Episcopal priest, and his exobiologist husband, Rob, lead the efforts of a small band of religiously diverse settlers and scientists to create a new community where people can survive. They receive help from a mysterious entity, changing them and opening unforeseen possibilities. Then their sister ship arrives and upsets the delicate balance they’ve achieved. Will humanity once again become its own worst enemy or will a new way of Being emerge?
The Review
Earth is dying, and once again, we have a group of scientists and religious sheep with their shepherd who are trying to settle to a new planet, somewhere out of reach of everything, and are dreaming of a better life and world.
Unexpectedly they get help from the ‘big unknown’, which changes them, and now, the ‘SciFi’ seems to suddenly mix up with a lot of supernatural abilities and unexpected talents and skills. This development in my opinion turns the story from ‘SciFi’ to ‘Fairy Tale’ and takes a turn for the worse.
When their sister ship arrives, humankind once more form two groups and turn into their own worst enemy.
The story base is not new, and I’m convinced the book could have been quite good. I love Margaret Babcock’s writing style. She’s a gifted storyteller. Her character description and voice are flawless. Her character development could use a little work.
I had problems with the development the story took, when there was more ‘supernatural skill’ involved and turned an interesting story base into a confusing hubbub. I don’t want to ruin the story for another reader, that’s why I shy away from telling too much.
But let me tell you that to me after I read about 1/3 of the book, it became obvious that the book wasn’t going to be saved anymore. There was too much complicated science, too many embryonic plans, too many immature participants, too much supernatural magic, too much religious influence, too much confusing ‘children breeding’, and generally nearly too much of everything.
I normally pick one or two of my favorite characters, but in this book none of them properly caught my attention. Despite the author’s brilliance in character descriptions, they all started to get blurry after a while, and each one of them did their part to ruin the read for me.
I know Margaret Babcock can do a lot better than this. However, to some hardcore SciFi fan this book might be the ultimate reading fun.
The Reviewer
Madison Davis is a fantasy and paranormal romance author. She also works as a graphic designer and business strategy consultant. But her dream is to become a full-time writer. She enjoys the support of her friends and family and loves reading, traveling, and dancing. Madison lives in the South East with her husband, three cats, and a Rottweiler.
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