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Writer Fuel: Fusion Power is Critical to Our Survival, The Science Guy Says

Atom molecule in dark interior as science concept. 3d rendering - deposit photos

What would Bill Nye the Science Guy get our home planet for Earth Day?

The ultimate gift: fusion energy.

“We need electricity,” Nye told Live Science in an exclusive interview on Thursday (April 20). “We need not only what we can get right now with existing technologies — with wind, and solar and geothermal energy — but we need that so-called baseload. We need electricity when the sun’s not shining and the wind’s not blowing.” And although powerful, nuclear energy carries the risk of a meltdown and creates nuclear waste, he added.

Fusion is an achievement any scientist would go starry-eyed over. With nuclear fusion — a process that smashes two light atoms together to create a heavier, new element, just as the sun does when it fuses hydrogen atoms together to make helium — humans would have clean, nearly limitless energy.

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Full Story From Live Science