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Review: Dreck – Cliff Jones Jr.

Dreck - Cliff Jones Jr.

Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Dreampunbk, Irrealist

Reviewer: Rari

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About The Book

Dreck embodies the surrealistic spirit of dreampunk, a growing subgenre of speculative fiction that blends elements of science fiction, fantasy, and psychological horror. A tech-centric twist on the legend of Faust, it asks how much we are all willing to trade for the digital interconnectedness we enjoy today.

The Review

I’m still thinking of how to describe this. It is a dreampunk/irrealist genre, as per the author’s bio. The whole thing reads like an acid trip.

The characters are in simulations where some end up dead, some end up seeing things, some have things happen that aren’t nice, some end up killing others or in jail. Apparently, they’re all students, and their education is through these simulations where they live a different life every night. There’s a lot of cool technology in the sims and probably they’re available in real life for them too.

Dreck is the name of a drug sort of thing, which is part nano tech, part living cell and seems to be sentient.

Overall, I was confused by the book, but it was still very engaging. Acid trips can be engaging. 

If you like irrealistic/dreampunk which adjoins Sci Fi and fantasy/ Horror (there are ghosts in one simulation), you might enjoy this. I’m rating it high because it was well written and engaging. 

The Reviewer

Rari is an author and editor writing under the name of Niranjan K. She is an avid reader of all things fantasy, and loves to discourse at length about her favourite books as well as shows. This blog is the space where she will be sharing her views and insights of the books, shows and movies that she likes.