Genre: Sci-Fi, Romance
LGBTQ+ Category: Gay
Reviewer: Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild
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About The Book
Rescuing his best friend, Ben, and seven hundred other humans was a straightforward task compared to what the Guardian Sebastien had been ordering him to do.
Several terrible assignments in a row have tipped the ambassador into trauma, affecting not just him, but also his prince. Calling into question whether he can continue to work for the Guardian who seems to want him dead.
Knowing he has no choice if his parents are to be kept safe, River continues to do as he’s told, despite a break in his friendship with Ben and his own doubts about being able to be a consort to his Prince.
Can River navigate Sebastien’s orders and remain alive?
Will Prince Eris still love him if he is no longer his consort?
River’s only hope is to persevere and give his best, no matter the cost.
PLEASE NOTE: This is the second book in an ongoing series. it is recommended your read River, The Ambassador 1, before this one.
The Review
After a long wait, the seven hundred humans waiting to be taken to Drakonis have finally arrived. Any longer and many of them would be dead from little food and poor treatment. The humans are in bad shape, including River’s best friend Ben. River’s parents are not among the survivors fleeing the tyranny of Sebastian, a Guardian. Sebastian told River his parents wanted to stay, but River knows Sebastian will be using his parents to keep him in line.
The humans now have a place of their own, which they named Amity. They have homes and food and are learning a new language. They are settling in better than River, who must await orders from Sebastian, and is trying to navigate royal protocol. Eris wants River to be his consort, but River is not sure if it’s the right move.
His first assignment from Sebastian leads River to gain an ally in his effort to overthrow the Guardians, but not all assignments will work to his benefit – in fact, one assignment almost led to his death.
Between working with the humans at Amity, River treads carefully with the protocol he must observe. His love for Eris grows but being a commoner and a prince is a huge hurdle. Fortunately, River is blessed to have his best friend Ben and his adopted parents to lean on.
River is stuck between a rock and a hard place, but doesn’t want to lose the man he has grown to love. In private everything between Eris and River is normal, but outside it is anything but.
I love this series and highly recommend it – the characters are amazing, well, at least the good guys. It’s filled with suspense, surprises and danger. I can’t wait for the next book to see what happens between River and Eris – hopefully it won’t be too long. Whenever C.J. Dragon comes out with a new book, I am right there waiting for it.
Five stars.
This series must be read in order.
The Reviewer
I am an avid reader the mother of 3 sons and grandmother to seven grandchildren. Since retiring I have been doing more reading while volunteering as a CASA worker. CASA is an organization that works with the family court system to ensure that children are in the best living situation. There are way too many children that get overlooked in the foster care system and I visit homes and make visits to the parents. I was born and raised in New York and my husband of 50 years and I live in Upstate New York.
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