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Heirs of the New Earth

by David Lee Summers

Heirs of the New Earth - David Lee Summers - Space Pirates' Legacy
Editions:ePub: $ 3.99
Pages: 258
Paperback: $ 12.95
ISBN: ‎ 979-8985112016
Size: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 258

The Earth has gone silent. John Mark Ellis and the crew of the Sanson are sent to investigate. When they arrive, they find vast alien machines known as Clusters in orbit. Fearing the worst, they land and discover that the once overcrowded, polluted Earth has become a paradise of sorts. The problem is over half the population is dead or missing and the planet's leaders don't seem to care. As Ellis works to unravel the mystery, sudden gravitational shifts from the galaxy's center indicate something even worse is in the offing. Can Ellis save the galaxy from the heirs of the new Earth?

Publisher: Hadrosaur Productions
Cover Artists:
Tropes: Alien Invasion, Band of Misfits, Farmer to Hero, FTL, Galactic Civilization, Quest, Space Battles, Space Pirates
Word Count: 81000
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Tropes: Alien Invasion, Band of Misfits, Farmer to Hero, FTL, Galactic Civilization, Quest, Space Battles, Space Pirates
Word Count: 81000
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Reviews:Greg Ballan wrote:

A warning to every reader…block off a good chunk of time, pour your favorite beverage and sit down in your favorite comfort space. Once you start reading, the story jumps out and grabs hold, drawing you into a world one thousand years in the future where mankind has spread across the universe, contacted other intelligent life and colonized new worlds.

Mark Anthony Brennan wrote:

This is a well-crafted and thoughtful piece of science fiction. Highly recommended.

About the Author

David Lee Summers lives in Southern New Mexico at the cusp of the western and final frontiers. He's written novels about space pirates, vampire mercenaries, mad scientists in the old west, and astronomer ghosts. He's edited thrilling anthologies of space adventure that imagine what worlds discovered by NASA's Kepler mission might be like. When he's not writing or editing, David explores the universe for real at Kitt Peak National Observatory. To learn more about David or his books visit his website at http://www.davidleesummers.