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Division of Chaos

by Marie Andreas

Strange magics plucked Jenna from Earth to a new world and a new body.
But now darker forces threaten the new life she’s come to love.

She risked everything to defend her kingdom and friends, struggling to channel chaotic Power to defeat a demonspawn king. They won that fight, but the war was only beginning.

Now, one by one, the neighboring kingdoms are falling silent, under attack from monsters that shouldn’t exist and from within their own people. The cuari who protect and guide this world have suddenly vanished, and the chaotic plane—the source of all magic—is failing.

Jenna is in the body of a Guardian, channeling the voice of a long-lost god, and tasked with averting the coming apocalypse, but this time, magic and destiny might not save the day.

Separated from Prince Corin—Storm, who she might love if she had a free moment—and seeking a missing magic book, she’ll be hunted by deadly enemies and haunted by visions of what will happen if she fails while her friends are pushed the limits of their bravery and hope.

If she can’t figure out how to end the attacks, free the cuari, and save the chaotic plane, this world will fall—and so will all the others.

Cover Artists:
Tropes: Band of Brothers/Sisters, Book of Spells, Fish Out of Water, Found Family, Portals
Word Count: 133800
Setting: different world
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Tropes: Band of Brothers/Sisters, Book of Spells, Fish Out of Water, Found Family, Portals
Word Count: 133800
Setting: different world
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters

About the Author

Marie is a multi-award winning fantasy and science fiction writer with a serious reading addiction. If she wasn't writing about all the people in her head, she'd be lurking about coffee shops annoying total strangers with her stories. So really, writing is a way of saving the masses.

Her first fantasy series, The Lost Ancients, starts with The Glass Gargoyle. The rest of the series is complete at six books total. A continuing series follows another adventure and started with The Seeker's Chest.

A space opera trilogy, The Asarlai Wars, launched with Warrior Wench, and continued with the Victorious Dead. The final book, Defiant Ruin, is available now. More adventures in a second trilogy start with Traitor's Folly!

A steampunk adventure, A Curious Invasion, followed by The Mayhem of Mermaids, will conclude in 2023 with An Intrigue of Pharaohs.

Like portal epic fantasy? The Essence of Chaos is the first book in the books of the Cuari series. The third book, Destruction of Chaos, releases in 2023.

Lighter romantic fantasy can be found with the completed Magic & Sorcery Chronicles. Three royal sisters face challenges and romance on their way to the throne.

When not saving the masses from coffee shop shenanigans, Marie likes to visit the UK and keeps hoping someone will give her a nice summer home in the Forest of Dean or in northern Wales.

Marie is also a member of SFWA (Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association) and NINC (Novelists, INC).

To find out more about the books, and future series, please visit her website at if you happen to have a small cottage to give her.