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Review: Inheritance – Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Inheritance - Joyce Reynolds-Ward

Genre: Sci-Fi, Near Future, Agripuink Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book YOU CAN’T ESCAPE THE INHERITANCE OF THE PAST…OR CAN YOU? Rancher Ruby Barkley and her ex-husband Gabe Ramirez are competing head-to-head for the AgInnovator game show’s new one-shot award, the Ag Superhero. The winner walks away with $3.75 million per year … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Bacteria Could Survive Underground On Mars for a Long, Long Time

Mars - Pixabay

As Elton John once sang, “Mars ain’t the kind of place to raise your kids; in fact, it’s cold as hell.” But new research suggests that Martian chill could allow bacteria to survive for up to 280 million years below the planet’s surface.  The finding raises hopes that traces of ancient life — or even … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Where Did the Wicked Stepmother Trope Come From?

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What springs to mind when you picture a fairy tale? Maybe Cinderella sweeping the hearth in tattered rags; Hansel and Gretel trailing bread crumbs through a dark forest; or Snow White, her face deathly pale, lying motionless within a glass coffin. These images are burned into our collective consciousness. But besides sharing similar folklore roots … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What Are the Oldest and Youngest Stars in the Universe (That We Know)?

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Among the countless stars glittering in the vastness of space, some are so old they have experienced the dawn of the universe, and others are so young that not even the most powerful telescopes on Earth have been able to observe them. But is it possible to know which star is the youngest and which … Read more

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Review: The Lever – Mark Salzwedel

The Lever - Mark Salzwedel

Genre: Sci-Fi Reviewer: Ulysses, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon About The Book In the future, a reporter uncovers a plot to change the DNA of selected young adults, abduct them, and cover up evidence that they ever existed. Her investigation takes her and three gay soldiers to Mars and eventually to the other … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Plants Give Off Their Own Electricical Discharges During Thunderstorms

plants lightning electricity - deposit photos

When lightning flashes above, plants on the ground may respond in kind. Scientists have long been aware that plants and trees can emit small, visible electric discharges from the tips of their leaves when the plants are trapped beneath the electrical fields generated by thunderstorms high overhead. These discharges, known as coronas, are sometimes visible … Read more

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Writer Fuel: A Piece of the Oldest Complete Star Map Found

star catalog fragment

Scholars may have just discovered a fragment of the world’s oldest complete star map. The map segment, which was found beneath the text on a sheet of medieval parchment, is thought to be a copy of the long-lost star catalog of the second century B.C. Greek astronomer Hipparchus, who made the earliest known attempt to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Many States of Matter Are There?

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The phrase five states of matter is a term to describe everything that makes up the “stuff” in the universe — anything that takes up space and has mass is matter. But that phrase is actually outdated, as there are many more states of matter than that. Four of these occur naturally, while others are … Read more

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Review: Questionable Minds – Fraser Sherman

Questionable Minds - Fraser Sherman

Genre: Historical, Steampunk Reviewer: Maryann Universal Buy Link About The Book In Victorian England, 1888, there are those who say Sir Simon Taggart is under the punishment of God. In an England swirling with mentalist powers — levitation, mesmerism, mind-to-mind telegraphy — the baronet is unique, possessed of mental shields that render him immune to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are eFuels the Wave of the Future?

e-fuel test - Audi

Hydrogen and natural gas are among the alternative fuels starting to get more attention as car companies work to reduce emissions. But Audi is exploring another option that you may not have heard much about yet: e-fuels. The German automaker, which aims to develop synthetically engineered e-fuels as a viable alternative to gasoline and diesel, … Read more