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New Release: Questionable Minds – Fraser Sherman

Questionable Minds - Fraser Sherman

Fraser Sherman has a new historical steampunk mystery book out: Questionable Minds. In Victorian England, 1888, there are those who say Sir Simon Taggart is under the punishment of God. In an England swirling with mentalist powers — levitation, mesmerism, mind-to-mind telegraphy — the baronet is unique, possessed of mental shields that render him immune to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: All About King Tut

King Tut - Deposit Photos

Tutankhamun, or King Tut as he is often called today, was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who was buried in a lavish tomb filled with gold artifacts in the Valley of the Kings near modern-day Luxor. His tomb was discovered in 1922 by an archaeological team led by British Egyptologist Howard Carter. Today he is also … Read more

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Review: One of Our Spaceships is Missing – Chris Gerrib

One of Our Spaceships is Missing by Chris Gerrib

Genre: Military Sci-Fi, Space Opera Reviewer: Valerie Bean Get It On Amazon About The Book In the 23rd century, spaceships just don’t go missing. FBI agent Ray Volk is assigned to a task force to investigate a tragic accident: the disappearance of interplanetary passenger liner ValuTrip Cardinal, carrying 500 souls between Mars and Earth on … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Why Does This Near Earth Asteroid Keep Spinning Faster?

asteroid - deposit photos

A potentially hazardous near-Earth asteroid is spinning faster and faster every year, and researchers aren’t sure why. The space rock, known as 3200 Phaethon, is around 3.4 miles (5.4 kilometers) wide, and its orbit through the solar system takes it closer to the sun than any other named asteroid, reaching a minimum distance of around … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Why Did T-Rex Have Tiny Arms?

Tyrannosaurus rex - Deposit Photos

Tyrannosaurus rex was a vicious hunter with the strongest bite of any animal ever to walk on land. The beast prowled the late Cretaceous wilderness more than 66 million years ago, looking for a Triceratops or Edmontosaurus to munch on. The only thing not menacing about the king of the tyrant lizards was its tiny … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Black Hole Eats and then Belches Out a Star

Black Hole - Deposit Photos

Astronomers have spotted a black hole mysteriously spewing up chunks of a devoured star several years after consuming it. The event, which scientists have classified as AT2018hyz, began in 2018 when astronomers saw the black hole ensnare a hapless star in its strong gravitational pull before shredding it to pieces. Then, three years later, in … Read more

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Review: Starman’s Saga – Colin Alexander

Starman's Saga - Colin Alexander - Leif the Lucky

Genre: Sci-Fi, Space Exploration Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book In the year 2069, humanity’s last chance for peace is the first ever interstellar mission. A multi-national crew of the most talented scientists and pilots has been chosen based on their expertise and skill. The final spot aboard the craft is assigned … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Human-Mouse “Mini Brains” Play Pong


A synthetic minibrain made out of human and mouse neurons has successfully learned to play the video game “Pong” after researchers hooked it up to a computer-controlled electrode array. It is the first time that brain cells isolated from an organism have completed a task like this, suggesting that such learning ability is not limited … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Anglo-Saxon Hall Where Kings and Warriors Dined Discovered in England

Anglo-Saxon Hall - Suffolk County Council "Rendlesham Revealed" project

Archaeologists in the east of England have unearthed the remains of an elaborate hall that Anglo-Saxon monarchs and warriors feasted in roughly 1,400 years ago. The remains of the royal hall — near the village of Rendlesham in Suffolk, about 70 miles (110 kilometers) northeast of London — are only a few miles north of … Read more

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Review: The Third Front – E.M. Hamill

Third Front - E.M. Hamill

Genre: Sci-Fi Reviewer: Scott Get It On Amazon About The Book Dalí Tamareia has the terrorist Skadi in their sights – but bringing her in may cost them everything. Dalí’s role as an undercover operative is compromised, putting a target on their back and threatening the close-knit team aboard Thunder Child. A new lead on … Read more