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Writer Fuel: We Can Now Simulate Flavors in Virtual Reality

Flavors in VR - Yiming Liu

Virtual reality (VR) experiences could soon get a lot more realistic thanks to a lickable device that lets you “taste” in virtual environments. The small, lollipop-like interface simulates up to nine flavors and can even be combined with smells to make the sensation of taste feel lifelike, scientists said in a new study published Nov. … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Chandra Clarke

Chandra Clarke

It’s the Daily LFS – Lim Fic Spotlight from the Liminal Fiction website. Today: Chandra Clarke Fantasy, Sci Fi Chandra Clarke wears many hats, sometimes all at once, which makes it hard to get through doorways. A recovering/relapsing entrepreneur, she will also admit to having been a freelance writer, with publishing credits in places like … Read more

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Writer Fuel: NASA Solves Io Mystery – Why Is Jupiter’s Moon So Volcanically Active?

Io - deposit photos

NASA scientists have revealed the secrets of the most volcanic body in our solar system, according to new research. The discovery solves a 44-year-old mystery of why, and how, Jupiter’s violent moon, Io, became so volcanically active. Io is only slightly larger than our moon, with a diameter of 2,237 miles (3,600 kilometers), and has … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Nuclear-Diamond Battery Could Last for Thousands of Years

diamond nuclear battery

The world’s first nuclear-powered battery, which uses a radioactive isotope embedded in a diamond, could power small devices for thousands of years, scientists say. The nuclear battery uses the reaction of a diamond placed close to a radioactive source to spontaneously produce electricity, scientists at the University of Bristol in the U.K. explained in a … Read more

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Review: Project O.R.C.A. – Serena Bishop

Project O.R.C.A. - Serena Bishop

Genre: Sci-Fi, Thriller Reviewer: Sherry, Paranormal Romance Guild Get It On Amazon | B&N About The Book Based on her examination of different neurological procedures, Project O.R.C.A. was the most feasible way to control her telepathy.Kari’s telepathic abilities have made life challenging for her. At eighteen and a recent university graduate, she’s desperate to leave home … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Michael Solis

Michael Solis

It’s the Daily LFS – Lim Fic Spotlight from the Liminal Fiction website. Today: Michael Solis Sci Fi Michael Solis is from New Jersey and currently lives in Nairobi, Kenya. He has spent most of the past fifteen years working in development and humanitarianism in Sierra Leone and Latin America. A Princeton graduate, he has … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Gideon Marcus

Gideon Marcus

It’s the Daily LFS – Lim Fic Spotlight from the Liminal Fiction website. Today: Gideon Marcus Fantasy, Sci Fi A Serling-winning and five time Hugo Finalist science fiction author, Gideon has just finished Hyvilma, third book in The Kitra Saga, a YA space adventure series featuring themes of isolation, teamwork, and hope, and starring a … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Twelve Possible Reasons We Haven’t Discovered Alien Life… Yet

alien - deposit photos

One night about 60 years ago, physicist Enrico Fermi looked up into the sky and asked, “Where is everybody?” He was talking about aliens. Today, scientists know that there are millions, perhaps billions of planets in the universe that could sustain life. So, in the long history of everything, why hasn’t any of this life … Read more

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Writer Fuel: In Outer Space, Where Would a Compass Point?

compass in space - deposit photos

On Earth, a compass can be a vital tool. Compasses have provided a constant point of reference for humans for over 800 years, enabling us to successfully navigate to the far reaches of the planet. But our species has started to journey farther, into the cold abyss of space. Is the compass still useful outside … Read more

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Author Spotlight: Rohan O’Duill

Rohan O'Duill

It’s the Daily LFS – Lim Fic Spotlight from the Liminal Fiction website. Today: Rohan O’Duill Sci Fi Rohan O’Duill (he/him) is a dyslexic Irish writer. Rohan writes Sci-Fi and has published a number of pieces from the Cold verse. While working as a head-chef, Rohan likes to compete at archery in his time off. … Read more