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Books Tagged With what - topic - harem

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Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The Nomad wants peace from the darkness within himself he can't control. That quest for a cure leads him back into the Land of the Five Suns to unearth an ancient weapon before it falls into the hands of a madman. The weapon may hold clues to a final solution. The Nomad's path to victory lies in a young thief and rescuing the boy's sister from the Rav Teneshag's harem. Sinister plans unravel around every turn, threatening to level everything and everyone.

No Companion But the Stars - Joshua Dyer
No Companion but the Stars

Word Count: 18000

Summary: A man arrives at his new job. A woman lets one last customer into her shop. Two teens sneak away to a party. These all sound normal. But these simple actions are on worlds that it's unlikely you've seen before. Twenty short stories bring you twenty weird worlds you won't soon forget.

Weird Worlds - Patricia Loofbourrow
Weird Worlds