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Song of Jade: Red Wolf

by C. R. Collins

The world is wide and full of wonders

Fleeing her country in order to save it, Princess Jade of Sharren discovers a greater threat.

SONG OF JADE: RED WOLF is a standalone DRAGON AGE prequel to the WOODSPELL SERIES and one of the TALES OF ARDONNA.

Content Advisory: Contains adult themes and situations and spoilers for River’s Roar


Publisher: Kapeo Press
Cover Artists:
Tropes: Black and White Morality, Dragonriders, Humanity is Dangerous, Immortality, Wise Mentor
Setting: The improbably plant of Ardonna during the Dragon Age
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Same Universe / Various Characters
Tropes: Black and White Morality, Dragonriders, Humanity is Dangerous, Immortality, Wise Mentor
Setting: The improbably plant of Ardonna during the Dragon Age
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Same Universe / Various Characters

“Witches! Witches!”

The crowd sounded giddy. Four burnings at once. They advanced down Central Avenue to Robbsen’s Circle, past the inn where I sat drinking. Most wore holiday attire—it was not unlike a Yulith procession. Our Lord Providence scoured the land for our amusement. The pious citizens of the capital had quite the taste for blood. I kept my attention on my beer.

Moans drifted in and a stench.

“That one is comely,” said the man to my right, craning his neck.

The barmaid winced. “Used to be.”

I knocked my mug on the bar, and she refilled it. Her fingers brushed mine. I made a presentable man. Many women enjoy the waif look. Fancied it myself. How much better life would be if I could spend my days flirting in taverns. I crammed my cap on tighter and took a gulp. The bitter house brew offended my tongue but offered a comfortable mood.


Outside, fury joined the company and found itself welcome. Revered. Smoke from their torches, stinking of fat, blew in from the open windows. The barmaid closed the shutters.

“Hey,” the man to my right said, “I was watching that.”

“Go outside and drool with the rest of them.”

He cocked his head. “Our Father’s work is being done.”

She laughed. “You support our Father’s work, Pauly? How much do you accomplish here?”

The man shrugged and slurped his cordial. His words slurred. “None at all, but I approve of others taking on the task. Makes a better world.”

“How is the world better without the good Marstair couple who have tended us all? They healed my little brother of the blood fever.”

Pauly stood, choosing a side to die for. “What price did you pay for their services?”


More information about the world of Ardonna, including maps, can be found on my website:

About the Author

Tree-hugging indie fantasy author.