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Ardulum: First Don

by J.S. Fields

Ardulum First Don - J. S. Fields - Ardulum
Editions:Paperback: $ 16.95
ISBN: 9781960247001
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 312
Kindle: $ 4.99
ISBN: 9781960247001
Pages: 328

Ardulum. The planet that vanishes. The planet that sleeps.

Neek makes a living piloting the dilapidated tramp transport, Mercy’s Pledge, and smuggling questionable goods across systems blessed with peace and prosperity. She gets by—but only just. In her dreams, she is still haunted by thoughts of Ardulum, the traveling planet that, long ago, visited her homeworld. The Ardulans brought with them agriculture, art, interstellar technology…then disappeared without a trace, leaving Neek’s people to worship them as gods.

Neek does not believe—and has paid dearly for it with exile from her home for her heretical views.

Yet, when the crew stumbles into an armed confrontation between the sheriffs of the Charted Systems and an unknown species, fate deals Neek an unexpected hand in the form of a slave girl—a child whose ability to telepathically manipulate cellulose is reminiscent of that of an Ardulan god. Forced to reconcile her beliefs, Neek chooses to protect her, but is the child the key to her salvation, or will she lead them all to their deaths?

Publisher: Space Wizard Science Fantasy
Cover Artists:
Tropes: Aliens as God, Band of Misfits, Cross-Species Friendships, Fated Mates, FTL, Galactic Civilization, Space Battles, Space is Full, Space Pilot, Space Pirates, Space Smugglers, Undiscovered Planet
Tropes: Aliens as God, Band of Misfits, Cross-Species Friendships, Fated Mates, FTL, Galactic Civilization, Space Battles, Space is Full, Space Pilot, Space Pirates, Space Smugglers, Undiscovered Planet

About the Author

J.S. Fields (@Galactoglucoman) is a scientist who has perhaps spent too much time around organic solvents. They enjoy roller derby, woodturning, making chainmail by hand, and cultivating fungi in the backs of minivans.
Fields has lived in Thailand, Ireland, Canada, USA, and spent extensive time in many more places. Their current research takes them to the Peruvian Amazon rainforest each summer, where they traumatize students with machetes and tangarana ants while looking for rare pigmenting fungi. You can find their books at and support their writing (as well as get exclusive short stories, Ardulum snippets, and sneak peaks at new works) at their Patreon. Nonbinary, and yes, it matters.