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Fruits of the Gods

by William C. Tracy

Fruit of the Gods - William C. Tracy
Editions:Paperback: $ 19.95
ISBN: 9781960247155
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 363
ePub: $ 4.99
ISBN: 9781960247155
Pages: 449

Taste the magic of the gods!

Sisters Kisare and Belili uproot an ancient box in their owner’s orchard and find a miracle inside: a fifth godfruit in a society that knows only four. It is punishable by death for non-nobles to eat godfruit, so the sisters hide the discovery and plot to escape servitude for good. With the power represented in the box, they could live as nobles themselves.

But Kisare finds her new freedom more difficult than she imagined, and Belili has many secrets she strives to keep hidden. With the help of a people slowly losing their culture and technology to the powerful nobles, the sisters lead an infiltration of the highest levels of noble society.

While Kisare finds she cares for the captured leader of the people helping them, Belili comes to love her noble suitor’s guard—a fierce woman with a similar past to her own. In the end, the fifth godfruit may bring harmony to the world, but the sisters’ only hope of succeeding lies in deciphering ancient mythologies surrounding the gods’ original plan for their people.

Publisher: Space Wizard Science Fantasy
Cover Artists:
Tropes: Ancient Weapon, Burial Ground/Cemetary, Enemy to Ally, Farmer to Hero, Fated Mates, Found Family, Redemption Arc, Secret Heir, Secret Royalty, Wise Mentor
Word Count: 134000
Languages Available: English
Tropes: Ancient Weapon, Burial Ground/Cemetary, Enemy to Ally, Farmer to Hero, Fated Mates, Found Family, Redemption Arc, Secret Heir, Secret Royalty, Wise Mentor
Word Count: 134000
Languages Available: English

About the Author

William C. Tracy writes tales of the Dissolutionverse: a science fantasy series about planets connected by music-based magic instead of spaceflight. This series currently includes a three-book epic space opera cycle. It also includes five novelettes and novellas, including a coming of age story, tales of political intrigue, a Sherlock Holmes-like mystery, a Jules Verne style adventure. Several books include LGBT-friendly elements. His first epic fantasy from NineStar Press is Fruits of the Gods, about a land where magic comes from seasonal fruit, and two sisters plot to take down a corrupt government.

William is a North Carolina native and a lifelong fan of science fiction and fantasy. He has a master's in mechanical engineering, and has both designed and operated heavy construction machinery. He has also trained in Wado-Ryu karate since 2003, and runs his own dojo in Raleigh NC. He is an avid video and board gamer, a reader, and of course, a writer. In his spare time, he cosplays with his wife such combinations as Steampunk Agent Carter and Jarvis, Jafar and Maleficent, and Doctor Strange and the Ancient One. They also enjoy putting their pets in cute little costumes and making them cosplay for the annual Christmas card.

You can get a free Dissolutionverse short story by signing up for William's mailing list at Or follow him on Twitter at for writing updates, cat pictures, and thoughts on martial arts.