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The Kitra Saga #1

by Gideon Marcus

Kitra - Gideon Marcus
Part of the The Kitra Saga series:
ISBN: 978-1-951320-02-7
ISBN: 978-1-951320-03-4

Stranded in space: no fuel, no way home… and no one coming to help.

From the pen of Hugo Finalist Gideon Marcus comes the found-family, YA Space Adventure you’ve been waiting for:

Nineteen-year-old Kitra Yilmaz dreams of traveling the galaxy like her Ambassador mother. But soaring in her glider is the closest she can get to touching the stars — until she stakes her inheritance on a salvage Navy spaceship.

On its shakedown cruise, Kitra’s ship plunges into hyperspace, stranding Kitra and her crew light years away. Tensions rise between Kitra and her shipmates: the handsome programmer, Fareedh; Marta, biologist and Kitra’s ex-girlfriend; Peter, the panicking engineer; and the oddball alien navigator, Pinky.

Now, running low on air and food, it’ll take all of them working together to get back home.

With illustrations by Hugo Finalist Lorelei Esther.

Publisher: Journey Press
Tropes: Abandoned Place, Cross-Species Friendships, Found Family, FTL, Galactic Civilization, Interstellar Travel, Marooned, No Cell Coverage, Oxygen Leak, Person in Distress
Word Count: 55000
Setting: Space, for the most part
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Tropes: Abandoned Place, Cross-Species Friendships, Found Family, FTL, Galactic Civilization, Interstellar Travel, Marooned, No Cell Coverage, Oxygen Leak, Person in Distress
Word Count: 55000
Setting: Space, for the most part
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters

Chapter 1

Twelfth of Red, 306 Post Settlement of Vatan (2846, old calendar)

At 1,000 meters above the ground, my right wing dipped down, and I felt a lurch in my stomach as if I were going over a waterfall. The east edge of the city sprawled out before my right window at an increasing angle. The invisible columns of hot air that were the source of lift for my sailplane had disappeared. My fault. I shouldn’t have gotten distracted. There was no time to worry about that now, though. I spiraled in ever widening circles, trying to find my lost lift. I had to do it by feel, sensing for tell-tale little changes in vertical speed, an increase in pressure of the seat against me. But there was nothing; just a sinking feeling as my ears popped, heading downward.


A glance at the altimeter showed I had passed 750 meters. I was running out of options. I could keep hunting for the thermals rising from the hot plains at the edge of the city, but if they weren’t there anymore, that would mean a hard landing far from the gliderport. For a moment, I considered just riding all the way down anyway and activating the emergency antigravity brake, a tiny battery powered thing that would slow my descent in the last seconds before landing. I grimaced at the thought. I’d never had to use it before, and it would be an embarrassment, an admission of failure. Not to mention a long walk home.

I squinted at the distant towers of Denizli. That was an option. It was about 39 o’ clock, and the sun had warmed the downtown streets and plazas for twenty hours. They might provide enough lift. Then again, they might not. It was nearly sunset. Anyway, flying at low altitude over the capital was a sure way to run into the air traffic cops.

I continued my spiral, flaps fully off, trying to maximize my glideslope to get somewhere, anywhere there might be lift. I was already down to 500 meters. I looked around for a ridge or hill. Maybe I could use the wind that blows upward when a horizontal breeze hits a slope? No, no luck. All the good ones were too far away.

Bright light filled the cockpit, dazzling me for a moment. The glancing rays of the setting sun reflected off the ocean, shimmering all the way to the limits of vision. I hadn’t realized I was so close to the shore. Shielding my eyes from the glare, I grinned. Of course! I knew where to find a ridge after all. An invisible one.

I waited until the plane was facing the shore and then straightened out, making a beeline for the ocean. Would I have enough time? I looked down and swallowed. Suburban houses, stores, a school, were drifting uncomfortably closer and closer beneath me. Then, at 150 meters, buildings gave way to a sprawling stretch of beach. It curved away on both sides for kilometers, to skyscrapers toward the city, to preserved parkland in the other direction. I headed toward the greenery, aiming for the source of lift I knew existed parallel to the shore.

The altimeter read 100 meters as I sailed over the crashing breakers. The glider jerked in the chaotic air flow, and I gripped the controls tightly to keep it steady. My back pressed into the seat as the plane’s wings caught the winds that zoomed up where the warm air of the land met the colder air above the sea. The plane jittered, then smoothed out, climbing faster and faster. In no time, I was at 300 meters and still rising, wisps of marine layer clouds breaking across the glider’s wingtips as I soared above them. The greenish sky of Vatan was turning gold in the sunset, and the planet’s rings formed an arch that started at the horizon and vaulted high overhead. I breathed a sigh of relief and punched a fist against my knee in victory.

At 2000 meters, more than high enough to make it back to the gliderport, I eased the plane into a smooth bank, aiming for the traffic pattern that would eventually get me home. Then I gave my forehead a little rap for my lapse of concentration. Soaring is something you can do for hours on end, and it’s easy to slide into a sort of trance, letting your hands guide the glider on their own while your mind wanders. That’s when you get into trouble.

I settled into my seat, blowing out a breath. But even with that object lesson, now that the danger had passed, my thoughts went right back to what had distracted me in the first place. The decision I’d been so sure of last night.

Once again, I got those butterflies in my stomach that had nothing to do with flying, at least not directly. Was this really going to be my final flight? Was I really going to sell my glider? I loved soaring, and I loved my little plane. It had given me good service for two years. Flying in it had become almost as familiar, as easy as walking. Did I really want to give it up? Could I?

I looked out the right window, watching the setting sun ignite the ocean horizon with green flame. It was a sight I never got tired of.

I bit my lip. It wouldn’t just be the glider. It’d be selling virtually everything I owned, just to start the next phase of my plan. Ridding myself of a lifetime of security. It would be safer to just pick out a college, plan a career. If I wanted to follow in my late mother’s footsteps, I could get a degree in interstellar studies and join the state department. In fifteen years, maybe only ten, I’d be eligible for a diplomatic mission off-planet. It was what my uncle, my mother’s brother, wanted me to do. It was the safe route.

I shook my head. No. That wasn’t the course for me. It was too long, and the pay-off might never happen. I needed to stick to the plan.

Next week, Marta and I would go to the auction yards where they sold second-hand and decommissioned spaceships. In my bank account would be my inheritance plus the proceeds of the sale of nearly all of my possessions, including the glider. It should be enough to buy a ship of my very own. Once I assembled a crew, I wouldn’t be Kitra Yilmaz anymore. I’d be Captain Kitra Yilmaz.

That thought dispelled the last of my doubts. I smiled and gave the control panel a fond pat, a goodbye embrace. Then I steered for home.

From now on, the soaring I’d do would be among the stars.

Reviews:Tabitha Tomala on Behind the Pages wrote:

Kitra dreams of traveling the galaxies with her friends and embarking on new adventures. Though her family wishes she would go to college and settle down in a steady job, she knows her calling is among the stars. Kitra takes a chance and buys an old navy ship. To her surprise, the navy didn’t strip out all of its functioning parts. But why would they leave a jump drive behind? Kitra and her friends chalk it up to luck and do all they can to make the ship space-worthy once more. But as they prepare for launch, the unexpected happens. The ship forces them into hyperspace and jumps them into an unknown galaxy.

Kitra is a refreshing science fiction adventure. So many books focus on a greater evil or a villain as the main antagonist for stories. Gideon Marcus instead keys the story's main conflicts around the situations the characters find themselves in. Being unexpectedly jumped to another galaxy has crippling mental effects on the characters as they realize the extent of trouble they find themselves in. Food, water, oxygen levels, etc. have to be considered. Time is ticking down as each day passes and the supplies dwindle. While everyone may be friends, relationships become strained as morale decreases.

Kitra and her crew must use their combined skills and knowledge to find solutions. Each has their own specialty and together they form quite the team. Science fiction novels in the past have severely confused me as they dive into the science side of the genre. This was not the case with Kitra. Gideon Marcus applied science in a way that was easy for me to understand. As Kitra and crew used a combination of science and quick thinking to problem solve, it blended into the narrative and made the story thought-provoking. I couldn't wait to see what new solutions they came up with.

And while I may not be the most versed in science fiction novels, I did enjoy the easter eggs within Kitra. I smiled as I saw references to Lost in Space woven into the character’s dialogue. I have a feeling there may have been even more references that passed me by due to my lack of knowledge. Well done Gideon Marcus, well done!

Kitra is a great science fiction novel for those who enjoy space adventures. Suitable for the younger side of the young adult genre and adults as well. And if you enjoy stories where characters have to think outside of the box to solve their problems with science, this is definitely the book for you. This would also be a wonderful read for those just starting to venture into the science fiction genre.


About the Author

A Serling-winning and five time Hugo Finalist science fiction author, Gideon has just finished Hyvilma, third book in The Kitra Saga, a YA space adventure series featuring themes of isolation, teamwork, and hope, and starring a queer protagonist of color.

His short fiction can be found in Dark Matter, Utopia, Simultaneous Times, and elsewhere. He is also the editor of the Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women anthology series, featuring some of the best works of science fiction’s Silver Age.

He is the founder of Journey Press, an independent publisher focused on unusual and diverse speculative fiction, and he also runs the award-winning time machine project, Galactic Journey. He is a professional space historian, member of the American Astronautical Society’s history committee, and a much sought after public speaker.

Gideon lives in San Diego County with his writer/editor wife and their Hugo-nominated artist daughter…along with a cat, a snake, and an immense library.