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Ship Of Dreams

by Elaine LeClaire

Ship Of Dreams - Elaine LeClaire
Editions:Paperback: $ 15.00
ISBN: 0843955759, 9780843955750
Pages: 342

Master of his destiny, terror of the Caribbean, the pirate known as the Black Angel is also elegant, charming, and seductive. En route to Jamaica to bring her brother news of their father's death, Lady Rosalind Hanshaw is captured by the Black Angel, a legendary French pirate who targets English shipping. TOrn between her loyalty to her homeland and her growing attraction to the one man she should hate above all others, Rosalind must decide whether the Black Angel is nothing more than a despicable pirate or if he holds the key to both her heart and her future.

Tropes: Fallen Hero, Person in Distress, Redemption Arc, Villain to Hero
Languages Available: English, German
Tropes: Fallen Hero, Person in Distress, Redemption Arc, Villain to Hero
Languages Available: English, German

"Bon soir, mademoiselle!" The Black Angel's deep voice rang out across the deck. "Have you any kind words for me now?"

Unwilling to let the Black Angel think she was hiding from him, Rosalind raised her head. There he stood, up on the quarterdeck beside the ship's wheel. He had indeed bathed. His black hair lay in satiny waves along his forehead and shoulders. The sunset lent it a ruddy sheen and made sparks dance in those dark, fathomless eyes. He wore a loose shirt of white lawn that stretched taut across his broad shoulders, gaping open at the neck to show her the bronzed skin of his bare chest. A sash of blue silk stitched in patterns of black, white, and darker blue girded his hips, the ends hanging down along his left thigh. His leather breeches looked recently cleaned and oiled, making them supple enough to hug his hips and the muscles of his thighs and calves before disappearing into the cuffs of his black boots.


The Black Angel came down to the main deck and swaggered toward her. If he was striking while standing still, he was even more impressive in motion. That feral power surrounded him, making Rosalind acutely conscious of his virile appeal. She was by no means blind to his attraction, as distasteful as that knowledge might be. The Black Angel was her enemy. She must remember that. The moment she allowed herself to fall prey to his dangerous allure, all was lost.

His men fell back, leaving a wide circle with Rosalind and Beatrice at its center. Rosalind heard the clink of coins passing from hand to hand. Even now the scoundrels wagered on her fate. The Black Angel stopped in front of her and raised his tankard.

"Do I suit you better now, mademoiselle?"

What startled Rosalind most was his face. That same sardonic smile played around those full lips, but a gentler temper moved him now. Wiped clean of the grime, mellowed by the warm glow of the sunset, the hard, merciless pirate captain looked an altogether different man. He was handsome to the point of being beautiful. Rosalind gave herself a mental shake. Of course the Devil could appear beautiful. He'd been the greatest of the radiant Archangels until his arrogance sent him to hell.

Reviews:Harriet Klausner on ReviewCentre wrote:

In 1725 Rosalind Hanshaw refuses to marry Murdock, the odious business partner of her father. However, she also knows if she remains in London, she will be forced to wed against her will. Her only hope is to journey to Jamaica where her brother can protect her.

On the high seas, Alexandre de Marchant, the notorious French pirate Black Angel, stops Rosalind's vessel and takes her captive. When Alexandre realizes that he has his adversary's fianc e as his prisoner, he decides she is the perfect pawn for avenging what Murdock did to him and his family. However, he soon changes his mind as he finds he is her prisoner as she has captured his heart.

Though the relational theme of this strong pirate romance is similar to several recent tales (for instance, see Jennifer Ashley's THE PIRATE HUNTER), fans of the sub-genre will appreciate this fine early eighteenth century romance. The storyline is action-packed filled with daring sea battles and plenty of romance. The lead couple are a delightful pairing as the audience observes the metamorphosis of the hero from pirate capturer to loving prisoner. Readers will want to sail the seven seas with Captain Elaine LeClaire.