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Talking to Trees

by Kathryn Sullivan

Talking to Trees - Kathryn Sullivan
Editions:Kindle: $ 5.00
ISBN: 978-1612712895
Pages: 218

Jody Burns borrows her brother Peter's silvery bracelet because it looks good with her outfit. She doesn’t remember it’s the key to another world—until a green-haired girl steps out of nowhere in the mall and asks Jody’s help rescuing her grandmother from a great evil.

Jody ignores Peter's warning about the land on the other side of the Watcher—until the haunted tree pulls her inside. Suddenly, she’s trapped in a place where no one listens to her. And then her jacket starts sprouting leaves.

Return to the world where horses can be wizards, and trees talk, and an ancient evil is planning to destroy every last living thing.

Publisher: Zumaya Publications
Tropes: Portals
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Tropes: Portals
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters

About the Author

Kathryn Sullivan couldn't find enough stories with girls as the main characters when she was growing up, so now she writes stories where girls are the explorers, the wizards and the ones who solve problems and rescue people.  Any place and any object is at risk of appearing in her stories – the river bluffs surrounding Winona, MN, where she lives, can become the windswept cliffs of an alien planet or the deep mysterious woods of a fantasy tale. She is owned by a large cockatoo, who graciously allows her to write about other animals, as well as birdlike aliens.