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The Fletcher

by K. Aten

The Fletcher - K. Aten - Arrow of Artemis
Part of the Arrow of Artemis series:
Editions:Paperback: $ 17.95
ISBN: 978-1619293564
Size: 6.00 x 9.00 in
Pages: 200
Kindle: $ 9.95
Pages: 200

Kyri is a fletcher, following in the footsteps of her father, and his father before him. However, fate is a fickle mistress, and six years after the death of her mother, she's faced with the fact that her father is dying as well. Forced to leave her sheltered little homestead in the woods, Kyri discovers that there is more to life than just hunting and making master quality arrows. During her journey to find a new home and happiness, she struggles with the path that seems to take her away from the quiet life of a fletcher. She learns that sometimes the hardest part of growing up is reconciling who we were, with who we will become.

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  • Finalist for the 2019 Golden Crown Literary Society Goldie award in the Debut category

About the Author

K. Aten is an award-winning author living in Michigan with her wife, two kids, two cats, and her photogenic dog, Jill. She’s published sixteen mostly speculative fiction novels since 2018 and is currently penning for Flashpoint Publications. Kelly loves fanfic, gravitates toward speculative fiction in both reading and writing, and will talk your ear off about the entire book writing process. Kelly writes heroines into existence one story at a time.