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The Light Between Stars

Stories of wonder and courage from the farthest stars to the ground beneath our feet

by Stephen B. Pearl

The Light Between the Stars Anthology - Stephen B. Pearl
Editions:Paperback - 1: $ 19.99
ISBN: 1928011365
Size: 5.00 x 8.00 in
Pages: 210

Stories of wonder and courage from the farthest stars to the ground beneath our feet

Charging selflessly into danger, facing the mortality of an artificially extended life, plumbing the deepest depths of space, fighting to expose truths others want to keep hidden... This collection of all-new stories from Brain Lag authors features never-before-seen glimpses into favourite worlds as well as new characters and places to love. From starkly beautiful to brashly funny and everything in between, these stories showcase the range of voices Brain Lag has been proud to publish over the years.

Why do we tell such tales of hardship and bravery, honesty and reflection?

Because in the darkness between the stars, there are no heroes. There are only regular people who step up.

Tinker's Toxin by Stephen B. Pearl

Oil reserves depleted. Society collapsed. A few places cling to modern technology. For everywhere else, there are the Tinkers. In southern Ontario, Novo Gaia uses sustainable energy to support its citizens in comfort. From there, Novo Gaia sends Doctors of Applied General Technology, tinkers, into the Dark Lands to install everything from solar stills to televisions and make a profit.


When flooding reveals an illegal toxic-waist dump filled with a deadly chemical it falls to Brad, a tinker, to step up and try to contain a chemical spill that could kill thousands and decimate the environment of the Grand River in what is today southern Ontario.


Publisher: Brain Lag

About the Author

Stephen B. Pearl is a multiple published author whose works range across the speculative fiction field. His writings often incorporate real places and focus heavily on the logical consequences of the worlds he crafts. He follows advancements in science because good science fiction is based on good science. His life-long association with cats has given him insights into the species.

Stephen’s Inspirations encompass H.G. Wells, J.R. Tolkien, Frank Herbert, Jim Butcher, Anne McCaffrey, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, and Homer among others. He strongly believes that good fiction is based on good fact, so he can often be found researching elements of his next book. He also holds that to write one must read and that there is greatness in all forms of literature. One could say he pursues the great-- then to the best of his abilities tries to distil it down and express it as his own original work.
Stephen currently resides in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and can be reached through his website: or e-mail: