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Vampires of the Scarlet Order

by David Lee Summers

Vampires of the Secret Order - David Lee Summers
Part of the Scarlet Order Vampires series:
Editions:Paperback - Second Edition: $ 14.95
ISBN: 978-1885093943
Size: 5.50 x 8.50 in
Pages: 288
ePub - Second Edition: $ 3.99

A new generation of vampires embarks on a quest to save humanity.

Opening a forgotten crypt during a military exercise, Dr. Jane Heckman is made a vampire and begins a journey to unlock the secret origins of her new kindred.

Elsewhere, solitary vampire Marcella DuBois emerges from the shadows and uncovers a government plot to create vampire-like super soldiers.

Daniel McKee, a vampire working as an astronomer, moves to a new town where he's adopted by a family, only to have government agents strip those he loves away from him.

All three vampires discover the government is dabbling in technologies so advanced they'll tap into realms and dimensions they don't understand. To save humans and vampires alike, Jane, Marcella, and Daniel must seek out the legendary master vampire Desmond, Lord Draco and encourage him to resurrect his band of mercenaries, the Scarlet Order.


  • Mar 2 - Mar 8: Five of David Lee Summers' books are just 99 cents during the Smashwords Read-an-Ebook Event. at Smashwords
Publisher: Hadrosaur Productions
Cover Artists:
Tropes: Aliens in History, Band of Misfits, Becoming a Monster, Benevolent Aliens, Burial Ground/Cemetary, Immortality, Library of Secrets, Quest, Reluctant Hero
Word Count: 90000
Setting: New Mexico, Spain, Transylvania
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Tropes: Aliens in History, Band of Misfits, Becoming a Monster, Benevolent Aliens, Burial Ground/Cemetary, Immortality, Library of Secrets, Quest, Reluctant Hero
Word Count: 90000
Setting: New Mexico, Spain, Transylvania
Languages Available: English
Series Type: Continuous / Same Characters
Reviews:Neal Asher wrote:

A novel with bite. An amalgam of Blade and The Name of the Rose with a touch of X-Files thrown in for good measure.

Christine Filipak on Dark Realms Magazine wrote:

David Lee Summers offers vampire lovers an inventive and elaborate conspiracy laden story about a band of vampiric mercenaries known as the Scarlet Order ... From the dungeon strongholds of medieval Europe to the untamed desert plains of the early American Southwest, the storyline follows several members of the order and their 'fall from grace' ... he does an excellent job of bringing it all together with a thrilling endgame.

Fred Cleaver on The Denver Post wrote:

Worthy… the vampires form the Scooby-Doo gang to fight evil. They must infiltrate Los Alamos and rescue fellow vampires being used for government weapon's research.

Roy Van der Aa on The Ink wrote:

Summers writes richly, making us care about and identify with the ultimate group of outsiders who band together to protect the human race from its destructiveness and ultimate lack of humanity... This is a fun book to sink your teeth into and a good addition to the libraries of those readers with a taste for inventive vampire fiction.

About the Author

David Lee Summers lives in Southern New Mexico at the cusp of the western and final frontiers. He's written novels about space pirates, vampire mercenaries, mad scientists in the old west, and astronomer ghosts. He's edited thrilling anthologies of space adventure that imagine what worlds discovered by NASA's Kepler mission might be like. When he's not writing or editing, David explores the universe for real at Kitt Peak National Observatory. To learn more about David or his books visit his website at http://www.davidleesummers.