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Writer Fuel: Are There Tiny Aliens Hiding in Martian Ice?

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Tiny photosynthetic microbes could be secretly thriving on Mars — hiding inside small bubbles of liquid water in the thin layers of dusty ice that litter the Red Planet’s surface, a new NASA-led study reveals. Researchers believe the icy patches could be among the most promising targets in the hunt for extraterrestrial life within our … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could We Spot the Telltale Signs Left By Alien Warp Drives?

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“Warp drives” used by super-advanced alien civilizations may create specific space-time ripples in their wake that we can spot from Earth, a new paper argues. However, the jury is still out on whether the faster-than-light technology is even possible to create in the first place. A warp drive is a hypothetical device that enables an … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Where Might Alien Life Exist on Jupiter’s Moon Europa?

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Low-temperature hydrothermal vents could survive on the dark ocean floors of moons like Jupiter’s Europa for potentially billions of years, new computer simulations have shown, as astrobiologists strive to figure out whether these alien oceans could be habitable. Hydrothermal vents are both a source of chemical energy and heat, and are one of the possible … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Will Cell Phone Towers Lead Aliens to Us?

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If intelligent aliens are searching for other advanced lifeforms in the galaxy, our cell phone towers could be the beacons that give Earthlings away. New research suggests that advanced aliens in nearby star systems could probably already detect radio signals from cell phone towers. And as these signals become more powerful, humanity’s calling card will … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could There Be an Alien Mothership Lurking in Our Neighborhood?

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Could an alien mothership be hovering around the solar system, sending out tiny probes to explore planets? According to a Harvard scientist and a Pentagon official, it’s possible. In a draft paper, the pair said it is feasible an extraterrestrial spaceship could be in our galactic neighborhood, exploring the region by the means of “dandelion … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New AI Study Turns Up Eight Possible Alien Signatures

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Using a new machine-learning algorithm, scientists have picked up eight extraterrestrial signals that seem to bear the hallmarks of technology. The research, published Jan. 30 in the journal Nature Astronomy, doesn’t claim to have really found proof of intelligent aliens; a brief follow-up search for the signals detected in the study turned up only silence. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could Aliens Be Using Our Sun as a Node in a Giant Internet?

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Are aliens using a quirk of the sun’s gravity to transmit information through an interstellar communication network? For the first time ever, astronomers explored this intriguing possibility and scanned for signals coming from hidden nonhuman probes orbiting the sun. So far, the method hasn’t turned up signs of spacefaring aliens, but it represents a promising … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Can Life Make a World Inhabitable?

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Once life gains even the tiniest foothold on a planet, it may have the power to transform that world, forcing us to broaden our definition of “habitable,” new research suggests. We don’t really know where life might arise. We have only one example of a life-hosting planet, Earth, which started to get interesting perhaps only … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Is ET Waiting for the Right Moment to Call Us?

alien on the phone

Aliens may be waiting until a cosmic version of “high noon” to send out their signals to us, scientists have suggested. In a new study, researchers hunted for technological signs of E.T. during the moments when exoplanets pass directly in front of their suns, from Earth’s point of view. These exact moments could be the … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Do You Find Aliens? Giant Lasers, Of Course

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Scientists have proposed another use for the world’s largest gravitational wave observatory: scanning for the ripples in space-time left in the wake of gargantuan alien spaceships. Gravitational waves ripple out when objects with mass move through space. Bigger objects — such as planets, neutron stars or black holes — produce more prominent gravitational waves. These … Read more