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Writer Fuel: Will the Whole Universe Eventually Evaporate?

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Stephen Hawking’s most famous theory about black holes has just been given a sinister update — one that proclaims that everything in the universe is doomed to evaporate. In 1974, Hawking proposed that black holes eventually evaporate by losing what’s now known as Hawking radiation — a gradual draining of energy in the form of … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Many Habitable Planets Does the Milky Way Have?

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The sun is an ordinary star, but it’s not the only kind of star out there. Most stars in our galaxy are M dwarfs (sometimes called red dwarfs), which are significantly smaller and redder than the sun — and many of them may have the potential to host life, new research shows. A new reanalysis … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth Has a Quasi Moon

earth and asteroid

Scientists recently discovered an asteroid that tags along with Earth during its yearly journey around the sun. Dubbed 2023 FW13, the space rock is considered a “quasi-moon” or “quasi-satellite,” meaning it orbits the sun in a similar time frame as Earth does, but is only slightly influenced by our planet’s gravitational pull. It is estimated … Read more

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Writer Fuel: The Speed of Light

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The universe has a speed limit, and it’s the speed of light. Nothing can travel faster than light — not even our best spacecraft — according to the laws of physics. So, what is the speed of light? Light moves at an incredible 186,000 miles per second (300,000 kilometers per second), equivalent to almost 700 … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What Happened to the “Tunguska Event” Asteroid?

Tunguska 1908 - deposit photos

On June 30, 1908, an asteroid flattened an estimated 80 million trees in Siberia over 830 square miles (2,150 square kilometers). Dubbed the Tunguska event, it is considered the biggest asteroid impact in recorded history. Yet no one has ever found the asteroid fragments or an impact site. The asteroid lit up the skies in … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What’s the Difference Between Space, Outer Space and Deep Space?

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Space is famously considered the “final frontier” — but what part of space are we even talking about? Space, outer space and deep space are used somewhat interchangeably in many contexts, but astronomers have come up with clear distinctions between them. So, what’s the difference between them? The term outer space refers to anything beyond … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Saturn’s Moon Enceladus Has a Giant Geyser

An illustration of NASA's Cassini orbiter soaring through a giant vapor jet over the moon Enceladus (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Scientists caught Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus spraying a “huge plume” of watery vapor far into space — and that plume likely contains many of the chemical ingredients for life. Scientists detailed the eruption — glimpsed by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in November 2022 — at a conference at the Space Telescope Science Institute … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth Unlikely to Be Hit By Planet Killer Asteroid in Next 1,000 Years

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Rest easy: Earth probably won’t be creamed by a killer asteroid in the next 1,000 years. New research accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal and available on the preprint server finds that none of the kilometer-wide (0.6 mile) asteroids that travel near Earth are likely to hit the planet in the next millennium. … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Astronomers Watch Star Consume One Of Its Planets

An artist's illustration of the planet, a Jupiter-sized gas giant, being engulfed by the expanding star. (Image credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/M. Garlick/M. Zamani)

Astronomers have spotted a star devouring one of its planets for the first time. It is a stunning preview of our own planet’s fate, when, in roughly 5 billion years time, Earth too will likely be engulfed by our rapidly expanding sun. The distant planet met its gory demise 13,000 light-years from Earth around a … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Can Gravity Become Light?

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Gravity can turn itself into light, but only if space-time behaves in just the right way, a research team has found. Under normal circumstances, you cannot get something from nothing. Specifically, the Standard Model of particle physics, the reigning theory that explains the subatomic zoo of particles, usually forbids the transformation of massless particles into … Read more