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Writer Fuel: Does Forgetting Have an Evolutionary Benefit?

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Forgetting is part of our daily lives. You may walk into a room only to forget why you went in there — or perhaps someone says hi on the street and you can’t remember their name. But why do we forget things? Is it simply a sign of memory impairment, or are there benefits? One … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Do You See Pictures In Your Mind?

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Imagine you are in a soccer match, and it’s tied. Each team will begin taking penalty kicks. The crowd is roaring, and whether or not your team wins the game depends on your ability to hit the shot. As you imagine this scene, are you able to picture the scenario with colors and details? Scientists … Read more

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Writer Fuel: The Brain Stores at Least Three Copies of Every Memory

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Memories evolve throughout our lifetimes, changing as we learn and experience new things and as we recall a memory repeatedly. And then, memories degrade as we age. Previously, scientists thought that this malleability was the result of changes in the brain cells that originally encoded the memory, and they believed these cells stored just one … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could Lab-Grown Brains Achieve Consciousness?

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Brain organoids are 3D, lab-grown models designed to mimic the human brain. Scientists normally grow them from stem cells, coaxing them into forming a brain-like structure. In the past decade, they have become increasingly sophisticated and can now replicate multiple types of brain cells, which can communicate with one another. This has led some scientists … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Magic Mushrooms Temporarily ‘Dissolve’ Network Responsible for Sense of Self

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Psilocybin, the compound that makes magic mushrooms trippy, works its magic by desynchronizing the brain network responsible for a person’s sense of self, new research finds. Psilocybin warps people’s sense of time and space, as well as shifts their feelings of connection to the world around them. While most of these subjective effects wane pretty … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Study Finds the Molecular Glue that Binds Lifelong Memories

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Some memories last a lifetime — and now, scientists have revealed a type of molecular “glue” that helps those memories stick around. Memories form when collections of neurons in a region of the brain called the hippocampus activate in response to a particular experience. Each time you recall that experience, the same set of cells … Read more

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Writer Fuel: VR Headsets Could be Vulnerable to “Inception” Attacks

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Scientists have identified a vulnerability in virtual reality (VR) headsets that could let hackers access private information without the wearers’ knowledge. A hacker can insert a new “layer” between the user and the device’s normal image source. Hackers can then deploy a fake app in the VR headset that might trick the wearer into behaving … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Can We Help Mars-Bound Astronauts Deal With Stress?

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Within the next few decades, NASA aims to land humans on the Moon, set up a lunar colony and use the lessons learned to send people to Mars as part of its Artemis program. While researchers know that space travel can stress space crew members both physically and mentally and test their ability to work … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Can This AI Headset Induce Lucid Dreams

The Halo

A tech startup is building a headband that it claims can induce stabilized lucid dreaming in a wearer — letting them take control of their own dreamscapes. Prophetic described how its device, called “the Halo,” works in a post on X on Jan. 25. The headband will use an artificial intelligence (AI) platform dubbed “Morpheus-1” … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Print Human Brain Tissue. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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For the first time, scientists have generated functional human brain tissue using a 3D printer. Scientists printed the tissue to be less than 0.01 inch (0.02 centimeter) thick, and it contains both nerve cells and supporting cells called glia. All of these cells can communicate with one another and form networks, as they would in … Read more