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Writer Fuel: What is Epigenetics?

Old woman's hands - deposit photos

Why do common shrews live for only two years, while bowhead whales survive for two centuries? And could the answer give us hints as to how to extend our own, human life spans? The maximum life span of each species is estimated using the age of its longest-living member, and these vary by orders of … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Does Mouse Heaven Have Lessons for All of Us?

Mouse Heaven

Officially, the colony was called the Mortality-Inhibiting Environment for Mice. Unofficially, it was called mouse heaven. Biologist John Calhoun built the colony at the National Institute of Mental Health in Maryland in 1968. It was a large pen—a 4½-foot cube—with everything a mouse could ever desire: plenty of food and water; a perfect climate; reams … Read more

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Writer Fuel: This AI Can Read Your Mind (Sort Of)

brain chip - deposit photos

Using only a sensor-filled helmet combined with artificial intelligence, a team of scientists has announced they can turn a person’s thoughts into written words. In the study, participants read passages of text while wearing a cap that recorded electrical brain activity through their scalp. These electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings were then converted into text using an … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Water Bears Mate

Tardigrade / Water Bear - Deposit Photos

Editor’s Note: Regular readers of this column know we never pass up the chance to share a story about our beloved water bears. 🙂 For the first time, scientists have figured out how tardigrades — some of the toughest creatures on the planet — mate. These tiny, hardy critters have few obvious differences between males … Read more

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Writer Fuel: A Fish With Antifreeze for Blood

Ocean Pout - Deposit Photos

Ocean pout live in frigid waters from Labrador in Canada to North Carolina and have evolved a blood protein that serves as antifreeze. Name: Ocean pout (Zoarces americanus) Where it lives: Western Atlantic Ocean, ranging from Labrador in Canada to North Carolina, in waters from near the shore to depths of almost 1,300 feet (400 … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Algorithm Reveals 188 New Types of CRISPR

scientist removes a snippet of DNA from a double helix - deposit photos - CRISPR

Scientists have unearthed 188 previously unknown types of CRISPR systems buried in the genomes of simple microorganisms. Best known as a powerful gene-editing tool, CRISPR actually comes from an inbuilt defense system found in bacteria and simple microbes called archaea. CRISPR systems include pairs of “molecular scissors” called Cas enzymes, which allow microbes to cut … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Strange Sea Worms Have Butts That Grow a Brain

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Some marine worms have developed a strange reproduction strategy: They essentially grow a second worm on their rear ends, head and all. This bizarre twin then breaks off and swims away to mate with other swimming butts of the opposite sex. In a study published Nov. 22 in Scientific Reports, researchers described exactly how Japanese … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Forever Young? The Adorable, Regenerating Axolotl

cute axolotl set - deposit photos

Name: Mexican salamander (Ambystoma mexicanum) also known as an axolotl Where it lives: Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco, near Mexico City What it eats: a variety of small invertebrates, along with some small fish Why it’s awesome: Despite its rarity, the axolotl’s incredibly cute looks has made it one of the world’s most famous amphibians, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could Plastic-Eating Fungus Help Reduce Pollution?

wood fungus - deposit photos

In the forest, certain fungi attach to trees and fallen logs to break down and digest the carbon within their wood before releasing it as carbon dioxide. But when their preferred meal isn’t available, these wood-decaying fungi can chow down on plastic instead, according to a new study published July 26 in the journal PLOS … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Who Knew Hairy Tongue Was a Thing?

Hairy tongue

A 64-year-old man got a medical checkup after his tongue began sprouting green “hairs.” The bizarre-looking fuzz turned out to be caused by a fairly common and harmless condition known as hairy tongue. The patient’s tongue had turned green about two weeks before he visited the clinic, shortly after he had completed a course of … Read more