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Writer Fuel: Scientists Discover Really Old DNA Under Antarctic Seafloor

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DNA from ancient microorganisms, some of which dates back to roughly 1 million years ago, has been discovered beneath the seafloor in Antarctica. The DNA is the oldest ever discovered from seafloor sediments, a new study shows. Scientists accidentally collected the unusual genetic samples, known as sedimentary ancient DNA or sedaDNA, up to 584 feet … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could We Split Someone’s Personality in Real Life, Like in “Severance”?


Severance, the hit Apple TV Plus show that landed on our screens earlier this year, truly spoke to the current moment. A world where shadowy, uncaring corporations seek to control our lives, subsume our entire identity within the company apparatus, and manipulate us while promising ‘work-life balance’ – all of these things will feel familiar … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Long Does Evolution Take?

human evolution - pixabay

Charles Darwin famously marveled at the “endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful” produced by evolution, and indeed, Earth today teems with an estimated 1 trillion species. But how long did it take those species to evolve? The answer varies widely across lifeforms, “depending on taxa [type of creature] and environmental conditions,” Thomas Smith, a … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Water Bears Survive Being Dried Out

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Tiny tardigrades can survive conditions that would kill most other forms of life. By expelling their body’s water and transforming into a seemingly lifeless ball called a tun, they enter a state of dried-up suspended animation in which they can survive for decades without food and water and withstand extreme temperatures, pressures and even the … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Solved – How Ant Queens Live So Long

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How far would you go to increase your life span by 500%? One ant species engages in brutal colony-wide brawls to replace recently deceased queens — and the victor not only gains the throne, but also gets a dramatic boost to their longevity. Upon the death of a queen, Indian jumping ants (Harpegnathos saltator) battle … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Do Spiders Dream of Lightning Bugs?

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Imagine a spider hanging from a silky thread, as still as a corpse, until its eight legs unexpectedly tremble. While this might sound like a horror movie, it’s actually a nightly experience for jumping spiders (Evarcha arcuate) who can reach rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the stage in which most dreaming occurs, a new study … Read more

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Cloning: Scientists Create Mouse Embryos Using Only Stem Cells

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For the first time, scientists have created mouse embryos in the lab without using any eggs or sperm and watched them grow outside the womb. To achieve this feat, the researchers used only stem cells and a spinning device filled with shiny glass vials. The experiment is a “game changer,” Alfonso Martinez Arias, a developmental … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Brain in a Vat?

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Could a brain ever exist on its own, divorced from or independent of a body? For a long time, philosophers have pondered such “brain-in-a-vat” scenarios, asking whether isolated brains could maintain consciousness when separated from their bodies and senses. Typically, a person’s experiences are characterized by a web of interactions between the human brain, body … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Do Trees Exist?

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If you look at an evolutionary diagram, you can see where Homo sapiens branched off from other primates. You can see where apples branched off from the rest of the rose family. But you won’t see where trees branched off from other plants. That’s because they never did. Trees are not a species, or even … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Do Viruses Secretly Rule the Oceans?

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Thousands of mysterious viruses that were recently discovered lurking in the world’s oceans may exert huge influence over the ecosystems, in part by “reprogramming” the hosts they infect, scientists reported. The new research, published Thursday (June 9) in the journal Science (opens in new tab), focuses on viruses that contain RNA, a molecular cousin of … Read more