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Writer Fuel: Algorithm Reveals 188 New Types of CRISPR

scientist removes a snippet of DNA from a double helix - deposit photos - CRISPR

Scientists have unearthed 188 previously unknown types of CRISPR systems buried in the genomes of simple microorganisms. Best known as a powerful gene-editing tool, CRISPR actually comes from an inbuilt defense system found in bacteria and simple microbes called archaea. CRISPR systems include pairs of “molecular scissors” called Cas enzymes, which allow microbes to cut … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Reanimated Hearts Could Save More Transplant Patients

human heart in a doctor's hands - deposit photos

A method for “reanimating” organ donors’ hearts works just as well as the standard approach to collecting hearts for transplantation, new trial data shows. If widely applied, the method could increase the heart donor pool by an estimated 30%. “Honestly if we could snap our fingers and just get people to use this, I think … Read more

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Writer Fuel: New Device Can Read Your Thoughts – From Your Jugular


After being fed through the jugular vein, a tiny, “thought-controlled” device can record brain activity from a nearby blood vessel, thus eliminating the need for doctors to crack open the skull, a small trial shows. The device, called Stentrode, is designed to let people with paralysis operate assistive technologies using only their thoughts. For example, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Apparently reversed Aging in Mice

Old and Young Mice From the Study

In Boston labs, old, blind mice have regained their eyesight, developed smarter, younger brains and built healthier muscle and kidney tissue. On the flip side, young mice have prematurely aged, with devastating results to nearly every tissue in their bodies. The experiments show aging is a reversible process, capable of being driven “forwards and backwards … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Reaching People With “Locked In Syndrome”

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For the first time, a patient in a completely locked-in state due to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was able to communicate verbally using a brain-computer interface, according to a new study. This technology allowed the patient, a 37-year old man with ALS, to communicate by forming words and phrases, despite not having any voluntary muscle … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: Bionic Eyes

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The creation of bionic eyes, as a result of recent advances in science and technology, are restoring hope to many who are unable to see or are partially sighted due to injury, illness or genetics. With nearly 40 million people suffering from blindness worldwide and another 135 million affected by low vision, according to the … Read more

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WRITER FUEL: How Close Are We to Unlocking Immortality?

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If you are human, you are going to die. This isn’t the most comforting thought, but death is the inevitable price we must pay for being alive. Humans are, however, getting better at pushing back our expiration date, as our medicines and technologies advance. If the human life span continues to stretch, could we one … Read more