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Writer Fuel: Did Diseases Doom Early Human Mega Settlements?

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In my research focused on early farmers of Europe, I have often wondered about a curious pattern through time: Farmers lived in large dense villages, then dispersed for centuries, then later formed cities again, only to abandon those as well. Why? Archaeologists often explain what we call urban collapse in terms of climate change, overpopulation, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Rappelling into Valles Marineris on Mars

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to spend a night on Mars? This excerpt from the new book “Daydreaming in the Solar System” by John E. Moores and Jesse Rogerson, takes a poetic look at what it might be like to explore the Red Planet if you were faced with the daunting … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Potential Health Hazards of Cryptocurrency “Mines”

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In summer 2024, several news outlets chronicled the “nightmarish” impacts Texas communities endured due to the din of noise emanating from nearby cryptocurrency mines. Residents of these communities reported that the unrelenting noise caused them to experience a range of ailments, including high blood pressure, chest pain and tinnitus. The noise levels of the cryptocurrency … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Which Came First, Viruses or Bacteria?

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Scientists estimate that the earliest biological entities began to appear on Earth more than 4 billion years ago. “There was a sort of primordial soup from which certain organic molecules were formed. These were precursors to RNA and DNA,” carbon-containing molecules which combined and organized themselves into a sequence of biological reactions, said computational biologist … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Astronauts Might Mine Asteroids for Food

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Material harvested from asteroids could be used to sustain astronauts during long-duration space missions. Researchers from Western University’s Institute for Earth and Space Exploration have identified a way to produce edible biomass, aka food, using microbes and the organic compounds found in asteroids. Their proposed process addresses the issue of how to pack enough food … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Quantum Physicists Discover ‘Negative Time’ 

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Quantum physicists are familiar with wonky, seemingly nonsensical phenomena: atoms and molecules sometimes act as particles, sometimes as waves; particles can be connected to one another by a “spooky action at a distance,” even over great distances; and quantum objects can detach themselves from their properties like the Cheshire Cat from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Where Are the Alien Civilizations? Climate Change May Have Killed Them All

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It may take less than 1,000 years for an advanced alien civilization to destroy its own planet with climate change, even if it relies solely on renewable energy, a new model suggests. When astrophysicists simulated the rise and fall of alien civilizations, they found that, if a civilization were to experience exponential technological growth and … Read more

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Writer Fuel: 32 Alien Planets We Have Discovered

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Far beyond the eight familiar planets in our solar system, countless bizarre and extreme worlds await discovery — and some have already been found. Thanks to rapidly advancing telescope technology, astronomers have detected more than 5,600 planets outside our solar system. These exoplanets, as scientists call them, are worlds of lava, and worlds of water. They’re worlds … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Humanity Must Regulate I to Avoid a Catastrophic Future, Expert Says

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Yoshua Bengio is one of the most-cited researchers in artificial intelligence (AI). A pioneer in creating artificial neural networks and deep learning algorithms, Bengio, along with Meta chief AI scientist Yann LeCun and former Google AI researcher Geoffrey Hinton, received the 2018 Turing Award (known as the “Nobel” of computing) for their key contributions to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are Planets Always Round Spheres?

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Every planet in our solar system is essentially round. But out in the universe, are there any planets that aren’t spherical? Technically, planets are round, by definition; they need to have enough mass to produce the gravity required to pull themselves into a spherical shape. “Actually, one of the specifications for being a planet is, … Read more