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Writer Fuel: Are Planets Always Round Spheres?

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Every planet in our solar system is essentially round. But out in the universe, are there any planets that aren’t spherical? Technically, planets are round, by definition; they need to have enough mass to produce the gravity required to pull themselves into a spherical shape. “Actually, one of the specifications for being a planet is, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: How Do You See Pictures In Your Mind?

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Imagine you are in a soccer match, and it’s tied. Each team will begin taking penalty kicks. The crowd is roaring, and whether or not your team wins the game depends on your ability to hit the shot. As you imagine this scene, are you able to picture the scenario with colors and details? Scientists … Read more

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Writer Fuel: 32 Weird Ways We Might Fight Climate Change

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In the fight against climate change scientists have invented some weird and wonderful ways to cut greenhouse gases, stop glacier melt and shade the powerful rays of the sun to reduce the planet’s surface temperature. The future of Earth relies on humankind’s ability to curb our reliance on fossil fuels — and ultimately use fewer … Read more

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Writer Fuel: We Really Could Nuke An Asteroid to Avoid Calamity

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A nuclear bomb could save Earth from a catastrophic asteroid impact, according to a first-of-its-kind lab study. The new experiment, conducted using the world’s most powerful laboratory radiation source, demonstrated that detonating a coordinated nuclear strike close to an asteroid would produce enough force to deflect it from a fatal collision with our planet. Yet … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Arctic Ocean Algae Photosynthesize In Near Total Darkness

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Plants can grow with much less light than previously thought, according to a new study on tiny water-based organisms called microalgae that has been published in Nature Communications. The German-led team of researchers lowered light sensors into Arctic water to a depth of 164 feet (50 metres) to test how low light levels must become … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Regrow Lost Biblical Tree From recovered Seed

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Scientists have revived a mysterious, 1,000-year-old seed discovered in the Judaean Desert — and the tree that has grown from it could belong to a lost lineage mentioned in the Bible, they say. It has taken researchers almost 14 years to grow a tree from the ancient seed, which archaeologists excavated from a cave in … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Did Roman Gladiators Actually Fight to the Death?

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Popular media, such as the 2000 film “Gladiator,” often depict Roman gladiators in gory battles that don’t end until at least one of the fighters is slain. But in real life, did gladiators really fight to the death? In fact, sometimes they did, but not always, experts told Live Science. Alfonso Manas, a researcher at … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Three Ways Cities Are Adapting to Climate Change

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Milan’s marble facades and narrow, stone-paved streets look elegant and timeless. But all of that stone emits heat and does nothing to absorb rain, and temperatures and flooding in the posh Italian city are only predicted to increase in the coming decades. In Jakarta, black floodwaters already rush into homes every winter along the Indonesian … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could We Use the Sun as a Giant Telescope Lens?

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We have some incredibly powerful telescopes that have given us spectacular views of the cosmos and allowed us to look back to the early days of the universe. These observatories, such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), are amazing feats of engineering that have required billions of dollars and decades of work. But what … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth May Once Have Had a Ring

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Earth may have had a giant ring of space rocks surrounding it, similar to those around Saturn, which could have led to chaotic meteorite strikes on our planet’s surface, new research suggests. The hypothesized ring may have formed roughly 466 million years ago and was the remains of a gigantic asteroid tugged apart by Earth’s … Read more