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Writer Fuel: The Human Body Ages Dramatically at 44 and 60

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The human body does not age at a constant rate throughout adulthood — instead, it accelerates dramatically around ages 44 and 60, a new study finds. The new research, published Aug. 14 in the journal Nature Aging,involved measuring more than 11,000 molecules in the adult body over time, and it revealed that 81% of them … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Arthur’s Stone, a 5,700-Year-Old Monument in England

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Considered one of the most famous Neolithic monuments in England, this table-shaped dolmen consists of nine upright large stones that are topped by one massive capstone weighing approximately 28 tons (25 metric tons), according to English Heritage, a charity organization that oversees hundreds of historic sites in England. As early as the 13th century, people … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth’s Days Were Once Two Hours Longer – And Life Exploded Then

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Earth’s days once got more than two hours longer, thanks to the moon drifting thousands of miles farther away in its orbit over two periods, researchers have discovered. The extra hours of sunlight, in turn, may have led to oxygenation events that ushered in a period when life’s complexity exploded, the study researchers say. “Daylength … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Where Did the Dinosaur Killer Come From?

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The space rock that wiped out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago was a rare strike from an asteroid beyond Jupiter, a new study details. The finding pins down the nature of the fateful space rock and its origin within our solar system, and may benefit technology that forecasts asteroid strikes on our planet. Most … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth’s Oceans Hide a Climate Change Accelerant

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he world’s oceans are home to microscopic organisms invisible to the human eye. The tiny creatures, known as “prokaryotes”, comprise 30% of life in the world’s oceans. These organisms play an important role in keeping the oceans in balance. But new research by myself and colleagues shows this balance is at risk. We found prokaryotes … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Asteroid Psyche is Rusting

Asteroid Psyche - NASA

Scientists using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have identified a component of water on the mysterious metal-rich asteroid Psyche. The findings suggest the hydration exists as rust and may shed light on how this enigmatic object formed. The asteroid 16 Psyche is pretty unusual for the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Measuring … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Scientists Build Supercomputing Network to Foster Artificial Intelligence. What Could Go Wrong?

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Researchers plan to accelerate the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) with a worldwide network of extremely powerful computers — starting with a new supercomputer that came online in September. Artificial intelligence (AI) spans technologies including machine learning and generative AI systems like GPT-4. The latter offer predictive reasoning based on training from a large … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Heading to Mars? Here Are Eight Must-See Tourist Attractions

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Mars is a planet of vast contrasts — huge volcanoes, deep canyons, and craters that may or may not host running water. It will be an amazing location for future tourists to explore, once we put the first Red Planet colonies into motion. The landing sites for these future missions will likely need to be … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Planetary Scientists Find Huge Entrance to a Lunar Cavern

A photograph of the moon's surface. (Image credit: NASA)

The Moon’s surface is pockmarked with more than 200 known pits where rocks and regolith collapsed into depths unknown. New research has found that one of those pits, in Mare Tranquillitatis, collapsed into a lava tube and made an underground cave conduit accessible from the lunar surface. “We found a sort of front door to … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are Tiny Wormholes Driving the Expansion of the Universe?

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Microscopic wormholes may be driving the accelerated expansion of the universe, scientists say. These tiny wormholes are constantly being born from the vacuum of space due to subtle quantum effects. If confirmed through experiments and observations, the wormholes could become a valuable source of information on quantum gravity — a theoretical unification of the fundamental … Read more