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Writer Fuel: The Earth is Drying Out

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Earth’s total fresh water has plummeted to an alarming new low, and it could be a sign that climate change is pushing the world into a dangerous phase of global drying, according to a new study. Since 2015, our planet’s lakes, rivers and aquifers have lost 290 cubic miles (1,200 cubic km) of fresh water, … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are Our Asteroid Monitoring Systems Good Enough?

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Last October, an asteroid impacted Earth’s atmosphere just hours after being detected — somehow, it managed to circumvent impact monitoring systems during its approach to our planet. However, on the bright side, the object measured just 3 feet (1 meter) in diameter and posed very little threat to anything on Earth’s surface. This asteroid, designated … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Are We Here Because of Plate Tectonics?

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Earth’s surface is a turbulent place. Mountains rise, continents merge and split, and earthquakes shake the ground. All of these processes result from plate tectonics, the movement of enormous chunks of Earth’s crust. This movement may be why life exists here. Earth is the only known planet with plate tectonics and the only known planet … Read more

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Writer Fuel: We Really Could Nuke An Asteroid to Avoid Calamity

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A nuclear bomb could save Earth from a catastrophic asteroid impact, according to a first-of-its-kind lab study. The new experiment, conducted using the world’s most powerful laboratory radiation source, demonstrated that detonating a coordinated nuclear strike close to an asteroid would produce enough force to deflect it from a fatal collision with our planet. Yet … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth May Once Have Had a Ring

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Earth may have had a giant ring of space rocks surrounding it, similar to those around Saturn, which could have led to chaotic meteorite strikes on our planet’s surface, new research suggests. The hypothesized ring may have formed roughly 466 million years ago and was the remains of a gigantic asteroid tugged apart by Earth’s … Read more

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Writer Fuel: 200 Meteorites Traced Back to Craters on Mars

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Believe it or not, debris from Mars has frequently made its way to Earth after powerful impacts hit the Red Planet’s surface and launch it into space. There have been at least 10 of these meteorite-forming events in Mars’ recent history. When these massive impacts occur, meteorites can be flung away from the Red Planet … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Earth’s Days Were Once Two Hours Longer – And Life Exploded Then

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Earth’s days once got more than two hours longer, thanks to the moon drifting thousands of miles farther away in its orbit over two periods, researchers have discovered. The extra hours of sunlight, in turn, may have led to oxygenation events that ushered in a period when life’s complexity exploded, the study researchers say. “Daylength … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Rare Blasts From the Sun Can Raise Radiation Levels on Earth

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The remarkable aurora in early May this year demonstrated the power that solar storms can emit as radiation, but occasionally the sun does something far more destructive. Known as “solar particle events”, these blasts of protons directly from the surface of the sun can shoot out like a searchlight into space. Records show that around … Read more

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Writer Fuel: Could a Cosmic Dust Storm Have Triggered an Ice Age on Earth?

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Scientists believe Earth may have briefly lost protection from the sun around two million years ago, left to endure the extreme environment of interstellar space as the solar system passed through a dense cloud of gas and dust between stars. At that time, early human ancestors shared our planet with prehistoric animals like mastodons and … Read more

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Writer Fuel: What Is the “Eye of the Sahara”?

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The “Eye of the Sahara” — also known as the “Eye of Africa” or the Richat structure — is a giant rock dome, carved with concentric rings, that looks like a giant bullseye when seen from above. The eye is visible from space and has been known to astronauts and scientists since the earliest crewed … Read more