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Books Edited By M. Jay Williams

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Word Count: 62,285

Summary: Inspired by the Edmund Fitzgerald's harrowing true story. This reimagining of tragic events is a gripping tale that delves into the depths of love, resilience, and the harsh realities that test the bonds of friendship. It’s an M/M romantic twist of fate tragedy that will leave you breathless with its emotional intensity. Ham and Echo, who have been inseparable since they were ten years old, share a bond that goes beyond friendship. When Ham is drafted into the army at nineteen, Echo, without hesitation, enlists as well, promising to have his back. Eleven years post-war, Echo is still haunted by what he has seen and done in Vietnam. Ham, now a family man with two sons, has managed to bury the past. But Echo, unable to escape the horrors of war, struggles to find his place in civilian life. Ham, recognizing his friend’s pain, takes it upon himself to guide Echo back to the light. He enrolls Echo in an anger management program and secures him a job on the ship he works on, the Gordon Lighton. As Echo’s feelings for Ham deepen, he dares to hope that Ham might feel the same. One stormy night aboard the Gordon Lighton, Echo stumbles upon a shocking secret-a human trafficking scheme operating right under their noses. As the weather worsens, the Gordon Lighton is subjected to the brutal onslaught of nature’s fury. The unthinkable question hangs palpably in the air. Will the Gordon Lighton weather the storm?      

Ham & Echo: Voyage of the Gordon Lighton
Ham and Echo: Voyage of the Gordon Lighton

Word Count: 153,500

Summary: The Guardian is a guilty pleasure, time travel, erotic M/M fantasy novel about twin witches Robbie and Rowan, who take a job at a mineral mining company. They soon discover something is lurking in the darkened mine. Robbie and Rowan are thrown back in time and find themselves stranded in the year 1647 with no foreseeable way back. Robbie is maliciously catapulted forward in time to the year 1918. Separated from Rowan for the first time in his life, Robbie is scared and alone. Robbie finds his young grandfather in post-war Connecticut. He is forced to witness a secret relationship between his grandfather and a man. Robbie learns of the existence of werewolves and knows he will need his brother to help him fight in the battle that has the potential of becoming the next apocalypse.

The Guardian - M. Jay Williams - Hallowed Bloodline
The Hallowed Bloodline: The Guardian

Word Count: 150,500

Summary: A guilty pleasure novel that combines a thrilling tale of time travel, magic, erotic M/M fun, and adventure. Follow Ehane Freeman, a native American witch, as he journeys back to 1636, right before the Mystic massacre, the darkest time in Connecticut’s history. Ehane is determined to save his ancestor, Sassascus, the sachem of the Pequot tribe, from the massacre. However, his brother, Dohate, is against the idea. He is more concerned with the ramifications of tampering with the timeline. Ehane goes against his brother’s counsel and travels back in time and inadvertently destabilizes the natural course of history, leaving Dohate to clean up his mess, yet again. Dohate and his friends have to assimilate into the 17th century to help nudge history back on course. They fight on the side of the Native Americans as their battle with the Puritans grows to a fever pitch.

Us vs. Them - M. Jay Williams - The Hallowed Bloodline
The Hallowed Bloodline: Us vs. Them