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- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Candlepunk
- Fantasy - Clockpunk
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Erotica
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - Fantasy of Manners
- Fantasy - Gothpunk
- Fantasy - Heroic
- Fantasy - High & Other World
- Fantasy - Historical
- Fantasy - Hopepunk
- Fantasy - Knights & Castles
- Fantasy - Latinpunk
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - LitRPG
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Mythpunk
- Fantasy - New Adult
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - People of Color
- Fantasy - Piratepunk
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - RPG
- Fantasy - Silkpunk
- Fantasy - Slipstream
- Fantasy - Steampunk
- Fantasy - Sword & Sorcery
- Fantasy - Urban & Magical Beings
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Fantasy - Young Adult
- Fantasy – Gods and Heroes
- Horror
- Horror - Angels & Devils
- Horror - Comedy
- Horror - Fairy Tale/Folklore
- Horror - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Horror - Gothic
- Horror - LGBTQ+
- Horror - LitRPG
- Horror - Lovecraftian/Cthulhu
- Horror - Man-Made Horrors
- Horror - Monsters
- Horror - Mythic
- Horror - New Adult
- Horror - Noir
- Horror - Occult
- Horror - People of Color
- Horror - Post-Apocalyptic
- Horror - Psychic Talents
- Horror - Psychological
- Horror - Shifters
- Horror - Splatterpunk
- Horror - Vampires
- Horror - Weird Horror
- Horror - Werewolves
- Horror - Witches
- Horror - Young Adult
- Horror - Zombies
- Nonfiction
- Nonfiction - Writing Guides
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - Dark
- Paranormal - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - LitRPG
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - New Adult
- Paranormal - People of Color
- Paranormal - Psychic Talents
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
- Paranormal - Vampires
- Paranormal - Young Adult
- Paranormal - Zombies
- Poetry
- Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Alien Invasion
- Sci Fi - Alien Races
- Sci Fi - Aliens
- Sci Fi - Alternate / Parallel Reality
- Sci Fi - Alternative History
- Sci Fi - Apocalyptic Fiction
- Sci Fi - Artificial Intelligence
- Sci Fi - Biopunk
- Sci Fi - Candlepunk
- Sci Fi - Christian
- Sci Fi - Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)
- Sci Fi - Clockpunk
- Sci Fi - Clones
- Sci Fi - Colonization
- Sci Fi - Comedy
- Sci Fi - Cyberpunk
- Sci Fi - Cyberspace
- Sci Fi - Decopunk
- Sci Fi - Detective
- Sci Fi - Dieselpunk
- Sci Fi - Distant Planet
- Sci Fi - Dying Earth
- Sci Fi - Dystopian & Post-Apocalyptic
- Sci Fi - First Contact
- Sci Fi - Frontier
- Sci Fi - Furry
- Sci Fi - Galactic Empire
- Sci Fi - Generation Ship
- Sci Fi - Genetic Manipulation
- Sci Fi - Gothpunk
- Sci Fi - Greenpunk
- Sci Fi - Hard Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Hollow Earth
- Sci Fi - Hopepunk
- Sci Fi - Human Evolution
- Sci Fi - Immortality
- Sci Fi - LGBTQ+
- Sci Fi - LitRPG
- Sci Fi - Lost Worlds
- Sci Fi - Military
- Sci Fi - Mind Uploads
- Sci Fi - Multiverse
- Sci Fi - Mutants
- Sci Fi - Mythpunk
- Sci Fi - Nanopunk
- Sci Fi - Near Future
- Sci Fi - New Adult
- Sci Fi - Nowpunk
- Sci Fi - People of Color
- Sci Fi - Piratepunk
- Sci Fi - Pulp
- Sci Fi - Realistic
- Sci Fi - Robots/Androids
- Sci Fi - Romance
- Sci Fi - RPG
- Sci Fi - Science Fantasy
- Sci Fi - Singularity
- Sci Fi - Slipstream
- Sci Fi - Social
- Sci Fi - Soft
- Sci Fi - Solarpunk
- Sci Fi - Space Exploration
- Sci Fi - Space Opera
- Sci Fi - Space Western
- Sci Fi - Spacepunk
- Sci Fi - SpyFi
- Sci Fi - Steampunk
- Sci Fi - Superheroes & Villains
- Sci Fi - Terraforming
- Sci Fi - Teslapunk
- Sci Fi - Theological
- Sci Fi - Time Travel
- Sci Fi - Transhuman
- Sci Fi - Uplift
- Sci Fi - Utopian
- Sci Fi - Virtual Reality
- Sci Fi - Wattpunk
- Sci Fi - Weird Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Young Adult
- 2084 Trilogy
- 46 Ascending
- A Bad-Ass Faerie Tale
- A Balance of Magic
- A Demon for Midwinter
- A New World
- A Warrior's Redemption
- ABsinthe Trilogy
- Aces High Jokers Wild
- Adventure of a Lifetime
- Aestus
- Agents of the Imperial Special Investigation Service
- Aggressor Queen
- Aisling Trilogy
- Alex McKenna
- Alterations
- Anchorage
- and Beyond
- Andersson Dexter
- Andlios
- Ardulum
- Ariadne
- Ariadne Cycle
- Arrow of Artemis
- Art Medium
- Arthur Rex
- As Above
- As Above So Below
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Autumn
- Bastard Prince Saga
- Bed Breakfast and Beyond
- Behind Blue Eyes
- Black Flag
- Black Swan Planet
- Blackwood Pack
- Blessed Epoch
- Blood Resonance
- Blood Sealed
- Bloodlines of Fate
- Blue Solace
- Bound Gods
- Brandywine Investigations
- Brassbright Cooks
- Brassbright Kids
- Brimstone
- Broken Stars
- Broken Veil
- Burke's Lore Briefs
- BuzzCuts
- Cadicle
- Carnival of Mysteries
- Cassidy Chronicles
- Central Galactic Concordance
- Centricity Cycle
- Chanda Kasmira
- Changing Bodies
- Chaos Menagerie
- Charlie's Story
- Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery
- Chronicles of Tournai
- Cold Cosmos
- Cold Fingers
- Coldharbour Chronicles
- Colonizing Saturn's Moon
- Compact Universe
- Constable Inspector Reva Lunaria
- Continuing Journeys
- Creatures of Darkness
- Crossdimensional Chronicles
- Cryptomorphs
- Crystal Throne
- Cybers Wild Card
- Daire's Devils
- Dalí Tamareia Missions
- Damien the devil
- Dark Folklore
- Dark is the Night
- Darkening Stars
- Darkly Enchanted Romance
- Daughter of Mars
- Dead Geniuses
- Defending the Future
- Demon Tales and Fairy Games
- Demonica
- Deptford Paranormals
- Detective Duarte Mysteries
- Devon Island Mars Colony
- Diamondsong
- Division Zero
- Dome of Souls Series
- Dome Stories
- Dragon Souls
- Dragon War Chronicles
- Dragons of Ivria
- Draoithe
- Dreams of Chaos
- Dylan Rivers Chronicles
- El Corazon
- Eldritch Heart
- Elemental Magicae
- Ellowyn Found
- Enchanted Occasions
- Endangered Fae
- Enimnori
- ESTO Universe
- Evergreen
- Exiles of the Drift
- Extraordinary
- Faded Skies
- Fae Out of Water
- False Icons
- Fantastic Tales of Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Fantasy
- Felines of Furyne
- Femmes Fatale
- Five Seasons of Night
- Forerunner Series
- Four Moons
- Fox-Hat
- Freedom Fight Trilogy
- Freedom Series in the Switchboard Univers
- Future History of the Grail
- G-Force Federation
- Gallows Hill Academy
- Gates of Divinity
- Gay Ever After Fairy Tales
- Ghost U
- Gifted Guilds
- Green Hills
- Grimaulkin
- Guardians
- Guardians of the PHAE
- H2LiftShips
- Ham and Echo
- Hammer Falls
- Hard Way Home
- Hauntastic Haunts
- Haven
- Hawthorn Academy
- Heavenly Sins Trilogy
- Heavy Metal Magic
- Hell Holes
- Heroes by Necessity
- Hidden Wolves
- Him for the Holidays Short Story
- Hollow
- House of Witches
- Hybrid Nation
- IMP Universe
- Infinity 8
- Infinity's End
- Interplanetary Hearts
- Jack Hansard
- Jake & Dean Investigations
- James & Harriet
- Jon's Mysteries
- Jordan Abbey
- Journey Across Genes Saga
- Kedgetown
- KHNM Series
- Kitten & Witch
- Lancaster's Luck
- Last Chance
- Last Train Home
- Legacy of the Phoenix
- Legend Tripping
- Leif the Lucky
- Lenna's Arc
- Lifehack
- Liminal Sky
- Liquid Onyx
- Lost in Time
- Luxor City
- Mad Kestrel
- Magic & Sorcery Chronicles
- Magic Emporium
- Magic Mirror Collection
- Magnificent Devices
- Mara of the League
- Mating Flight
- Max Porter Paranormal Mysteries
- McCarron's Corner
- Mermen & Magic
- Merseton Tales
- Metamorphoses of Flynn Keahi
- Mike Christopher
- Mindsaga
- Monstrous Creatures
- Moon Hunter's Inc.
- My Brother's Keeper
- Mystery of the Makers
- Myth World
- Mythmatched
- Necromancer
- Nel Bentley Books
- Northern Witch
- Oarthecan Star Saga
- Oberon Cycle
- Offbeat Crimes
- Office of Preternatural Affairs
- Old Code
- On Mars
- On Wings Saga
- Outlaws of Interra
- Perilous Miles
- Phoenix in Flames
- Pirates of Aletharia
- Pirates of New Earth
- Pixel Dust
- Pixiepunk
- Planet Hy Man
- Plans
- Poetry Inspired by Science
- Pōneke Shadows
- Progenitor
- Prophet of the Badlands
- Providence Paranormal College Boxed Sets
- Proxima Odyssey
- Queer Sci Fi Flash Fiction Contest
- Quirk & Moth
- Qwyrk Tales
- Rainbow Briefs
- Rainbow Reader
- Ray M. Holler’s Adventures
- Read by Candlelight
- Red Dog Conspiracy
- Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women
- Resonant Earth
- Revealed World
- Revin's Heart
- Rockshade’s PID
- Royal Powers
- Rubberman
- Saga of the Bold People
- Saul Imbierowicz
- Scarlet Order Vampires
- Scars
- Sentries
- Serial Killer Z
- Serpentia
- Shades
- Shades of Midnight
- Shentonia
- Ship Whisperer
- Sierra Waters
- Silverstar Mates
- Sing For Me
- Sister Seekers
- Sister Seekers Bundles
- Sisters of Chaos
- Sisters of Song
- Sixguns and Sorcery
- Small Things
- Small Things trilogy
- Small Town Georgia Tales
- Smoke and Moonlight
- Snakeheart
- So Below
- Soldiers and Mercenaries
- Somnia Online
- Songs of the Sage
- SoulShares
- Sovereigns of Bright and Shadow
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates' Legacy
- St. Acton
- Star Marked
- Star Rigger Universe
- Star Stories
- Starman Jones
- Stars' Edge: Nel Bently Books
- Starship Teapot
- Steel Empires
- Stories of the Eleriannan
- Strange, Strange World
- subpar heroes
- Subsumption Series
- Suicide Arc
- Sunshine and Specter
- Super U
- Supernatural Selection
- Survey Intragalactic
- Surviving the Apocalypse
- Systema Paradoxa
- Taking Shield
- Tales From A Warming Planet
- Tales from Norvegr
- Tales of a gay witch
- Tales of Ardonna
- Tales of Ardonna: Woodspell Series
- Tales of Miurag
- Tales of the Crypto-Hunter
- Tales of the Forest
- Tales of the Shadow City
- Tales of Tolari Space
- Tales within Chains
- Taran Empire Saga
- Tempus Institute
- Teristaque Chronicles
- Terran Space Project
- Tharassas Cycle
- The Absinthe Trilogy
- The Action Girls in
- The Adventures of Bodacious Creed
- The Adventures of Smith and Jones
- The Alchemical Duology
- The Arcadia Trust
- The Artifice Mage Saga
- The Asarlaí Wars
- The Ascended
- The Autobiography of Calista Antoine
- The Awakened
- The BetterWorld Trilogy
- The Biomass Conflux
- The Bloody Bois d'Arc Triptych
- The Bodyguard and the Heir
- The Books of Locurnia
- The Books of the Cuari
- The Books of the Wode
- The Brassbright Chronicles
- The Calling
- The Casebook Of Elilsha Grey
- The Cassie Tam Files
- The Chaos Chronicles
- The Clockwork Legion
- The Conn-Mann Chronicles
- The Council Of Twelve
- The Coven of Zora
- The Crossing Genres Anthology Collection
- The Cycles of Revelation
- The Daedalus Files
- The Dandelion Farmer
- The Dark Between Stars
- The Darkest Storm
- The Deiparian Saga
- The Dissolution Cycle
- The Doorway to Magic
- The Dragon Doc Tales
- The Dreamscape Voyager Trilogy
- The Druid's Brooch Series
- The Dungeon Crawlers
- The Dusk Eternal
- The Dynamicist Trilogy
- The Empire
- The Everlands Cycle
- The Evie Chester Files
- The Faction
- The Fairville Woods
- The Fellowship Dystopia
- The Forester Trilogy
- The God Fragments
- The Great War of the Worlds
- The Guild of Dream Warriors
- The Hallowed Bloodline
- The Hunter Chronicles
- The Hybrid of High Moon
- The Indestructibles
- The Interscission Project
- The Kitra Saga
- The Lost Ancients
- The Mage Conspiracy
- The Magicsmith
- The Martyr's Vow
- The Mating Games
- The Meaning Wars
- The Memory Bearers Saga
- The MIndbender
- The New Dawn
- The Night Bazaar
- The Night Flyer Series
- The Novels of Loch Moigh
- The Oort Chronicles
- The Others Project
- The Parallel Society
- The Parsina Saga
- The Peridot Shift
- The Place Of Things
- The Poison Patty Saga
- The Prophecy Series
- The Pudding Protocol Universe
- The Rehumanization of Jade Darcy
- The Remembrance War
- The Roboticist of Versailles
- The Samantha Rain Mysteries
- The Secret Histories
- The Seer Saga
- The Sehnsucht Series
- The Shifting Lands
- The Six Worlds
- The Sleep of Reason
- The Sleepless City
- The Society Universe
- The Spindown Saga
- The Starchild Trilogy
- The Stolen Future
- The Stolen Series
- The Stones of Power
- The Superhero Age
- The Team Huntress Flights
- The Temujin Saga
- The Tome of Bill
- The Trekana
- The Twins of Bellesfées
- The Ungovernable
- The United Federation Marine Corps
- The Unremembered King
- The Unwoven Tapestry
- The Valespian Pact
- The Vamp Who Would Be King
- The Vampire Guard
- The Vampire Hunters Academy
- The Vega Bloodmire Wicked Witch Mystery Series
- The Voidstrider Saga
- The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide
- The Way of the Warrior
- The Web of Arcana
- The Weller
- The Wellington Mysteries
- The Will-o'-the-Wisp Stories
- The Wolves of Kanta
- The Z-Tech Chronicles
- Thung Toh Jig
- Time Burrito
- Timeless Keeper Saga
- Timelessness
- Tinker's World
- Tome of Báirseach
- Toronto Time Agents
- Towers of the Earth
- Toybox
- Tracefinder
- Transdimensional Authority/Multiverse
- Treasures Retold
- Treasures Retold Omnibus
- Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy
- Truthspoken Universe
- Trystero
- Tuners
- Twilight Temptations
- Vampire Innocent
- Variant Configurations
- Virian Chronicles
- Virian Companions
- Vyrdigaan Prophecies
- WalrusTech
- War Mage
- War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters
- Wasp Squadron: The Navy of Humankind
- Watchers of Astaria
- Whispers From a Hidden World
- Witch-Hunter
- Wolf's-own
- Womby's School for Wayward Witches
- Women of the United Federation Marines
- Worlds Apart: A Universe of Sapphic Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Writers Save the World
- Wyrdwood Welcome
- author - american
- author - arabian
- author - australian
- author - belgian
- author - british
- author - canadian
- author - dutch
- author - european
- author - french
- author - italian
- author - new zealander
- author - saudi arabian
- format - anthology
- format - audiobook
- format - book
- format - box set
- format - collection
- format - free
- format - hardcover
- format - illustrated novel
- format - kindle
- format - kindle unlimited
- format - kindle vella
- format - large print
- format - netgalley
- format - novel
- format - novel >100K
- format - novel <100K
- format - novel 40-100K
- format - novella 15k-40K
- format - novellette <15k
- format - omnibus edition
- format - paperback
- format - payhip
- format - planner
- format - prequel
- format - self published
- format - sequel
- format - series
- format - shared universe
- format - short stories
- format - short story <15K
- identity - aromantic
- identity - asexual
- identity - bisexual
- identity - demisexual
- identity - gay
- identity - gender fluid
- identity - intersex
- identity - lesbian
- identity - non-binary
- identity - pansexual
- identity - polyamorous
- identity - transgender
- potential trigger
- potential trigger - abduction-captivity
- potential trigger - addiction
- potential trigger - avalanche
- potential trigger - blood
- potential trigger - death
- potential trigger - gore
- potential trigger - graphic torture
- potential trigger - murder
- potential trigger - rape
- potential trigger - sexual abuse
- potential trigger - stalking
- potential trigger - suicidal ideation
- potential trigger - suicide
- potential trigger - torture
- potential trigger - traumatic past
- potential trigger - violence
- what - concept - amnesia
- what - concept - curse
- what - condition - blindness
- what - condition - disability
- what - condition - mental illness
- what - condition - ptsd
- what - element - ferocious poodle
- what - holiday - general
- what - topic - cartel
- what - topic - chinese medicine
- what - topic - chinese mythology
- what - topic - climate change
- what - topic - compassion
- what - topic - crime
- what - topic - desert survival
- what - topic - disaster
- what - topic - drag
- what - topic - flying
- what - topic - genetic engineering
- what - topic - harem
- what - topic - haunting
- what - topic - japanese mythology
- what - topic - learning disabilities
- what - topic - legend
- what - topic - magic
- what - topic - multicultural
- what - topic - music
- what - topic - natural disaster
- what - topic - non-violence
- what - topic - politics
- what - topic - ransom
- what - topic - reincarnation
- what - topic - religion
- what - topic - revenge
- what - topic - science experiment
- what - topic - secret
- what - topic - secret organization
- what - topic - superstition
- what - topic - taboo
- what - topic - technology
- what - topic - terrorism
- when - period - 16th century
- when - period - 17th century
- when - period - 18th century
- when - period - 1920s
- when - period - 1930s
- when - period - 1940s
- when - period - 1950s
- when - period - 1960s
- when - period - 1970s
- when - period - 1980s
- when - period - 1990s
- when - period - 19th century
- when - period - 20th century
- when - period - ancient greece
- when - period - ancient rome
- when - period - edwardian
- when - period - georgian
- when - period - great war
- when - period - middle ages
- when - period - near future
- when - period - prehistoric
- when - period - prohibition
- when - period - victorian
- when – period – 6th century
- when – period – medieval
- when – period – world war ii
- where - fictional - moon colony
- where - general - alternate universe
- where - general - carnival
- where - general - castle
- where - general - cave
- where - general - cruise ship
- where - general - forest
- where - general - military
- where - general - mountains
- where - general - private school
- where - general - rural
- where - general - small town
- where - general - swamp
- where - general - uncharted island
- where - general - underground
- where - general - underwater
- where - Mars
- where - non-Earth planet
- where - space - international space station
- where - space - space station
- where - space station
- where - spaceship
- where – general – monastery or abbey
- who - description - alpha male
- who - description - alphas and omegas
- who - description - tattoos
- who - occupation - apothecary
- who - occupation - archaeologist
- who - occupation - artist
- who - occupation - assassin
- who - occupation - asteroid miner
- who - occupation - astronaut
- who - occupation - astronomer
- who - occupation - author
- who - occupation - baker
- who - occupation - barista
- who - occupation - bodyguard
- who - occupation - botanist
- who - occupation - bounty hunter
- who - occupation - castle laird
- who - occupation - computer programmer
- who - occupation - contractor
- who - occupation - coroner
- who - occupation - cowboys
- who - occupation - detective
- who - occupation - doctor
- who - occupation - drag queen
- who - occupation - engineer
- who - occupation - ex-convict
- who - occupation - federal agent
- who - occupation - guard
- who - occupation - hacker
- who - occupation - healer
- who - occupation - herbalist
- who - occupation - historian
- who - occupation - horsemaster
- who - occupation - innkeeper
- who - occupation - inventor
- who - occupation - journalist
- who - occupation - king
- who - occupation - knight
- who - occupation - law enforcement
- who - occupation - librarian
- who - occupation - lord
- who - occupation - mage
- who - occupation - marine
- who - occupation - mechanic
- who - occupation - medical
- who - occupation - mercenary
- who - occupation - military
- who - occupation - missionary
- who - occupation - motorcycle rider
- who - occupation - musician
- who - occupation - nurse
- who - occupation - pilot
- who - occupation - pirate
- who - occupation - police
- who - occupation - politician
- who - occupation - priest
- who - occupation - prince
- who - occupation - prisoner
- who - occupation - professor
- who - occupation - psychic
- who - occupation - royalty
- who - occupation - sailor
- who - occupation - scientist
- who - occupation - security
- who - occupation - serial killer
- who - occupation - servant
- who - occupation - sex worker
- who - occupation - sheriff
- who - occupation - soldier
- who - occupation - space marines
- who - occupation - spaceship captain
- who - occupation - spy
- who - occupation - stableboy
- who - occupation - starship captain
- who - occupation - student
- who - occupation - superhero
- who - occupation - tattoo artist
- who - occupation - teacher
- who - occupation - thief
- who - occupation - tracker
- who - occupation - undercover agent
- who - occupation - warrior
- who - occupation - writer
- who - religion - catholic
- who - religion - jewish
- who - religion - mormon / latter-day saints (lds)
- who - religion - muslim / islamic
- who - religion - pagan
- who - religion - shinto
- who - type - alien
- who - type - altered human
- who - type - angels
- who - type - badass heroine
- who - type - bear shifters
- who - type - bigfoot
- who - type - centaur
- who - type - cyborg
- who - type - demons
- who - type - dragon shifters
- who - type - dragons
- who - type - elves
- who - type - fae
- who - type - fox
- who - type - gator shifter
- who - type - ghosts
- who - type - gille dubh
- who - type - god
- who - type - griffins
- who - type - incubus
- who - type - kitsune
- who - type - magical humans
- who - type - merman
- who - type - nekomata
- who - type - nephilim
- who - type - panther shifters
- who - type - reindeer shifters
- who - type - robot / cyborg
- who - type - sea dragon shifter
- who - type - sea god
- who - type - sea serpent shifter
- who - type - selkie
- who - type - shifter
- who - type - spiders
- who - type - spirit
- who - type - succubus
- who - type - unicorns
- who - type - vampires
- who - type - vegan
- who - type - werecats
- who - type - werewolves
- who - type - witch
- who - type - wizard
- who - type - wolf
- who - type - yokai
- who - type - zombies
- who - world defender
- who – occupation – monk
- who – type – druidic god
- who – type – fertility god
- who – type – pagan god
- Abandoned Place
- AI Uprising
- Alien Artifacts
- Alien Eggs
- Alien Invasion
- Alien Ruins
- Aliens Among Us
- Aliens as God
- Aliens in History
- Ancient Astronauts
- Ancient Weapon
- Antihero
- Arthurian Legends
- Asteroid Miner
- Astral Projection
- Bad Robot
- Band of Brothers/Sisters
- Band of Misfits
- Bar Tales
- Becoming a Monster
- Benevolent Aliens
- Beyond the Grave Communication
- Big Sword
- Black and White Morality
- Body Modifications
- Bodysnatchers
- Book of Spells
- Born Hero
- Burial Ground/Cemetary
- Changing Painting
- Chosen One
- Clones
- Conspiracy
- Crazy Clairvoyants
- Cross-Species Friendships
- Cryosleep
- Dark Enemy
- Dark Lord
- Death by Sex
- Demonic Possession
- Dragonriders
- Dying World
- Dystopian Governments
- Enemy to Ally
- Evil Megacorporation
- Evolving Powers
- Fallen Hero
- Farmer to Hero
- Farmer to Royalty
- Fated Mates
- Fellowship
- Fetus of Doom
- First Contact
- Fish Out of Water
- Found Family
- Galactic Civilization
- Generation Ships
- Good Robots
- Haunted House
- Here Comes the Cavalry
- Humanity is Dangerous
- Humanity is Good
- Humans Evolved From Aliens
- Hunted
- I Am Your Father
- I See Dead People
- Immortality
- Inaccessible Magic
- Interspecies Adoption
- Interspecies Romance
- Interstellar Travel
- Killer Aliens
- Library of Secrets
- Lost Civilization
- Lucky Novice
- Mad Scientist
- Magic Furniture
- Magic Talisman
- Magical Disaster
- Marooned
- Mirror Shows True Self
- Modern Human in Fantasy World
- Museum/Store of the Unusual
- No Cell Coverage
- Old Person in the Woods
- Oxygen Leak
- Parallel Worlds
- Past People/Future Tech
- Person in Distress
- Portals
- Possession
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Powerful Artifact
- Prophesy
- Pseudo European Society
- Psionic Powers
- Quest
- Redemption Arc
- Reluctant Hero
- Reluctant Vampires
- Robin Hood Legends
- Roguish Thief
- Secret Heir
- Secret Royalty
- Secret Society
- Sentient AI
- Sentient Spaceships
- Sex Magic
- Singularity
- Space Battles
- Space Dentistry
- Space Detectives
- Space is Empty
- Space is Full
- Space Medicine
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates
- Space Psychology
- Space Smugglers
- Superpowers
- Sword of Destiny
- Time Loop
- Time Travel
- Training
- Ultimate Evil
- Undiscovered Planet
- Uploaded Consciousness
- Vengeful Spirit
- Villain to Hero
- Waiting/Sleeping Evil
- Wise Mentor
Showing all books.
Word Count: 20,900
Summary: One day, someday soon, Jeeze Madrid was going to wake up and realize just what he'd been passing up; he'd see what Cal Paxton was offering him so faithfully—"Faithfully, Jeeze! Even you can't deny that!"—and grab it. And they'd finally have what Cal wanted. Cal Paxton and Jeeze Madrid are the top scouting team on the Pathfinder-class starship, the Carson, on the very outer edge of Earth's expansion across the galaxy. Cal and Jeeze find the uninhabited planets, the Carson evaluates them for colonization. Cal and Jeeze are wingmen, best friends... and lovers. Cal wants more than a casual relationship but Jeeze, recently divorced, is wary of commitment. When Jeeze’s scout ship is shot down over a planet inhabited by a race Earth has never before encountered, what will Cal find when the Carson can finally mount a rescue mission? Will he ever succeed in persuading Jeeze to take up his offer of hand and heart?
Word Count: 13200
Summary: In Space, No One Can Hear You Sing … Grayson Eck's life is a drag, in all the best possible ways. He's perfectly happy working in the belt alone as a wildcatter, prospecting asteroids by … well, not exactly by day. At night, he transforms into the Inner System's most famous Valeriana Storm — a secret identity that even his closest friends and family don't know about. When someone tries to steal one of Greyson's mining scores, he has half a mind to just toss the guy off his rock and into open space. But that all changes when he discovers the stranger's identity — and that he knows Greyson's secret. Now he's being chased by a pirate, and has to decide what to do with the apparent thief while also putting on his show. What's a space drag queen to do?
Word Count: 98263
Summary: Quinn and Valerian have come through the trials of facing an undead lich queen and the perils of falling in love. Now they work to restore AURA to its previous strength and efficiency while navigating their new life with each other. Fortunately, they’re not in this alone. Kai Hiltas has taken over as the head of the research department at AURA and has become everyone’s favourite workaholic, everyone except his lover Tenzin, who has had enough of his late nights and broken promises. As Kai tries to salvage his relationship, he finds a teacher for Quinn, who also happens to be one of Valerian’s new officers, Flax Wolfheart, a sexy elf with trouble written all over him. Flax has motives beyond simply teaching Quinn to control his magic. He’s trying to recover from his own losses and failures, but he has a plan. The two newest elvish crossovers, Ash and Sage, are sizzling hot and might even like him. With them as backup as he tracks a deadly stone mage and figures out how to teach Quinn, Flax sees his chance to impress Val and snag a place by his captain’s side. On the hunt for both danger and redemption, Flax’s pursuit leads him ultimately down trails he never expected.
Word Count: 102651
Summary: It isn’t easy when you find yourself lost and alone in a strange place. It’s even trickier when that place is a different world, and you have no idea how you got there. Drome’s top priority isn’t to figure that out. It’s to avoid getting himself killed. But his talent for making enemies as he flees the villainous courtiers who took him hostage, really isn’t helping. He’s in an unfamiliar city, in a bizarre hollow world, and he only has one friend. Well, that’s if he can call a snarky living skeleton with a penchant for stealing royal jewels a friend. What with every palace guard and a crazed assassin after the pair, the odds are stacked against them. Running out of time, luck, and options, it’s touch-and-go whether they’ll make it to Drome’s village and warn them of the horror coming their way. And then there’s the wizard. If only Drome hadn’t angered him too… So, is Drome in trouble? Yup. He’s screwed.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Even a pirate will stop at nothing to help his little sister. When Grip, the first mate, is dismayed by his little sister's surprise engagement, Revin accompanies him home to learn who arranged her marriage and why.
Word Count: 33450
Summary: One hundred years after being driven out of a small Irish town, a vampire returns...or does he?
Word Count: 92000
Summary: A tragic secret. A trial of pain. Gust holds a secret close to his heart, and it festers like an infected wound. While part of him wants to tell Lance so they can deal with it together, he fears what it will do to his friend. The last thing he wants to do is hurt the man he is falling in love with. And it never seems the right time as they pursue Ulfr’s warriors and elude hunting parties of royal soldiers. Lance wants nothing more than to confess his love and undying loyalty to Gust. But he fears rejection. He has Gust’s friendship and dares not ask for more. He’s not yet a man worthy to ask for more. And as he continues on his self-imposed mission to cut down Ulfr’s warriors, he begins to wonder if he will ever find the redemption he so fiercely seeks. When word of a new Scourge reaches them, their journey brings them to the war-ravaged kingdom of Grekenus. It is there that Lance is forced to face the actions of his past, and once again his life hangs in the balance. Now it is only Gust who can defend him against those thirsty for blood… and to Lance himself.
Word Count: 90300
Summary: It's a time of change, between magic and alchemy. Born the heir of a master woodcutter in a queendom defined by guilds and matrilineal inheritance, nonbinary Sorin can’t quite seem to find their place. At seventeen, an opportunity to attend an alchemical guild fair and secure an apprenticeship with the queen’s alchemist is just within reach. But on the day of the fair, Sorin’s mother goes missing, along with the Queen and hundreds of guild masters, forcing Sorin into a woodcutting inheritance they never wanted. With guild legacy at stake, Sorin puts apprentice dreams on hold to embark on a journey with the royal daughter to find their mothers and stop the hemorrhaging of guild masters. Princess Magda, an estranged childhood friend, tests Sorin’s patience—and boundaries. But it’s not just a princess that stands between Sorin and their goals. To save the country of Sorpsi, Sorin must define their place between magic and alchemy or risk losing Sorpsi to rising industrialization and a dark magic that will destroy Sorin’s chance to choose their own future.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Somnia is evolving, and Murmur is confronted with enemies both old and new. She must lead her guild, Fable, through a dungeon filled with riddles and puzzles to claim the first of twelve keys required to achieve victory. But things are not as they seem: glitches abound, enemies rally against Fable, and unexpected threats move in the shadows. As the system becomes increasingly complex, Laria and Shayla battle through mismatched coding, and Storm Corp discovers they’ve left some anomalies in the game out of their reports. Anomalies like Wren. With the report deadline looming, and errors riddling the system, Laria’s house of cards is about to come crashing down.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Imagine that every sixteen years, you died and started over, with no memory of the past. Could true love ever find you? Only if it were immortal. In 1915, a coven of vampires attacked the town of Fairville, MA, the disappearances making headlines. Sixteen-year-old Lundy Guillory and the boy who loved her, Harlan Wallace, discovered the culprits, so the vampires devised a cruel punishment: Lundy was cursed to die and be reborn every sixteen years, each time retaining no memory of her past lives. Harlan was turned into a vampire, so that, immortal, he would be tortured with the task of finding her again in every new life, and telling her their story. Over ninety years later, Lundy Lawson and her parents move into Fairville, one month before her sixteenth birthday, with desperate hopes that the doctors there will be able to help Lundy, whose health has been diminishing steadily. But Lundy begins to have strange dreams. First there seems to be a ghost in the library, trying to reach her; then a stranger shows up at her window at night - Harlan, unearthly, impossibly pale and sharp-teethed, and madly in love with her. It's Lundy's first lifetime back in the town where it all began, and this time she and Harlan have their chance to break the vampire's curse.
Word Count: 76600
Summary: The Fredamine Project was just the beginning. Shadow dealings and conspiracies regarding variants intertwine until Damien and his cohorts can no longer tell who the bad guys are. Several months have passed since Blaze and the infamous Variant activist Shudder McKenzie helped Damien rescue the captives of the sinister Fredamine Project. Professionally, everything's great. He's back to working with Damien again and they have a new lead on the three kids who are still missing. Personally, not so much. Blaze has made his peace with Shudder, though nothing between them has even been easy, but his relationship with Damien has taken several steps back. Blaze no longer has any idea where he stands. Adding to the tense atmosphere are the anti-Variant members of legislature who have been slowly gaining popular approval, and the cryptic messages Damien receives from an unknown source. Shudder's back to his old haunts and his old tricks, trying to raise public awareness of imperiled Variant rights—such as the draconic Horace Act that strips due process during Variant trials—and to rescue Variant kids in trouble. His almost mythical luck runs out though when he's arrested for murder only three days after the passage of the Horace Act and a whirlwind trial and sentencing lands him in the most notorious maximum security facility for Variants—San Judas Tadeo. With too many conspirators on both sides of the aisle, Damien, Blaze and Shudder no longer know whom to trust. Peeling through the layers of deceit and half-truths puts them on shakier ground with every discovery and in greater danger than ever before. Variant Configurations takes place in a future Earth where humanity is reclaiming its spot in a gradually healing world. This book contains mentions of past abuse, action-adventure style mayhem, and the sparks of a slow burn, series-spanning relationship.
Word Count: 49000
Summary: Stranded in deep space ... but at least they have donuts. When a warp engine malfunction spits them out in a distant corner of the galaxy, Lem and the crew of the Teapot seek refuge with the robotic catering staff of a backwater space station. With their ship out of action and comms offline, all they can do is wait for rescue … and enjoy the best snacks this side of the Oort Cloud. But when a spacefaring bounty hunter crashes the party in search of a dangerous runaway shapeshifter, Lem makes a terrible realisation – one of her friends may be an impostor. With suspicions rising and accusations flying, they need to smoke out the faker. But in a subtle game of trickery and subterfuge, there’s no telling if the shapeshifter will slip through their fingers. As tensions boil over, who is safe to trust? And when the Teapot blasts off, will everyone on board be who they claim to be? Gear up for a fun and fantastical intergalactic misadventure – because Lem and the gang are back in the fourth book of the Starship Teapot series! For anyone who enjoys the idea of being scared more than the reality, Frozen Heck is what happens when John Carpenter’s The Thing collides with The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Word Count: 134000
Summary: Taste the magic of the gods! Sisters Kisare and Belili uproot an ancient box in their owner’s orchard and find a miracle inside: a fifth godfruit in a society that knows only four. It is punishable by death for non-nobles to eat godfruit, so the sisters hide the discovery and plot to escape servitude for good. With the power represented in the box, they could live as nobles themselves. But Kisare finds her new freedom more difficult than she imagined, and Belili has many secrets she strives to keep hidden. With the help of a people slowly losing their culture and technology to the powerful nobles, the sisters lead an infiltration of the highest levels of noble society. While Kisare finds she cares for the captured leader of the people helping them, Belili comes to love her noble suitor’s guard—a fierce woman with a similar past to her own. In the end, the fifth godfruit may bring harmony to the world, but the sisters’ only hope of succeeding lies in deciphering ancient mythologies surrounding the gods’ original plan for their people.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: “I have great responsibilities, but my path ahead is as foggy and blurred as the path behind me.” With forester Taruif freed, Kelnaht has claimed him openly at Solstice before tribe and Ma’terra as his partner, but with their third, Ianys, bound by an old promise, their triad is still incomplete. Sneaking around puts the most strain on Ianys. He and Kelnaht must keep their relationship a secret or he will lose his daughter, Atèn. When several children fall ill with more than a summer bug, truth seeker Kelnaht is assigned once more to investigate. What he finds is deadly and threatens the life of every underage child in the tribe, including Atèn. Then a wounded traveller is found in the forest, left to die after a vicious attack. With Taruif and his apprentice on the hunt for a cure, Kelnaht focusses on the attacks, but the clues are few and more children are infected. Nothing seems to connect until both the traveller and Atèn dream of the same grey-haired elf. Driven by fear for his daughter, Ianys pulls away from his lovers. Kelnaht can only pray Ma’terra will guide him to a solution that brings them all together and keeps Atèn safe from harm. This is the single ebook release of the third Act of A Triad in Three Acts
Word Count: 28985
Summary: A collection of the "Brassbright Kids" stories PLUS a brand-new novelette! The Steamkettle Kids Save the Day - Can Paisley Pockets and Christopher Cogan stop a crime in progress? They may be just a couple of kids, but where there’s a will and some smarts, there just might be a way. The Legend of The Engineer - In a country called Industralia, children listen to a New Year's story about Frostica, the Engineer, and a magical train. A Life Invented - Gerard Liddle tinkers with his very first inventions - which sometimes work, and sometimes do unexpected things. The Steamkettle Kids and the Lucky Tentacles - After a hurricane shakes up Steamkettle Bay, Paisley Pockets, Christopher Cogan and Jimmy Cupper have an adventure as big as the sea. ~ NEW ~ The Secret of Tarragon Alley - Robin dreams of having a garden filled with flowers, just like Gramma did. When he brings home a little clay pot filled with gnarly, weird plants, he has no idea that it will take him on an amazing adventure.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Voices in her head. Sure, that was how Murmur always imagined fully immersive VR. With the getashi’s growing in influence, Fable's race against the clock is thrown into disarray as the dungeons begin to make their own rules. As a last resort, Fable teams up with Spiral and Exodus to speed things up. But with tensions growing between the groups, it’s a matter of when and not if they’ll be betrayed. Murmur’s team begins to fray as her abilities branch out and start to those around her. Meanwhile, Laria and Shayla run out of ways to hide Wren’s involvement in the more frequent glitches occurring in-game. It’s all they can do to keep the system stable while James nips at their heels. Somnia’s awareness expands in unexpected ways. The threats within and without close in, but the true danger may just be in Murmur’s mind.
Word Count: 47000
Summary: Fourteen visionary and thought-provoking science fiction gems take you on a faster-than-light journey to future worlds of dreams and nightmares. Whether you’re intrigued by the ethical ramifications of future technology or fascinated by the mysteries of the cosmos, Future Dreams and Nightmares will enthrall you with its boundless creativity and intellectual depth. Crafted with precision and care, this extraordinary collection of stories will draw you into richly imagined worlds populated by unforgettable characters and strange new events. With gripping plots and thought-provoking themes, Future Dreams and Nightmares is a must-read for all science fiction fans. Delve into what it means to be human and experience the thrill of exploring distant planets and confronting moral dilemmas as you read this captivating collection of alternate realities. Future Dreams and Nightmares is a testament to the power of science fiction to not just entertain but to push boundaries, expand the mind, and see the world from a new perspective. Embrace the unknown and embark on fourteen unforgettable journeys transcending time and space. Pick up your copy today, and prepare to be teleported into a universe of future dreams and nightmares! If you are a fan of the mind-bending tales reminiscent of The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits, then these short stories are for you: Memories: Who among us doesn’t have terrible memories we would like to permanently forget? But perhaps some memories just aren’t meant to be erased. Mind Trap: An oligarch’s deathbed confession leads to one last crime. A Mind Full of Memories: A successful operation unexpectedly violates a neurosurgeon’s Hippocratic oath. Everlife: A woman’s multiple resurrections point to a serial killer. Original Equipment: A man’s latest upgrade completes his physical transformation. A Jump Too Far: A man must deal with the unintended consequences of jumping between timelines to fight terrorists. We Service All: A lonely spacer’s visit to an alien brothel turns out to be exactly what he needs. Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: During first contact, an alien species’ strange reproductive biology results in unexpected pregnancies. History is Written: Government-approved history lessons hide a forbidden truth. Ariana: A man uses a time machine to undo his greatest regret. To Serve and Protect: Time travel is used to undo humanity’s extinction. Questioning God: A system tester goes behind his management’s back to ask an artificial intelligence (AI) god a question. The Warning: Scientists ask a master AI how to stop and undo the climate crisis. The Great Dust Storm of 2047: An exceptionally powerful storm threatens the survival of climate refugees living underground in a former salt mine.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Conall Dary is the mightiest mage born to the Fae race in more than two thousand years, ever since the Sundering of the Fae and human worlds. But that power condemns him to an untouched, virginal life — sex calls to power, and his power is enough to drain the magick, the life, from his entire world. Exiled from the Realm for refusing to turn his talent to service a Noble’s petty revenge fantasies, his soul is torn in two and his magickal gifts blocked. Josh LaFontaine is a gifted tattoo artist with a heart of gold. While doing a good turn for an ex-boyfriend, he’s stunned when a gorgeous red-haired twink appears out of nowhere at his feet during New York City’s Pride march. The Marfach was thwarted in its first attempt to capture a Fae. But when a terrible accident separates Conall and Josh before they bond, it’s a race to see who finds the mage first, the monster who will use him as a weapon to destroy his race, or his SoulShare.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: The mighty storm wrecking havoc on the city and the ensuing fire engulfs Dr. Kite's warehouse, destroying his experiments and the ugly truths hidden in the depth of its high walls. In the aftermath, Kite escapes from the city to the safety of a small coastal town, where nobody knows him ... or do they? The three women, their lives previously altered by his novel mind-control chips, forge another life. Will Gigi hold on to true love? Ellen has lost weight but gained a bundle of joy. Does she tell the baby's father? Will Lilly's new business succeed? They're changing their lives to find happiness again. This time, taking a journey of self-discovery and risks of their own choosing. Please note: This book does end on a cliff-hanger. Primal Will wraps it up. "Primal Will delivers just as many twists and turns as the first two books, plus a stunning conclusion!" - Amazon reviewer
Word Count: 44,000
Summary: Drawn by promises of excitement and freedom, how could Callum resist Berlin? It's the end of 1932 and the Weimar capital is the heartbeat of the gay world, where a man like him can find companionship and love, even in the shadow of looming political disaster. Still, Callum feels unseen, until he discovers a place where the dead mix with the living, an organization devoted to studying the supernatural, and a man in each world that could capture his heart... or seal his fate. Haunted Hearts – Everyone deserves a happy ever afterlife! Haunted Hearts is an Own-Voices Paranormal Romance Series about love and the things that go boo in the night. Join us on our romantic journeys over ten books from some of your favorite authors! Be sure to read the entire series so you don’t miss a moment of falling in love, or sometimes falling into a happily ever after-life! Each book is a standalone but why not read them all? Everyone deserves the HEA!