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- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Candlepunk
- Fantasy - Clockpunk
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Erotica
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - Fantasy of Manners
- Fantasy - Gothpunk
- Fantasy - Heroic
- Fantasy - High & Other World
- Fantasy - Historical
- Fantasy - Hopepunk
- Fantasy - Knights & Castles
- Fantasy - Latinpunk
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - LitRPG
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Mythpunk
- Fantasy - New Adult
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - People of Color
- Fantasy - Piratepunk
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - RPG
- Fantasy - Silkpunk
- Fantasy - Slipstream
- Fantasy - Steampunk
- Fantasy - Sword & Sorcery
- Fantasy - Urban & Magical Beings
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Fantasy - Young Adult
- Fantasy – Gods and Heroes
- Horror
- Horror - Angels & Devils
- Horror - Comedy
- Horror - Fairy Tale/Folklore
- Horror - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Horror - Gothic
- Horror - LGBTQ+
- Horror - LitRPG
- Horror - Lovecraftian/Cthulhu
- Horror - Man-Made Horrors
- Horror - Monsters
- Horror - Mythic
- Horror - New Adult
- Horror - Noir
- Horror - Occult
- Horror - People of Color
- Horror - Post-Apocalyptic
- Horror - Psychic Talents
- Horror - Psychological
- Horror - Shifters
- Horror - Splatterpunk
- Horror - Vampires
- Horror - Weird Horror
- Horror - Werewolves
- Horror - Witches
- Horror - Young Adult
- Horror - Zombies
- Nonfiction
- Nonfiction - Writing Guides
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - Dark
- Paranormal - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - LitRPG
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - New Adult
- Paranormal - People of Color
- Paranormal - Psychic Talents
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
- Paranormal - Vampires
- Paranormal - Young Adult
- Paranormal - Zombies
- Poetry
- Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Alien Invasion
- Sci Fi - Alien Races
- Sci Fi - Aliens
- Sci Fi - Alternate / Parallel Reality
- Sci Fi - Alternative History
- Sci Fi - Apocalyptic Fiction
- Sci Fi - Artificial Intelligence
- Sci Fi - Biopunk
- Sci Fi - Candlepunk
- Sci Fi - Christian
- Sci Fi - Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)
- Sci Fi - Clockpunk
- Sci Fi - Clones
- Sci Fi - Colonization
- Sci Fi - Comedy
- Sci Fi - Cyberpunk
- Sci Fi - Cyberspace
- Sci Fi - Decopunk
- Sci Fi - Detective
- Sci Fi - Dieselpunk
- Sci Fi - Distant Planet
- Sci Fi - Dying Earth
- Sci Fi - Dystopian & Post-Apocalyptic
- Sci Fi - First Contact
- Sci Fi - Frontier
- Sci Fi - Furry
- Sci Fi - Galactic Empire
- Sci Fi - Generation Ship
- Sci Fi - Genetic Manipulation
- Sci Fi - Gothpunk
- Sci Fi - Greenpunk
- Sci Fi - Hard Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Hollow Earth
- Sci Fi - Hopepunk
- Sci Fi - Human Evolution
- Sci Fi - Immortality
- Sci Fi - LGBTQ+
- Sci Fi - LitRPG
- Sci Fi - Lost Worlds
- Sci Fi - Military
- Sci Fi - Mind Uploads
- Sci Fi - Multiverse
- Sci Fi - Mutants
- Sci Fi - Mythpunk
- Sci Fi - Nanopunk
- Sci Fi - Near Future
- Sci Fi - New Adult
- Sci Fi - Nowpunk
- Sci Fi - People of Color
- Sci Fi - Piratepunk
- Sci Fi - Pulp
- Sci Fi - Realistic
- Sci Fi - Robots/Androids
- Sci Fi - Romance
- Sci Fi - RPG
- Sci Fi - Science Fantasy
- Sci Fi - Singularity
- Sci Fi - Slipstream
- Sci Fi - Social
- Sci Fi - Soft
- Sci Fi - Solarpunk
- Sci Fi - Space Exploration
- Sci Fi - Space Opera
- Sci Fi - Space Western
- Sci Fi - Spacepunk
- Sci Fi - SpyFi
- Sci Fi - Steampunk
- Sci Fi - Superheroes & Villains
- Sci Fi - Terraforming
- Sci Fi - Teslapunk
- Sci Fi - Theological
- Sci Fi - Time Travel
- Sci Fi - Transhuman
- Sci Fi - Uplift
- Sci Fi - Utopian
- Sci Fi - Virtual Reality
- Sci Fi - Wattpunk
- Sci Fi - Weird Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Young Adult
- 2084 Trilogy
- 46 Ascending
- A Bad-Ass Faerie Tale
- A Balance of Magic
- A Demon for Midwinter
- A New World
- A Warrior's Redemption
- ABsinthe Trilogy
- Aces High Jokers Wild
- Adventure of a Lifetime
- Aestus
- Agents of the Imperial Special Investigation Service
- Aggressor Queen
- Aisling Trilogy
- Alex McKenna
- Alterations
- Anchorage
- and Beyond
- Andersson Dexter
- Andlios
- Ardulum
- Ariadne
- Ariadne Cycle
- Arrow of Artemis
- Art Medium
- Arthur Rex
- As Above
- As Above So Below
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Autumn
- Bastard Prince Saga
- Bed Breakfast and Beyond
- Behind Blue Eyes
- Black Flag
- Black Swan Planet
- Blackwood Pack
- Blessed Epoch
- Blood Resonance
- Blood Sealed
- Bloodlines of Fate
- Blue Solace
- Bound Gods
- Brandywine Investigations
- Brassbright Cooks
- Brassbright Kids
- Brimstone
- Broken Stars
- Broken Veil
- Burke's Lore Briefs
- BuzzCuts
- Cadicle
- Carnival of Mysteries
- Cassidy Chronicles
- Central Galactic Concordance
- Centricity Cycle
- Chanda Kasmira
- Changing Bodies
- Chaos Menagerie
- Charlie's Story
- Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery
- Chronicles of Tournai
- Cold Cosmos
- Cold Fingers
- Coldharbour Chronicles
- Colonizing Saturn's Moon
- Compact Universe
- Constable Inspector Reva Lunaria
- Continuing Journeys
- Creatures of Darkness
- Crossdimensional Chronicles
- Cryptomorphs
- Crystal Throne
- Cybers Wild Card
- Daire's Devils
- Dalí Tamareia Missions
- Damien the devil
- Dark Folklore
- Dark is the Night
- Darkening Stars
- Darkly Enchanted Romance
- Daughter of Mars
- Dead Geniuses
- Defending the Future
- Demon Tales and Fairy Games
- Demonica
- Deptford Paranormals
- Detective Duarte Mysteries
- Devon Island Mars Colony
- Diamondsong
- Division Zero
- Dome of Souls Series
- Dome Stories
- Dragon Souls
- Dragon War Chronicles
- Dragons of Ivria
- Draoithe
- Dreams of Chaos
- Dylan Rivers Chronicles
- El Corazon
- Eldritch Heart
- Elemental Magicae
- Ellowyn Found
- Enchanted Occasions
- Endangered Fae
- Enimnori
- ESTO Universe
- Evergreen
- Exiles of the Drift
- Extraordinary
- Faded Skies
- Fae Out of Water
- False Icons
- Fantastic Tales of Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Fantasy
- Felines of Furyne
- Femmes Fatale
- Five Seasons of Night
- Forerunner Series
- Four Moons
- Fox-Hat
- Freedom Fight Trilogy
- Freedom Series in the Switchboard Univers
- Future History of the Grail
- G-Force Federation
- Gallows Hill Academy
- Gates of Divinity
- Gay Ever After Fairy Tales
- Ghost U
- Gifted Guilds
- Green Hills
- Grimaulkin
- Guardians
- Guardians of the PHAE
- H2LiftShips
- Ham and Echo
- Hammer Falls
- Hard Way Home
- Hauntastic Haunts
- Haven
- Hawthorn Academy
- Heavenly Sins Trilogy
- Heavy Metal Magic
- Hell Holes
- Heroes by Necessity
- Hidden Wolves
- Him for the Holidays Short Story
- Hollow
- House of Witches
- Hybrid Nation
- IMP Universe
- Infinity 8
- Infinity's End
- Interplanetary Hearts
- Jack Hansard
- Jake & Dean Investigations
- James & Harriet
- Jon's Mysteries
- Jordan Abbey
- Journey Across Genes Saga
- Kedgetown
- KHNM Series
- Kitten & Witch
- Lancaster's Luck
- Last Chance
- Last Train Home
- Legacy of the Phoenix
- Legend Tripping
- Leif the Lucky
- Lenna's Arc
- Lifehack
- Liminal Sky
- Liquid Onyx
- Lost in Time
- Luxor City
- Mad Kestrel
- Magic & Sorcery Chronicles
- Magic Emporium
- Magic Mirror Collection
- Magnificent Devices
- Mara of the League
- Mating Flight
- Max Porter Paranormal Mysteries
- McCarron's Corner
- Mermen & Magic
- Merseton Tales
- Metamorphoses of Flynn Keahi
- Mike Christopher
- Mindsaga
- Monstrous Creatures
- Moon Hunter's Inc.
- My Brother's Keeper
- Mystery of the Makers
- Myth World
- Mythmatched
- Necromancer
- Nel Bentley Books
- Northern Witch
- Oarthecan Star Saga
- Oberon Cycle
- Offbeat Crimes
- Office of Preternatural Affairs
- Old Code
- On Mars
- On Wings Saga
- Outlaws of Interra
- Perilous Miles
- Phoenix in Flames
- Pirates of Aletharia
- Pirates of New Earth
- Pixel Dust
- Pixiepunk
- Planet Hy Man
- Plans
- Poetry Inspired by Science
- Pōneke Shadows
- Progenitor
- Prophet of the Badlands
- Providence Paranormal College Boxed Sets
- Proxima Odyssey
- Queer Sci Fi Flash Fiction Contest
- Quirk & Moth
- Qwyrk Tales
- Rainbow Briefs
- Rainbow Reader
- Ray M. Holler’s Adventures
- Read by Candlelight
- Red Dog Conspiracy
- Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women
- Resonant Earth
- Revealed World
- Revin's Heart
- Rockshade’s PID
- Royal Powers
- Rubberman
- Saga of the Bold People
- Saul Imbierowicz
- Scarlet Order Vampires
- Scars
- Sentries
- Serial Killer Z
- Serpentia
- Shades
- Shades of Midnight
- Shentonia
- Ship Whisperer
- Sierra Waters
- Silverstar Mates
- Sing For Me
- Sister Seekers
- Sister Seekers Bundles
- Sisters of Chaos
- Sisters of Song
- Sixguns and Sorcery
- Small Things
- Small Things trilogy
- Small Town Georgia Tales
- Smoke and Moonlight
- Snakeheart
- So Below
- Soldiers and Mercenaries
- Somnia Online
- Songs of the Sage
- SoulShares
- Sovereigns of Bright and Shadow
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates' Legacy
- St. Acton
- Star Marked
- Star Rigger Universe
- Star Stories
- Starman Jones
- Stars' Edge: Nel Bently Books
- Starship Teapot
- Steel Empires
- Stories of the Eleriannan
- Strange, Strange World
- subpar heroes
- Subsumption Series
- Suicide Arc
- Sunshine and Specter
- Super U
- Supernatural Selection
- Survey Intragalactic
- Surviving the Apocalypse
- Systema Paradoxa
- Taking Shield
- Tales From A Warming Planet
- Tales from Norvegr
- Tales of a gay witch
- Tales of Ardonna
- Tales of Ardonna: Woodspell Series
- Tales of Miurag
- Tales of the Crypto-Hunter
- Tales of the Forest
- Tales of the Shadow City
- Tales of Tolari Space
- Tales within Chains
- Taran Empire Saga
- Tempus Institute
- Teristaque Chronicles
- Terran Space Project
- Tharassas Cycle
- The Absinthe Trilogy
- The Action Girls in
- The Adventures of Bodacious Creed
- The Adventures of Smith and Jones
- The Alchemical Duology
- The Arcadia Trust
- The Artifice Mage Saga
- The Asarlaí Wars
- The Ascended
- The Autobiography of Calista Antoine
- The Awakened
- The BetterWorld Trilogy
- The Biomass Conflux
- The Bloody Bois d'Arc Triptych
- The Bodyguard and the Heir
- The Books of Locurnia
- The Books of the Cuari
- The Books of the Wode
- The Brassbright Chronicles
- The Calling
- The Casebook Of Elilsha Grey
- The Cassie Tam Files
- The Chaos Chronicles
- The Clockwork Legion
- The Conn-Mann Chronicles
- The Council Of Twelve
- The Coven of Zora
- The Crossing Genres Anthology Collection
- The Cycles of Revelation
- The Daedalus Files
- The Dandelion Farmer
- The Dark Between Stars
- The Darkest Storm
- The Deiparian Saga
- The Dissolution Cycle
- The Doorway to Magic
- The Dragon Doc Tales
- The Dreamscape Voyager Trilogy
- The Druid's Brooch Series
- The Dungeon Crawlers
- The Dusk Eternal
- The Dynamicist Trilogy
- The Empire
- The Everlands Cycle
- The Evie Chester Files
- The Faction
- The Fairville Woods
- The Fellowship Dystopia
- The Forester Trilogy
- The God Fragments
- The Great War of the Worlds
- The Guild of Dream Warriors
- The Hallowed Bloodline
- The Hunter Chronicles
- The Hybrid of High Moon
- The Indestructibles
- The Interscission Project
- The Kitra Saga
- The Lost Ancients
- The Mage Conspiracy
- The Magicsmith
- The Martyr's Vow
- The Mating Games
- The Meaning Wars
- The Memory Bearers Saga
- The MIndbender
- The New Dawn
- The Night Bazaar
- The Night Flyer Series
- The Novels of Loch Moigh
- The Oort Chronicles
- The Others Project
- The Parallel Society
- The Parsina Saga
- The Peridot Shift
- The Place Of Things
- The Poison Patty Saga
- The Prophecy Series
- The Pudding Protocol Universe
- The Rehumanization of Jade Darcy
- The Remembrance War
- The Roboticist of Versailles
- The Samantha Rain Mysteries
- The Secret Histories
- The Seer Saga
- The Sehnsucht Series
- The Shifting Lands
- The Six Worlds
- The Sleep of Reason
- The Sleepless City
- The Society Universe
- The Spindown Saga
- The Starchild Trilogy
- The Stolen Future
- The Stolen Series
- The Stones of Power
- The Superhero Age
- The Team Huntress Flights
- The Temujin Saga
- The Tome of Bill
- The Trekana
- The Twins of Bellesfées
- The Ungovernable
- The United Federation Marine Corps
- The Unremembered King
- The Unwoven Tapestry
- The Valespian Pact
- The Vamp Who Would Be King
- The Vampire Guard
- The Vampire Hunters Academy
- The Vega Bloodmire Wicked Witch Mystery Series
- The Voidstrider Saga
- The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide
- The Way of the Warrior
- The Web of Arcana
- The Weller
- The Wellington Mysteries
- The Will-o'-the-Wisp Stories
- The Wolves of Kanta
- The Z-Tech Chronicles
- Thung Toh Jig
- Time Burrito
- Timeless Keeper Saga
- Timelessness
- Tinker's World
- Tome of Báirseach
- Toronto Time Agents
- Towers of the Earth
- Toybox
- Tracefinder
- Transdimensional Authority/Multiverse
- Treasures Retold
- Treasures Retold Omnibus
- Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy
- Truthspoken Universe
- Trystero
- Tuners
- Twilight Temptations
- Vampire Innocent
- Variant Configurations
- Virian Chronicles
- Virian Companions
- Vyrdigaan Prophecies
- WalrusTech
- War Mage
- War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters
- Wasp Squadron: The Navy of Humankind
- Watchers of Astaria
- Whispers From a Hidden World
- Witch-Hunter
- Wolf's-own
- Womby's School for Wayward Witches
- Women of the United Federation Marines
- Worlds Apart: A Universe of Sapphic Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Writers Save the World
- Wyrdwood Welcome
- author - american
- author - arabian
- author - australian
- author - belgian
- author - british
- author - canadian
- author - dutch
- author - european
- author - french
- author - italian
- author - new zealander
- author - saudi arabian
- format - anthology
- format - audiobook
- format - book
- format - box set
- format - collection
- format - free
- format - hardcover
- format - illustrated novel
- format - kindle
- format - kindle unlimited
- format - kindle vella
- format - large print
- format - netgalley
- format - novel
- format - novel >100K
- format - novel <100K
- format - novel 40-100K
- format - novella 15k-40K
- format - novellette <15k
- format - omnibus edition
- format - paperback
- format - payhip
- format - planner
- format - prequel
- format - self published
- format - sequel
- format - series
- format - shared universe
- format - short stories
- format - short story <15K
- identity - aromantic
- identity - asexual
- identity - bisexual
- identity - demisexual
- identity - gay
- identity - gender fluid
- identity - intersex
- identity - lesbian
- identity - non-binary
- identity - pansexual
- identity - polyamorous
- identity - transgender
- potential trigger
- potential trigger - abduction-captivity
- potential trigger - addiction
- potential trigger - avalanche
- potential trigger - blood
- potential trigger - death
- potential trigger - gore
- potential trigger - graphic torture
- potential trigger - murder
- potential trigger - rape
- potential trigger - sexual abuse
- potential trigger - stalking
- potential trigger - suicidal ideation
- potential trigger - suicide
- potential trigger - torture
- potential trigger - traumatic past
- potential trigger - violence
- what - concept - amnesia
- what - concept - curse
- what - condition - blindness
- what - condition - disability
- what - condition - mental illness
- what - condition - ptsd
- what - element - ferocious poodle
- what - holiday - general
- what - topic - cartel
- what - topic - chinese medicine
- what - topic - chinese mythology
- what - topic - climate change
- what - topic - compassion
- what - topic - crime
- what - topic - desert survival
- what - topic - disaster
- what - topic - drag
- what - topic - flying
- what - topic - genetic engineering
- what - topic - harem
- what - topic - haunting
- what - topic - japanese mythology
- what - topic - learning disabilities
- what - topic - legend
- what - topic - magic
- what - topic - multicultural
- what - topic - music
- what - topic - natural disaster
- what - topic - non-violence
- what - topic - politics
- what - topic - ransom
- what - topic - reincarnation
- what - topic - religion
- what - topic - revenge
- what - topic - science experiment
- what - topic - secret
- what - topic - secret organization
- what - topic - superstition
- what - topic - taboo
- what - topic - technology
- what - topic - terrorism
- when - period - 16th century
- when - period - 17th century
- when - period - 18th century
- when - period - 1920s
- when - period - 1930s
- when - period - 1940s
- when - period - 1950s
- when - period - 1960s
- when - period - 1970s
- when - period - 1980s
- when - period - 1990s
- when - period - 19th century
- when - period - 20th century
- when - period - ancient greece
- when - period - ancient rome
- when - period - edwardian
- when - period - georgian
- when - period - great war
- when - period - middle ages
- when - period - near future
- when - period - prehistoric
- when - period - prohibition
- when - period - victorian
- when – period – 6th century
- when – period – medieval
- when – period – world war ii
- where - fictional - moon colony
- where - general - alternate universe
- where - general - carnival
- where - general - castle
- where - general - cave
- where - general - cruise ship
- where - general - forest
- where - general - military
- where - general - mountains
- where - general - private school
- where - general - rural
- where - general - small town
- where - general - swamp
- where - general - uncharted island
- where - general - underground
- where - general - underwater
- where - Mars
- where - non-Earth planet
- where - space - international space station
- where - space - space station
- where - space station
- where - spaceship
- where – general – monastery or abbey
- who - description - alpha male
- who - description - alphas and omegas
- who - description - tattoos
- who - occupation - apothecary
- who - occupation - archaeologist
- who - occupation - artist
- who - occupation - assassin
- who - occupation - asteroid miner
- who - occupation - astronaut
- who - occupation - astronomer
- who - occupation - author
- who - occupation - baker
- who - occupation - barista
- who - occupation - bodyguard
- who - occupation - botanist
- who - occupation - bounty hunter
- who - occupation - castle laird
- who - occupation - computer programmer
- who - occupation - contractor
- who - occupation - coroner
- who - occupation - cowboys
- who - occupation - detective
- who - occupation - doctor
- who - occupation - drag queen
- who - occupation - engineer
- who - occupation - ex-convict
- who - occupation - federal agent
- who - occupation - guard
- who - occupation - hacker
- who - occupation - healer
- who - occupation - herbalist
- who - occupation - historian
- who - occupation - horsemaster
- who - occupation - innkeeper
- who - occupation - inventor
- who - occupation - journalist
- who - occupation - king
- who - occupation - knight
- who - occupation - law enforcement
- who - occupation - librarian
- who - occupation - lord
- who - occupation - mage
- who - occupation - marine
- who - occupation - mechanic
- who - occupation - medical
- who - occupation - mercenary
- who - occupation - military
- who - occupation - missionary
- who - occupation - motorcycle rider
- who - occupation - musician
- who - occupation - nurse
- who - occupation - pilot
- who - occupation - pirate
- who - occupation - police
- who - occupation - politician
- who - occupation - priest
- who - occupation - prince
- who - occupation - prisoner
- who - occupation - professor
- who - occupation - psychic
- who - occupation - royalty
- who - occupation - sailor
- who - occupation - scientist
- who - occupation - security
- who - occupation - serial killer
- who - occupation - servant
- who - occupation - sex worker
- who - occupation - sheriff
- who - occupation - soldier
- who - occupation - space marines
- who - occupation - spaceship captain
- who - occupation - spy
- who - occupation - stableboy
- who - occupation - starship captain
- who - occupation - student
- who - occupation - superhero
- who - occupation - tattoo artist
- who - occupation - teacher
- who - occupation - thief
- who - occupation - tracker
- who - occupation - undercover agent
- who - occupation - warrior
- who - occupation - writer
- who - religion - catholic
- who - religion - jewish
- who - religion - mormon / latter-day saints (lds)
- who - religion - muslim / islamic
- who - religion - pagan
- who - religion - shinto
- who - type - alien
- who - type - altered human
- who - type - angels
- who - type - badass heroine
- who - type - bear shifters
- who - type - bigfoot
- who - type - centaur
- who - type - cyborg
- who - type - demons
- who - type - dragon shifters
- who - type - dragons
- who - type - elves
- who - type - fae
- who - type - fox
- who - type - gator shifter
- who - type - ghosts
- who - type - gille dubh
- who - type - god
- who - type - griffins
- who - type - incubus
- who - type - kitsune
- who - type - magical humans
- who - type - merman
- who - type - nekomata
- who - type - nephilim
- who - type - panther shifters
- who - type - reindeer shifters
- who - type - robot / cyborg
- who - type - sea dragon shifter
- who - type - sea god
- who - type - sea serpent shifter
- who - type - selkie
- who - type - shifter
- who - type - spiders
- who - type - spirit
- who - type - succubus
- who - type - unicorns
- who - type - vampires
- who - type - vegan
- who - type - werecats
- who - type - werewolves
- who - type - witch
- who - type - wizard
- who - type - wolf
- who - type - yokai
- who - type - zombies
- who - world defender
- who – occupation – monk
- who – type – druidic god
- who – type – fertility god
- who – type – pagan god
- Abandoned Place
- AI Uprising
- Alien Artifacts
- Alien Eggs
- Alien Invasion
- Alien Ruins
- Aliens Among Us
- Aliens as God
- Aliens in History
- Ancient Astronauts
- Ancient Weapon
- Antihero
- Arthurian Legends
- Asteroid Miner
- Astral Projection
- Bad Robot
- Band of Brothers/Sisters
- Band of Misfits
- Bar Tales
- Becoming a Monster
- Benevolent Aliens
- Beyond the Grave Communication
- Big Sword
- Black and White Morality
- Body Modifications
- Bodysnatchers
- Book of Spells
- Born Hero
- Burial Ground/Cemetary
- Changing Painting
- Chosen One
- Clones
- Conspiracy
- Crazy Clairvoyants
- Cross-Species Friendships
- Cryosleep
- Dark Enemy
- Dark Lord
- Death by Sex
- Demonic Possession
- Dragonriders
- Dying World
- Dystopian Governments
- Enemy to Ally
- Evil Megacorporation
- Evolving Powers
- Fallen Hero
- Farmer to Hero
- Farmer to Royalty
- Fated Mates
- Fellowship
- Fetus of Doom
- First Contact
- Fish Out of Water
- Found Family
- Galactic Civilization
- Generation Ships
- Good Robots
- Haunted House
- Here Comes the Cavalry
- Humanity is Dangerous
- Humanity is Good
- Humans Evolved From Aliens
- Hunted
- I Am Your Father
- I See Dead People
- Immortality
- Inaccessible Magic
- Interspecies Adoption
- Interspecies Romance
- Interstellar Travel
- Killer Aliens
- Library of Secrets
- Lost Civilization
- Lucky Novice
- Mad Scientist
- Magic Furniture
- Magic Talisman
- Magical Disaster
- Marooned
- Mirror Shows True Self
- Modern Human in Fantasy World
- Museum/Store of the Unusual
- No Cell Coverage
- Old Person in the Woods
- Oxygen Leak
- Parallel Worlds
- Past People/Future Tech
- Person in Distress
- Portals
- Possession
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Powerful Artifact
- Prophesy
- Pseudo European Society
- Psionic Powers
- Quest
- Redemption Arc
- Reluctant Hero
- Reluctant Vampires
- Robin Hood Legends
- Roguish Thief
- Secret Heir
- Secret Royalty
- Secret Society
- Sentient AI
- Sentient Spaceships
- Sex Magic
- Singularity
- Space Battles
- Space Dentistry
- Space Detectives
- Space is Empty
- Space is Full
- Space Medicine
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates
- Space Psychology
- Space Smugglers
- Superpowers
- Sword of Destiny
- Time Loop
- Time Travel
- Training
- Ultimate Evil
- Undiscovered Planet
- Uploaded Consciousness
- Vengeful Spirit
- Villain to Hero
- Waiting/Sleeping Evil
- Wise Mentor
Showing all books.
Word Count: 40000
Summary: An outcast necromancer and a half-demon clerk need to save the world from seashell zombies. No pressure. Everyone's always told Aspic that trouble can't help following him because of his heritage. Determined to put the lie to half-demon stereotypes, he's finally landed a good, quiet job as an herbalist's clerk where the owner trusts him to man the shop alone. What could go wrong selling coriander and thyme? When Geoffrey first enters the shop, Aspic finds the little man's eccentric appearance startling, then intriguing. Geoffrey explains, in stops and starts, that he is a theoretical necromancer researching replacements for blood magic. His current line of inquiry involves seashells—do they have any in stock? Aspic's co-workers warn him that Geoffrey is a walking disaster, but he finds himself more and more drawn to a necromancer concerned with ethical death magic. Aspic is with Geoffrey in his lab when he has his first success, but the results aren't at all what he was aiming for. Instead of raising the dead rabbit on his table, the ritual animates the seashell and rock spell components, which flee the lab and cause havoc. They soon discover that the spell-animated objects are "zombies" in that they can "infect" other inanimate things. An unorthodox necromancer and an exasperated shop clerk are going to need some unconventional help to find a working de-animation spell before the world is overrun by zombie seashells and stones gone mad. Geoffrey the Very Strange is part of the Magic Emporium series. Each book stands alone, but each one features an appearance by Marden’s Magic Emporium, a shop that can appear anywhere, but only once and only when someone’s in dire need. This book contains theoretical necromancy, unexpected spell outcomes, some extraordinarily angry seashells, and a guaranteed HEA.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Coasters, carousels, an old cemetery, and a sprawling hotel on a stormy lakeside. Visit this haunted tour of scrapbook memories where legendary summers intersect with history and rumor. Told in vignettes that weave stories, newspaper clippings, postcards, and images, Ghastly Tales follows four families through the decades at a lakeside resort and amusement park where everyone eventually returns.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: This horror collection graphic novel contains the following stories: “And They Lived Long Enough to Bury Their Dead” is a dark fantasy comic zine about a group of Gen X goth/punk folks growing older and processing the deaths of loved ones. A paranormal urban fantasy, it centers around Billie, a nonbinary African-American alternative rocker from Oakland who develops the psychic ability to see and communicate with ghosts. Their nesting partner, Davis, a formerly homeless African-American transgender man, their twin brother Sean, a ghostcat, and the ghost of their mother are other central characters. In the story Billie, Davis, and their Gen X circle of friends are coming to terms with aging, the declining health (and loss) of their parents, and adjusting to a new post-pandemic world. It is an urban fantasy taking place in Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area “Agrippa” is a dystopic near-future tale that takes place in an unnamed industrialized nation very much like the United States. When foreign creditors demand that the nation repay its considerable international debt or face war it enacts the Dulcetta Reforms, ultra-restrictive laws establishing debtor’s prison, and causing a large number of people – many of them seniors – to go to jail or even face execution if not continuously working to pay off their personal debts to the government. Dr. Tine, an expert in geriatric medicine, is desperately searching for employment at the beginning of our tale, having lost her useful functioning in society as the elders she once treated were rounded up and hauled off to the prison camps. Things were so bad she didn't think they could possibly get any worse. How very wrong she was. Dreamworlds: Beyond Somnalia - the author is plagued by a series of increasing demands from their fictional characters who come to take over the writer's life.
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Gothpunk
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - People of Color
- Horror
- Horror - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Horror - LGBTQ+
- Horror - Monsters
- Horror - People of Color
- Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Alternate / Parallel Reality
- Sci Fi - Apocalyptic Fiction
- Sci Fi - Cyberpunk
- Sci Fi - Dystopian & Post-Apocalyptic
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: "This was a good time for silent reflection, to ask myself how—in all the rumored worlds—I’d arrived here." All she wanted was a secure home, but Maddie’s problems just got bigger. GIANTS’ GATE is a standalone MAGE ERA prequel to the WOODSPELL SERIES and one of the TALES OF ARDONNA. Content Advisory: Contains adult themes and situations and spoilers for River’s Roar
Word Count: 22000
Summary: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Garvin’s worst fear is realized when he runs home from the fields to find his lover’s forge empty, his tools scattered, and the ground trampled by a band of soldiers. Nyle has been kidnapped and conscripted into the King’s army—a death sentence even for a big smith like Nyle. Garvin is untrained, unarmed, and nowhere near strong enough to take on one soldier, let alone a whole army. His household skills and a way with horses aren't much to work with, but he can't let that stop him. For the first time in his life, he prays to the Goddess for the help he desperately needs. He’s not expecting an answer. Particularly the one he gets. ~*~*~* This is a rerelease of the 2012 Storm Moon Press story. It has been edited and polished, but there are no substantial changes. Content warning - contains a brief on-page episode of dubious to non-consensual sex.
Word Count: 125889
Summary: Alex Philothea, the newly appointed director of the Keepers of the Holy and Noble Maat, is fighting to save the agency her ancestors have led for over two millennia. Operating in deep cover, KHNM shields the mortal realm against the lethal chaos of the Immortals. As Alex battles the Gods over the agency’s existence, she is in a race against time to contain dangerous magical artifacts. If the Gods succeed in shuttering the agency and these ancient objects fall into unworthy hands, humanity will pay a deadly price. Deep in the Netherworld, adventurer Jorge Trinculo unearths a primordial book of magic. It exposes one of KHNM’s darkest secrets. For years, the agency has been erasing the memories of his encounters with the Immortals. As his old life floods back, he realizes all that he has lost. In Jorge’s pursuit of revenge, his future becomes entwined with that of a power-hungry magician. A magician who has waited patiently, for centuries, to possess the forbidden book and wield its lethal magic against the mortal realm.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Miss Mona is the sweet old lady who lives on the fourth floor. Or, at least, that's what all her neighbors think. But the true soul underneath the cardigan is much, much darker than anyone would ever suspect. Mona is hiding some very disturbing secrets in her home. After all, everyone has their little obsessions, don’t they? Includes the bonus short story “Spark."
Word Count: 79700
First settlers on Mars may be the last.
Emma Winters wants to explore with her robotic walkabouts.
When the tiny colony's psychologist walks out an airlock, she takes the one-way journey to Mars despite misgivings. As more deaths and illness plague humanity's tiny foothold, Emma must discover the truth before the Red Planet kills them all.Word Count: 20000
Summary: An Artificial Superintelligence bent on destroying humanity. A mech warrior determined to stop it. No one is safe. Not before, not now, not ever. Jedidiah Martin survived the AI apocalypse that almost destroyed America. He was there when they took down Isaac, the superintelligence responsible for nearly ending humanity. But is Isaac dead for good? From the ashes, a new threat has emerged. The people from a neighboring town are missing, as is Jedidiah’s nephew, Blake. All hell is about to break loose. With his band of mechanized warriors, Jedidiah sets out to find answers. But the questions keep coming: Is Isaac back from the grave? What does he want with Blake? Will he try to finish humanity for good this time?
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: After their daughter was bullied at school, Kyle and Alejandro decided to make a fresh start and move into a beautiful new cul-de-sac development. As they take up residence, the family enjoys seeing the community come to life. But when lights flicker, shadows lurk, and small objects disappear, they begin to doubt their sanity. When Alejandro and many of their neighbors are struck down by a strange sickness that defies explanation, the family starts to question their recent life change. Feeling trapped they speak with their new neighbors, learning they aren’t alone in the haunted neighborhood. Who do you turn to when the authorities can’t offer any assistance or protection? How do you fight against a sinister force that is older than time? Can Kyle, Alejandro and the rest of the occupants of Golden Hills Court survive or will this nightmarish ordeal destroy them?
Word Count: 7000
Summary: Emma and her Aunt Agathe share a family resemblance - they can both speak to ghosts. But Agathe, rejected by her family and constantly beset by heartache, has spent her whole life fleeing her unusual gift. Emma, however, embraces it. Grave Songs for the Dead is a cycle of three interconnected short stories, gothic with a touch of magic realism, set in the late 19th century.
Word Count: 82500
Summary: A mysterious distress call draws the crew of courier ship Hermes to what appears to be an empty, drifting troop vessel--empty except for the blood and gore spattered corridors and a lone survivor locked in a holding cell. Drawn to the handsome, traumatized man, the crew’s comm officer, Isaac Ozawa, makes Turk his personal responsibility, offering him the kindness and warmth he needs after the horror he experienced. Isaac knows firsthand what it’s like to be different and an outcast, and this cements their bond. Once a promising pilot, Isaac was left with a damaged body when his brain didn't meld with the high-tech implant needed to fly fighter ships. Turk’s brain is no better. The result of a military experiment gone wrong, his natural abilities have been augmented to a dangerous degree. When an amoral, power-hungry admiral kidnaps Isaac and uses him to convince Turk to become the cataclysmic weapon he’s hungered for, it will take Turk’s strength, the ingenuity of the Hermes crew, the help of the enigmatic Drak’tar, and Isaac’s own stubborn will to save them.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Just when he thought he was safe… Trouble seemed to find Del no matter what he did. He got caged as a pet to a fly, caught in a trap as food, chased by a crazy, saw-wielding doctor and found himself mated to an alien Captain. One year after the consummation of their relationship Del thought that trouble was far behind him. Little did he know that life was going to get far more challenging and dangerous than ever before. Quinn too was ready to get some rest and relaxation. But something strange followed them aboard the Narada Marant, something with tentacles and a unique appetite for Xolians. If that wasn’t bad enough, a cunning, evil warlord had his sights on kidnapping and selling Del. Looked like another rescue mission was going to be needed. Getting pregnant would be the least of Del’s worries.
Word Count: 135000
Summary: “Aye, well, what is an angel, anyway?” At Samhain, things in Llwyncudd are taking a turn for the strange and bizarre. The red dragon is spotted around town trying to dig its own grave whilst his vessel is happily participating in life elsewhere. Did Stewart’s dragon spirit leave him? Michael, can’t live with the thought. Meanwhile, Dr Lilibeth Blackthorne, PsyD, has moved to town at her brother Sam’s suggestion. Many of its residents are in desperate need of her counselling services and she’s uniquely qualified—even if she’s never particularly seen multiple personalities quite like this. Fairy-halfling Arthen also joins the town after being raised in the local fairy village on the other side. Despite the odd cultural clashes of living in a society that requires silly things like clothing, he is making many new friends and is more special than his former masters would have him believe. Join our friends as they battle their demons from the darker side of the veil in Green Hills and Battlefields—the thrilling fifth book of the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Horror
- Horror - Angels & Devils
- Horror - Comedy
- Horror - Fairy Tale/Folklore
- Horror - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Horror - LGBTQ+
- Horror - Monsters
- Horror - Mythic
- Horror - Psychic Talents
- Horror - Psychological
- Horror - Shifters
- Horror - Weird Horror
- Horror - Witches
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - Dark
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - Psychic Talents
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
Word Count: 147000
Summary: “Will I always be so alone, living as a dragon among the sheep?” Jane Dawson is an American on a journey of midlife makeover. Abandoning a tech career in Boston, she and her sheepdog, Moss, move to Wales in search of a simpler life, connection and community without the filter of the Internet. But who knew she would stumble over the red Welsh dragon, y Ddraig Goch? Actually, she stumbles over her own suitcase and falls on her face in the middle of Main Street. But her plea for help (or maybe it was just swearing) is answered by the shy local dragon who doesn’t know he’s a dragon—Stewart Rygby. But what rational, sane person believes in dragons and fairies? Why have such myths and legends persisted in the misty green hills of Wales over the aeons? And why does Moss need to mark everything in sight—including her new landlord? Join us as our dragons awaken from their slumber in Green Hills and Daffodils—the exciting first book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
Word Count: 137000
Summary: “Ye never ken what beasties lurk in the water…” The white and red dragons have been spiritual soulmates for as long as anyone can remember. Finally, their human vessels Stewart and Michael are together once more—except one of them has a hard time remembering or believing that he’s a dragon. As his mysterious family’s past starts revealing itself, Stewart Rygby has been made aware of his responsibility to manage and protect vast estate holdings that are in his care—which includes the local fairy village. There is also the impending problem of a lake resort planned to be built dangerously close to the dragons’ ancient lair. While Father Aron has the power to prevent this egregious trespass, it may take some angelic intervention to convince him to accept such a crusade on faith. Join us as our dragons come together for another lifetime in Green Hills and Dragon Tales—the momentous second book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - Historical
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Fantasy – Gods and Heroes
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
Word Count: 140000
Summary: “You probably shouldn’t stop to talk to strange men, dragons or fairies…” Stewart Rygby and Michael Dougal are looking forward to a new chapter in a new lifetime together, but the waiting is driving them mad. It also doesn’t help that Stewart’s mother is prone to random outbursts of poetry punctuated by the pealing of bells in the local fairy village. Whilst visiting Michael in Scotland, Stewart also gets to meet his fiancé’s cousin and the future mother of their children—Shannon Anderson. After getting dumped by her girlfriend of ten years by sticky note, she’s sick of pretences and vows to live life differently and by her own rules. Meanwhile, back in Llwyncudd, there’s a new vicar in town. Father Aron Lewis tries to look at retirement and the odd turn his life has taken as a positive—and one quite possibly fated by God. But God seems to have a twisted sense of humour. Join us for a puppy poppy tea party pealing parade in Green Hills and Fairy Bells—the prophetic third book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - Dark
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - Psychic Talents
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
Word Count: 129000
Summary: “Who but God could have created such a bewitching creature?” In the 6th century, Brother Elis was simply trying his best to serve God during a time of relative political peace and prosperity. But in a world full of rules written by man, how can he be at peace with the life that God has set before him? Now, in the 21st century, for the first lifetime in their ancient dragon memories, Stewart Rygby and Michael Dougal are free to marry one another. Is this finally their time to shine? When a messenger from the other side arrives on their doorstep, he brings more news from the fairy realm than the simple tidings from the Grand High Council of y Pentref Cudd. His presence demonstrates how little everyone truly knows about fairy society. As the mysterious and inexplicable spirit realm is revealed, retired vicar Father Aron is finally getting some very literal answers to his spiritual questions. Will he be able to keep such secrets to himself so that Stewart and Michael can live in anonymity? Join us for a wedding as esoteric mysteries are revealed in Green Hills and Holy Wells—the fourth book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - Historical
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - Dark
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - Psychic Talents
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
Word Count: 154000
Summary: “Birth, life and death—we have come full circle once again.” An 18th-century family portrait has been in the dining room of the Lewis family manor house for as long as anyone can remember. But who are the people shown in it? The children are known to be the founding members of the Llynhiraeth empire. But who is the woman depicted? Or the two men with her? And why do they look like Stewart Rygby and Michael Dougal? Stewart and Michael search through their memories of past lives to dig up the exciting tale of their scandalous life, love, family, and escape from France in the years and days leading up to the French Revolution. Along the way, many questions are answered about the origins of the prominent families of Llwyncudd and its most famous citizen. Join us where y Ddraig Goch meets his own tail in Green Hills and Prison Cells—the revolutionary final book of the Green Hills Series.
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - Historical
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - Dark
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
Word Count: 142000
Summary: “It was certainly hot and dry, but he hadn’t expected Hell to be particularly sunny.” Ben Davies is no stranger to the strange, but his life just got a whole lot weirder. He’s always battled between doing the morally right, sensible thing and impulse—but this time, his good intentions have landed him in hot water. Trapped in the Land of Nod with Alex’s Dreamtime alter-ego, Ben needs to find a way to get back to Wales—his Wales. With a psychotic psychopomp as their Virgil to guide them on an RV road trip through hell, Ben and Alex get to see America in all its star-spangled glory. It’ll take a transatlantic transdimensional meeting in the middle for these two to keep calm and carry on in their pursuit of happiness. Back in the fairy village, tensions are running at an all-time high. Will y Pentreff Cudd start the new year in an all-out civil war? Or set aside their differences to find peace and goodwill? Join dragons, fairies and transdimensional puppies in Green Hills and Whippoorwills—the thought-provoking sixth book in the Green Hills Series by Celyn Kendrick!
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - Psychic Talents
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Shifters