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- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Candlepunk
- Fantasy - Clockpunk
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Erotica
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - Fantasy of Manners
- Fantasy - Gothpunk
- Fantasy - Heroic
- Fantasy - High & Other World
- Fantasy - Historical
- Fantasy - Hopepunk
- Fantasy - Knights & Castles
- Fantasy - Latinpunk
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - LitRPG
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Mythpunk
- Fantasy - New Adult
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - People of Color
- Fantasy - Piratepunk
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - RPG
- Fantasy - Silkpunk
- Fantasy - Slipstream
- Fantasy - Steampunk
- Fantasy - Sword & Sorcery
- Fantasy - Urban & Magical Beings
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Fantasy - Young Adult
- Fantasy – Gods and Heroes
- Horror
- Horror - Angels & Devils
- Horror - Comedy
- Horror - Fairy Tale/Folklore
- Horror - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Horror - Gothic
- Horror - LGBTQ+
- Horror - LitRPG
- Horror - Lovecraftian/Cthulhu
- Horror - Man-Made Horrors
- Horror - Monsters
- Horror - Mythic
- Horror - New Adult
- Horror - Noir
- Horror - Occult
- Horror - People of Color
- Horror - Post-Apocalyptic
- Horror - Psychic Talents
- Horror - Psychological
- Horror - Shifters
- Horror - Splatterpunk
- Horror - Vampires
- Horror - Weird Horror
- Horror - Werewolves
- Horror - Witches
- Horror - Young Adult
- Horror - Zombies
- Nonfiction
- Nonfiction - Writing Guides
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - Dark
- Paranormal - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - LitRPG
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - New Adult
- Paranormal - People of Color
- Paranormal - Psychic Talents
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
- Paranormal - Vampires
- Paranormal - Young Adult
- Paranormal - Zombies
- Poetry
- Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Alien Invasion
- Sci Fi - Alien Races
- Sci Fi - Aliens
- Sci Fi - Alternate / Parallel Reality
- Sci Fi - Alternative History
- Sci Fi - Apocalyptic Fiction
- Sci Fi - Artificial Intelligence
- Sci Fi - Biopunk
- Sci Fi - Candlepunk
- Sci Fi - Christian
- Sci Fi - Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)
- Sci Fi - Clockpunk
- Sci Fi - Clones
- Sci Fi - Colonization
- Sci Fi - Comedy
- Sci Fi - Cyberpunk
- Sci Fi - Cyberspace
- Sci Fi - Decopunk
- Sci Fi - Detective
- Sci Fi - Dieselpunk
- Sci Fi - Distant Planet
- Sci Fi - Dying Earth
- Sci Fi - Dystopian & Post-Apocalyptic
- Sci Fi - First Contact
- Sci Fi - Frontier
- Sci Fi - Furry
- Sci Fi - Galactic Empire
- Sci Fi - Generation Ship
- Sci Fi - Genetic Manipulation
- Sci Fi - Gothpunk
- Sci Fi - Greenpunk
- Sci Fi - Hard Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Hollow Earth
- Sci Fi - Hopepunk
- Sci Fi - Human Evolution
- Sci Fi - Immortality
- Sci Fi - LGBTQ+
- Sci Fi - LitRPG
- Sci Fi - Lost Worlds
- Sci Fi - Military
- Sci Fi - Mind Uploads
- Sci Fi - Multiverse
- Sci Fi - Mutants
- Sci Fi - Mythpunk
- Sci Fi - Nanopunk
- Sci Fi - Near Future
- Sci Fi - New Adult
- Sci Fi - Nowpunk
- Sci Fi - People of Color
- Sci Fi - Piratepunk
- Sci Fi - Pulp
- Sci Fi - Realistic
- Sci Fi - Robots/Androids
- Sci Fi - Romance
- Sci Fi - RPG
- Sci Fi - Science Fantasy
- Sci Fi - Singularity
- Sci Fi - Slipstream
- Sci Fi - Social
- Sci Fi - Soft
- Sci Fi - Solarpunk
- Sci Fi - Space Exploration
- Sci Fi - Space Opera
- Sci Fi - Space Western
- Sci Fi - Spacepunk
- Sci Fi - SpyFi
- Sci Fi - Steampunk
- Sci Fi - Superheroes & Villains
- Sci Fi - Terraforming
- Sci Fi - Teslapunk
- Sci Fi - Theological
- Sci Fi - Time Travel
- Sci Fi - Transhuman
- Sci Fi - Uplift
- Sci Fi - Utopian
- Sci Fi - Virtual Reality
- Sci Fi - Wattpunk
- Sci Fi - Weird Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Young Adult
- 2084 Trilogy
- 46 Ascending
- A Bad-Ass Faerie Tale
- A Balance of Magic
- A Bit of the Dark World
- A Demon for Midwinter
- A New World
- A Warrior's Redemption
- ABsinthe Trilogy
- Aces High Jokers Wild
- Adventure of a Lifetime
- Aestus
- Agents of the Imperial Special Investigation Service
- Aggressor Queen
- Aisling Trilogy
- Alex McKenna
- Alterations
- Anchorage
- and Beyond
- Andersson Dexter
- Andlios
- Ardulum
- Ariadne
- Ariadne Cycle
- Arrow of Artemis
- Art Medium
- Arthur Rex
- As Above
- As Above So Below
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Autumn
- Bastard Prince Saga
- Bed Breakfast and Beyond
- Behind Blue Eyes
- Black Flag
- Black Swan Planet
- Blackwood Pack
- Blessed Epoch
- Blood Resonance
- Blood Sealed
- Bloodlines of Fate
- Blue Solace
- Bound Gods
- Brandywine Investigations
- Brassbright Cooks
- Brassbright Kids
- Brimstone
- Broken Stars
- Broken Veil
- Burke's Lore Briefs
- BuzzCuts
- Cadicle
- Carnival of Mysteries
- Cassidy Chronicles
- Central Galactic Concordance
- Centricity Cycle
- Chanda Kasmira
- Changing Bodies
- Chaos Menagerie
- Charlie's Story
- Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery
- Chronicles of Tournai
- Cold Cosmos
- Cold Fingers
- Coldharbour Chronicles
- Colonizing Saturn's Moon
- Compact Universe
- Constable Inspector Reva Lunaria
- Continuing Journeys
- Creatures of Darkness
- Crossdimensional Chronicles
- Cryptomorphs
- Crystal Throne
- Cybers Wild Card
- Daire's Devils
- Dalí Tamareia Missions
- Damien the devil
- Dark Folklore
- Dark is the Night
- Darkening Stars
- Darkly Enchanted Romance
- Daughter of Mars
- Dead Geniuses
- Defending the Future
- Demon Tales and Fairy Games
- Demonica
- Deptford Paranormals
- Detective Duarte Mysteries
- Devon Island Mars Colony
- Diamondsong
- Division Zero
- Dome of Souls Series
- Dome Stories
- Dragon Souls
- Dragon War Chronicles
- Dragons of Ivria
- Draoithe
- Dreams of Chaos
- Dylan Rivers Chronicles
- El Corazon
- Eldritch Heart
- Elemental Magicae
- Ellowyn Found
- Enchanted Occasions
- Endangered Fae
- Enimnori
- ESTO Universe
- Evergreen
- Exiles of the Drift
- Extraordinary
- Faded Skies
- Fae Out of Water
- False Icons
- Fantastic Tales of Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Fantasy
- Felines of Furyne
- Femmes Fatale
- Five Seasons of Night
- Forerunner Series
- Four Moons
- Fox-Hat
- Freedom Fight Trilogy
- Freedom Series in the Switchboard Univers
- Future History of the Grail
- G-Force Federation
- Gallows Hill Academy
- Gates of Divinity
- Gay Ever After Fairy Tales
- Ghost U
- Gifted Guilds
- Green Hills
- Grimaulkin
- Guardians
- Guardians of the PHAE
- H2LiftShips
- Ham and Echo
- Hammer Falls
- Hard Way Home
- Hauntastic Haunts
- Haven
- Hawthorn Academy
- Heavenly Sins Trilogy
- Heavy Metal Magic
- Hell Holes
- Heroes by Necessity
- Hidden Wolves
- Him for the Holidays Short Story
- Hollow
- House of Witches
- Hybrid Nation
- IMP Universe
- Infinity 8
- Infinity's End
- Interplanetary Hearts
- Jack Hansard
- Jake & Dean Investigations
- James & Harriet
- Jon's Mysteries
- Jordan Abbey
- Journey Across Genes Saga
- Kedgetown
- KHNM Series
- Kitten & Witch
- Lancaster's Luck
- Last Chance
- Last Train Home
- Legacy of the Phoenix
- Legend Tripping
- Leif the Lucky
- Lenna's Arc
- Lifehack
- Liminal Sky
- Liquid Onyx
- Lost in Time
- Luxor City
- Mad Kestrel
- Magic & Sorcery Chronicles
- Magic Emporium
- Magic Mirror Collection
- Magnificent Devices
- Mara of the League
- Mating Flight
- Max Porter Paranormal Mysteries
- McCarron's Corner
- Mermen & Magic
- Merseton Tales
- Metamorphoses of Flynn Keahi
- Mike Christopher
- Mindsaga
- Monstrous Creatures
- Moon Hunter's Inc.
- My Brother's Keeper
- Mystery of the Makers
- Myth World
- Mythmatched
- Necromancer
- Nel Bentley Books
- Northern Witch
- Oarthecan Star Saga
- Oberon Cycle
- Offbeat Crimes
- Office of Preternatural Affairs
- Old Code
- On Mars
- On Wings Saga
- Outlaws of Interra
- Perilous Miles
- Phoenix in Flames
- Pirates of Aletharia
- Pirates of New Earth
- Pixel Dust
- Pixiepunk
- Planet Hy Man
- Plans
- Poetry Inspired by Science
- Pōneke Shadows
- Post Host Cozy Fantasy Series
- Progenitor
- Prophet of the Badlands
- Providence Paranormal College Boxed Sets
- Proxima Odyssey
- Queer Sci Fi Flash Fiction Contest
- Quirk & Moth
- Qwyrk Tales
- Rainbow Briefs
- Rainbow Reader
- Ray M. Holler’s Adventures
- Read by Candlelight
- Red Dog Conspiracy
- Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women
- Resonant Earth
- Revealed World
- Revin's Heart
- Rockshade’s PID
- Royal Powers
- Rubberman
- Saga of the Bold People
- Saul Imbierowicz
- Scarlet Order Vampires
- Scars
- Sentries
- Serial Killer Z
- Serpentia
- Shades
- Shades of Midnight
- Shentonia
- Ship Whisperer
- Sierra Waters
- Silverstar Mates
- Sing For Me
- Sister Seekers
- Sister Seekers Bundles
- Sisters of Chaos
- Sisters of Song
- Sixguns and Sorcery
- Small Things
- Small Things trilogy
- Small Town Georgia Tales
- Smoke and Moonlight
- Snakeheart
- So Below
- Soldiers and Mercenaries
- Somnia Online
- Songs of the Sage
- SoulShares
- Sovereigns of Bright and Shadow
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates' Legacy
- St. Acton
- Star Marked
- Star Rigger Universe
- Star Smuggler
- Star Stories
- Starman Jones
- Stars' Edge: Nel Bently Books
- Starship Teapot
- Steel Empires
- Stories of the Eleriannan
- Strange, Strange World
- subpar heroes
- Subsumption Series
- Suicide Arc
- Sunshine and Specter
- Super U
- Supernatural Selection
- Survey Intragalactic
- Surviving the Apocalypse
- Systema Paradoxa
- Taking Shield
- Tales From A Warming Planet
- Tales from Norvegr
- Tales of a gay witch
- Tales of Ardonna
- Tales of Ardonna: Woodspell Series
- Tales of Miurag
- Tales of the Crypto-Hunter
- Tales of the Forest
- Tales of the Shadow City
- Tales of Tolari Space
- Tales within Chains
- Taran Empire Saga
- Tempus Institute
- Teristaque Chronicles
- Terran Space Project
- Tharassas Cycle
- The Absinthe Trilogy
- The Action Girls in
- The Adventures of Bodacious Creed
- The Adventures of Smith and Jones
- The Alchemical Duology
- The Arcadia Trust
- The Artifice Mage Saga
- The Asarlaí Wars
- The Ascended
- The Autobiography of Calista Antoine
- The Awakened
- The BetterWorld Trilogy
- The Biomass Conflux
- The Bloody Bois d'Arc Triptych
- The Bodyguard and the Heir
- The Books of Locurnia
- The Books of the Cuari
- The Books of the Wode
- The Brassbright Chronicles
- The Calling
- The Casebook Of Elilsha Grey
- The Cassie Tam Files
- The Chaos Chronicles
- The Clockwork Legion
- The Conn-Mann Chronicles
- The Council Of Twelve
- The Coven of Zora
- The Crossing Genres Anthology Collection
- The Cycles of Revelation
- The Daedalus Files
- The Dandelion Farmer
- The Dark Between Stars
- The Darkest Storm
- The Deiparian Saga
- The Dissolution Cycle
- The Doorway to Magic
- The Dragon Doc Tales
- The Dreamscape Voyager Trilogy
- The Druid's Brooch Series
- The Dungeon Crawlers
- The Dusk Eternal
- The Dynamicist Trilogy
- The Empire
- The Everlands Cycle
- The Evie Chester Files
- The Faction
- The Fairville Woods
- The Fellowship Dystopia
- The Forester Trilogy
- The God Fragments
- The Great War of the Worlds
- The Guild of Dream Warriors
- The Hallowed Bloodline
- The Hunter Chronicles
- The Hybrid of High Moon
- The Indestructibles
- The Interscission Project
- The Kitra Saga
- The Lost Ancients
- The Mage Conspiracy
- The Magicsmith
- The Martyr's Vow
- The Mating Games
- The Meaning Wars
- The Memory Bearers Saga
- The MIndbender
- The New Dawn
- The Night Bazaar
- The Night Flyer Series
- The Novels of Loch Moigh
- The Oort Chronicles
- The Others Project
- The Parallel Society
- The Parsina Saga
- The Peridot Shift
- The Place Of Things
- The Poison Patty Saga
- The Prophecy Series
- The Pudding Protocol Universe
- The Rehumanization of Jade Darcy
- The Remembrance War
- The Roboticist of Versailles
- The Samantha Rain Mysteries
- The Secret Histories
- The Seer Saga
- The Sehnsucht Series
- The Shifting Lands
- The Six Worlds
- The Sleep of Reason
- The Sleepless City
- The Society Universe
- The Spindown Saga
- The Starchild Trilogy
- The Stolen Future
- The Stolen Series
- The Stones of Power
- The Superhero Age
- The Team Huntress Flights
- The Temujin Saga
- The Tome of Bill
- The Trekana
- The Twins of Bellesfées
- The Ungovernable
- The United Federation Marine Corps
- The Unremembered King
- The Unwoven Tapestry
- The Valespian Pact
- The Vamp Who Would Be King
- The Vampire Guard
- The Vampire Hunters Academy
- The Vega Bloodmire Wicked Witch Mystery Series
- The Voidstrider Saga
- The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide
- The Way of the Warrior
- The Web of Arcana
- The Weller
- The Wellington Mysteries
- The Will-o'-the-Wisp Stories
- The Wolves of Kanta
- The Z-Tech Chronicles
- Thung Toh Jig
- Time Burrito
- Timeless Keeper Saga
- Timelessness
- Tinker's World
- Tome of Báirseach
- Toronto Time Agents
- Towers of the Earth
- Toybox
- Tracefinder
- Transdimensional Authority/Multiverse
- Treasures Retold
- Treasures Retold Omnibus
- Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy
- Truthspoken Universe
- Trystero
- Tuners
- Twilight Temptations
- Vampire Innocent
- Variant Configurations
- Virian Chronicles
- Virian Companions
- Vyrdigaan Prophecies
- WalrusTech
- War Mage
- War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters
- Wasp Squadron: The Navy of Humankind
- Watchers of Astaria
- Whispers From a Hidden World
- Witch-Hunter
- Wolf's-own
- Womby's School for Wayward Witches
- Women of the United Federation Marines
- Worlds Apart: A Universe of Sapphic Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Writers Save the World
- Wyrdwood Welcome
- author - american
- author - arabian
- author - australian
- author - belgian
- author - british
- author - canadian
- author - dutch
- author - european
- author - french
- author - italian
- author - new zealander
- author - saudi arabian
- format - anthology
- format - audiobook
- format - book
- format - box set
- format - collection
- format - free
- format - hardcover
- format - illustrated novel
- format - kindle
- format - kindle unlimited
- format - kindle vella
- format - large print
- format - netgalley
- format - novel
- format - novel >100K
- format - novel <100K
- format - novel 40-100K
- format - novella 15k-40K
- format - novellette <15k
- format - omnibus edition
- format - paperback
- format - payhip
- format - planner
- format - prequel
- format - self published
- format - sequel
- format - series
- format - shared universe
- format - short stories
- format - short story <15K
- identity - aromantic
- identity - asexual
- identity - bisexual
- identity - demisexual
- identity - gay
- identity - gender fluid
- identity - intersex
- identity - lesbian
- identity - non-binary
- identity - pansexual
- identity - polyamorous
- identity - transgender
- potential trigger
- potential trigger - abduction-captivity
- potential trigger - addiction
- potential trigger - avalanche
- potential trigger - blood
- potential trigger - death
- potential trigger - gore
- potential trigger - graphic torture
- potential trigger - murder
- potential trigger - rape
- potential trigger - sexual abuse
- potential trigger - stalking
- potential trigger - suicidal ideation
- potential trigger - suicide
- potential trigger - torture
- potential trigger - traumatic past
- potential trigger - violence
- what - concept - amnesia
- what - concept - curse
- what - condition - blindness
- what - condition - disability
- what - condition - mental illness
- what - condition - ptsd
- what - element - ferocious poodle
- what - holiday - general
- what - topic - cartel
- what - topic - chinese medicine
- what - topic - chinese mythology
- what - topic - climate change
- what - topic - compassion
- what - topic - crime
- what - topic - desert survival
- what - topic - disaster
- what - topic - drag
- what - topic - flying
- what - topic - genetic engineering
- what - topic - harem
- what - topic - haunting
- what - topic - japanese mythology
- what - topic - learning disabilities
- what - topic - legend
- what - topic - magic
- what - topic - multicultural
- what - topic - music
- what - topic - natural disaster
- what - topic - non-violence
- what - topic - politics
- what - topic - ransom
- what - topic - reincarnation
- what - topic - religion
- what - topic - revenge
- what - topic - science experiment
- what - topic - secret
- what - topic - secret organization
- what - topic - superstition
- what - topic - taboo
- what - topic - technology
- what - topic - terrorism
- when - period - 16th century
- when - period - 17th century
- when - period - 18th century
- when - period - 1920s
- when - period - 1930s
- when - period - 1940s
- when - period - 1950s
- when - period - 1960s
- when - period - 1970s
- when - period - 1980s
- when - period - 1990s
- when - period - 19th century
- when - period - 20th century
- when - period - ancient greece
- when - period - ancient rome
- when - period - edwardian
- when - period - georgian
- when - period - great war
- when - period - middle ages
- when - period - near future
- when - period - prehistoric
- when - period - prohibition
- when - period - victorian
- when – period – 6th century
- when – period – medieval
- when – period – world war ii
- where - fictional - moon colony
- where - general - alternate universe
- where - general - carnival
- where - general - castle
- where - general - cave
- where - general - cruise ship
- where - general - forest
- where - general - military
- where - general - mountains
- where - general - private school
- where - general - rural
- where - general - small town
- where - general - swamp
- where - general - uncharted island
- where - general - underground
- where - general - underwater
- where - Mars
- where - non-Earth planet
- where - space - international space station
- where - space - space station
- where - space station
- where - spaceship
- where – general – monastery or abbey
- who - description - alpha male
- who - description - alphas and omegas
- who - description - tattoos
- who - occupation - apothecary
- who - occupation - archaeologist
- who - occupation - artist
- who - occupation - assassin
- who - occupation - asteroid miner
- who - occupation - astronaut
- who - occupation - astronomer
- who - occupation - author
- who - occupation - baker
- who - occupation - barista
- who - occupation - bodyguard
- who - occupation - botanist
- who - occupation - bounty hunter
- who - occupation - castle laird
- who - occupation - computer programmer
- who - occupation - contractor
- who - occupation - coroner
- who - occupation - cowboys
- who - occupation - detective
- who - occupation - doctor
- who - occupation - drag queen
- who - occupation - engineer
- who - occupation - ex-convict
- who - occupation - federal agent
- who - occupation - guard
- who - occupation - hacker
- who - occupation - healer
- who - occupation - herbalist
- who - occupation - historian
- who - occupation - horsemaster
- who - occupation - innkeeper
- who - occupation - inventor
- who - occupation - journalist
- who - occupation - king
- who - occupation - knight
- who - occupation - law enforcement
- who - occupation - librarian
- who - occupation - lord
- who - occupation - mage
- who - occupation - marine
- who - occupation - mechanic
- who - occupation - medical
- who - occupation - mercenary
- who - occupation - military
- who - occupation - missionary
- who - occupation - motorcycle rider
- who - occupation - musician
- who - occupation - nurse
- who - occupation - pilot
- who - occupation - pirate
- who - occupation - police
- who - occupation - politician
- who - occupation - priest
- who - occupation - prince
- who - occupation - prisoner
- who - occupation - professor
- who - occupation - psychic
- who - occupation - royalty
- who - occupation - sailor
- who - occupation - scientist
- who - occupation - security
- who - occupation - serial killer
- who - occupation - servant
- who - occupation - sex worker
- who - occupation - sheriff
- who - occupation - soldier
- who - occupation - space marines
- who - occupation - spaceship captain
- who - occupation - spy
- who - occupation - stableboy
- who - occupation - starship captain
- who - occupation - student
- who - occupation - superhero
- who - occupation - tattoo artist
- who - occupation - teacher
- who - occupation - thief
- who - occupation - tracker
- who - occupation - undercover agent
- who - occupation - warrior
- who - occupation - writer
- who - religion - catholic
- who - religion - jewish
- who - religion - mormon / latter-day saints (lds)
- who - religion - muslim / islamic
- who - religion - pagan
- who - religion - shinto
- who - type - alien
- who - type - altered human
- who - type - angels
- who - type - badass heroine
- who - type - bear shifters
- who - type - bigfoot
- who - type - centaur
- who - type - cyborg
- who - type - demons
- who - type - dragon shifters
- who - type - dragons
- who - type - elves
- who - type - fae
- who - type - fox
- who - type - gator shifter
- who - type - ghosts
- who - type - gille dubh
- who - type - god
- who - type - griffins
- who - type - incubus
- who - type - kitsune
- who - type - magical humans
- who - type - merman
- who - type - nekomata
- who - type - nephilim
- who - type - panther shifters
- who - type - reindeer shifters
- who - type - robot / cyborg
- who - type - sea dragon shifter
- who - type - sea god
- who - type - sea serpent shifter
- who - type - selkie
- who - type - shifter
- who - type - spiders
- who - type - spirit
- who - type - succubus
- who - type - unicorns
- who - type - vampires
- who - type - vegan
- who - type - werecats
- who - type - werewolves
- who - type - witch
- who - type - wizard
- who - type - wolf
- who - type - yokai
- who - type - zombies
- who - world defender
- who – occupation – monk
- who – type – druidic god
- who – type – fertility god
- who – type – pagan god
- Abandoned Place
- AI Uprising
- Alien Artifacts
- Alien Eggs
- Alien Invasion
- Alien Ruins
- Aliens Among Us
- Aliens as God
- Aliens in History
- Ancient Astronauts
- Ancient Weapon
- Antihero
- Arthurian Legends
- Asteroid Miner
- Astral Projection
- Bad Robot
- Band of Brothers/Sisters
- Band of Misfits
- Bar Tales
- Becoming a Monster
- Benevolent Aliens
- Beyond the Grave Communication
- Big Sword
- Black and White Morality
- Body Modifications
- Bodysnatchers
- Book of Spells
- Born Hero
- Burial Ground/Cemetary
- Changing Painting
- Chosen One
- Clones
- Conspiracy
- Crazy Clairvoyants
- Cross-Species Friendships
- Cryosleep
- Dark Enemy
- Dark Lord
- Death by Sex
- Demonic Possession
- Dragonriders
- Dying World
- Dystopian Governments
- Enemy to Ally
- Evil Megacorporation
- Evolving Powers
- Fallen Hero
- Farmer to Hero
- Farmer to Royalty
- Fated Mates
- Fellowship
- Fetus of Doom
- First Contact
- Fish Out of Water
- Found Family
- Galactic Civilization
- Generation Ships
- Good Robots
- Haunted House
- Here Comes the Cavalry
- Humanity is Dangerous
- Humanity is Good
- Humans Evolved From Aliens
- Hunted
- I Am Your Father
- I See Dead People
- Immortality
- Inaccessible Magic
- Interspecies Adoption
- Interspecies Romance
- Interstellar Travel
- Killer Aliens
- Library of Secrets
- Lost Civilization
- Lucky Novice
- Mad Scientist
- Magic Furniture
- Magic Talisman
- Magical Disaster
- Marooned
- Mirror Shows True Self
- Modern Human in Fantasy World
- Museum/Store of the Unusual
- No Cell Coverage
- Old Person in the Woods
- Oxygen Leak
- Parallel Worlds
- Past People/Future Tech
- Person in Distress
- Portals
- Possession
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Powerful Artifact
- Prophesy
- Pseudo European Society
- Psionic Powers
- Quest
- Redemption Arc
- Reluctant Hero
- Reluctant Vampires
- Robin Hood Legends
- Roguish Thief
- Secret Heir
- Secret Royalty
- Secret Society
- Sentient AI
- Sentient Spaceships
- Sex Magic
- Singularity
- Space Battles
- Space Dentistry
- Space Detectives
- Space is Empty
- Space is Full
- Space Medicine
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates
- Space Psychology
- Space Smugglers
- Superpowers
- Sword of Destiny
- Time Loop
- Time Travel
- Training
- Ultimate Evil
- Undiscovered Planet
- Uploaded Consciousness
- Vengeful Spirit
- Villain to Hero
- Waiting/Sleeping Evil
- Wise Mentor
Showing all books.
Word Count: 100000
Summary: Dragons don't care what gender you are. A small town may be a refuge, or a trap. Some younger brothers really do save the planet. Three people can be the strongest shape. There's nothing quite like a gorgeous girl on a shape-shifting motorcycle. This second Kira Harp collection brings together LGBTQ teens in 21 stories of adventure, discovery, and romance, in fantasy, paranormal, contemporary, and SciFi settings. Ranging from a few short pages to 12,000 words, each story was inspired by a prompt picture from the YA LGBTQ Books Group on Goodreads. (Content warnings for abduction, bullying, self harm, substance abuse, suicidal ideation.) **This book is free in ebook everywhere except Amazon
Word Count: 68810
Summary: Variant children are vanishing at an alarming rate. It will take a uniquely mismatched pair of trackers to untangle a web of conspiracy and misdirection to find them. In his isolated cabin, variant Damien Hazelwood avoids human contact as much as possible to prevent attacks of blind berserker panic. But his rare talent as a locator makes him the go-to contractor for tricky missing person's cases and when agents bring him a troubling contract involving missing variant children, he finds it impossible to refuse. Licensed tracker Blaze Emerson can't help being irritated when he's expected to follow the strange, twitchy locator's lead on his latest case. He works alone, he's damn good, and as a variant sparker, he has both the fire and the firepower to take on anything out there. Though he has to admit there's something intriguing about a man who can find people with his brain. With vastly different temperaments and backgrounds, Damien and Blaze need to negotiate quickly how to work together if they're going to crack this case. Add in the sudden appearance of Blaze's outlaw ex, the perils of tracking in the wilds, and a maddening lack of discernible motive or method, and they soon find themselves in as much danger as the kids they're trying to rescue. Variant Configurations takes place in a future Earth where humanity is reclaiming its spot in a gradually healing world. This book contains mentions of past abuse, action-adventure style mayhem, and the beginning sparks of a slow burn, series-spanning relationship.
Word Count: 100000
Summary: In a world where death magic is sometimes the lesser of the evils, a dark mage risks everything for redemption. To win a pardon, Raven must play a dangerous game of double agent. His mission: help the Guardians bring down his master William, the most powerful dark mage alive. His only Guardian contact is Cassandra, his former lover and the apprentice he once betrayed. His best weapon is the Ravensblood, a fearsome magical artifact his master thought destroyed. As Raven struggles to regain Cassandra's trust, the two of them devise a desperate plan to defeat William. If their plan fails, Raven could lose everything: his freedom, his love, his life, and his soul. And if William acquires the Ravensblood, he will gain the power to bring the world to its knees. First in the award-winning Ravensblood series, set in an alternate Pacific Northwest.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Second chances don't come free The system gives Dare no answers, only orders. The other eels are equally as unforthcoming, and Dare must resort to dangerous methods to uncover hidden information, taking chances that risk death if the system in their head disapproves. By poking at the holes in the Second Chance (SC) system, Dare discovers just how blurry its morality truly is. For anyone to escape, it'll take working together. But not everyone wants to be freed, and SC has worked too hard, too long, to give any of them up.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: A genre-bending science fiction tale that takes place on several planets and through two lifetimes, rife with psychic magic as well as insights from psychology and physics. Yearning to reunite in the afterlife, a couple’s search runs afoul of both the materialistic Technists on Earth and the intransigent laws of Commensuration on their adoptive planet Xarbo, where rewards and retributions fly fast. Their quest for destiny leads to far-flung planets — one occupied by the disembodied brains of human astronauts, another by soulless clones — as the reincarnated pair find themselves on separate planets and following divergent paths. Hints of Star Trek and of Ram Das combine oddly with eroticism and mysticism in this epic tale of personal evolution.
Word Count: 74000
Summary: A cozy high fantasy full of food, fun, and friendship. Here is the official blurb: Cooking, magic, and scandal. When a good deed boils into a mystery, can this talented artificer keep an innocent from going down for the crime? Dana Everet is loyal to a fault. Moving to a remote village to help a good friend make a fresh start, the celebrated magical inventor is certain her grannie’s cookbooks contain the perfect formula for delighting the locals with treats. But the surefire plan turns out half-baked when a search of her late grandmother’s old restaurant turns up nothing but crumbs. Suspecting the town innkeeper of the theft, Dana grows frustrated when the woman denies the charges and the local sheriff refuses to get involved. And with her supernatural power running low, the resident gossip vanishing, and her pal’s buried secret landing her on the suspect list, she scrambles to find the real culprit before it’s too late. Can Dana serve up justice, or will she be left with burnt offerings? Recipes for the Copper Snake is the charming first book in the Post Host cozy fantasy series. If you like big-hearted protagonists, quirky townsfolk, and chasing down clues, then you’ll love J.S. Ruff’s smorgasbord of fun.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: 1899 years after the Catastrophe, Bridges is run by the Mob. As its steam-driven infrastructure fails, a new faction rises. Can she stop them? The Red Dog Conspiracy follows the story of 22-year-old small-time private eye Jacqueline Spadros beginning from her first major case: the missing little brother of her best friend, whose murder ten years before in front of her still haunts her nightmares. The only clue? A Red Dog stamp across the alley from where the boy was last seen. Dodging the man - seemingly mad - who has publicly threatened her life, placating her brutal, sadistic father-in-law, and dealing with her feelings about her ex-lover, while being married to one of the city's biggest drug lords: Jacqui is a busy woman. Her life is about to get much busier. From the very first page, Jacqui is dragged into a web of lies, secrets, and betrayals which both endangers her life and the lives of those she loves. Dark, gritty, violent steampunk crime fiction which keeps you guessing to the very end. If you like crime fiction, noir, Victorian/historical, gritty steampunk, psychological thrillers, hardboiled mystery, hard sf, dystopian, or mafia romance you will love this set. This digital box set comprises Act 1 of a 13 part serial novel. Included in this set: The Jacq of Spades: Part 1 of the Red Dog Conspiracy The Queen of Diamonds: Part 2 of the Red Dog Conspiracy The Ace of Clubs: Part 3 of the Red Dog Conspiracy If made into movies, this set would be rated R for bad language, graphic violence, smoking and alcohol use, child kidnapping, teenagers murdered (a serial killer is on the loose), and sexual content (Jacqui is married, after all). Welcome to the Family.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: She escaped Spadros Manor, but her troubles are only beginning. Not even hostile mobs, assassins, drive-by shootings, and an explosive encounter with her worst enemy can stop private eye and mafia wife Jacqueline Spadros. She's on a quest to destroy the Red Dog Gang - before they destroy her. Dark, gritty, violent steampunk crime fiction which keeps you guessing to the very end. If you like crime fiction, noir, Victorian/historical, gritty steampunk, psychological thrillers, hardboiled mystery, hard sf, dystopian, or slow burn mafia romance you will love this series. If made into movies, this set would be rated R for bad language, graphic violence, smoking and alcohol use, pregnancy loss, child injury/murder, animal injury/death, and sexual content (Jacqui is married, after all). This digital box set comprises Act 2A of a 13 part serial novel, which brings us to the midpoint of the story. Included in this set: The King of Hearts: Part 4 of the Red Dog Conspiracy The Ten of Spades: Part 5 of the Red Dog Conspiracy The Five of Diamonds: Part 6 of the Red Dog Conspiracy The Two of Hearts: Part 7 of the Red Dog Conspiracy The Red Dog Conspiracy is one giant book - please read the first three books in the series (start with The Jacq of Spades, or read Red Dog Conspiracy Act 1) before beginning this set.
Word Count: 77500
Summary: After the disaster of global warming, the world has gotten its act together. People are positive, sensible, and intent on creating a better future and a just present. And it’s working! So, in a world where everyone makes good decisions, what could possibly go wrong? Well, other people. Mardy is a 26-year old gay man who dreams of being a full-time machine-tool artist. He brims with ideas, puts in the hours, and has a solid circle of friends—both fellow artists and the artificial intelligences he works with. But he’s always coming in second to another machine-tool artist at his makerspace. He’s dealing with that, thanks to the highly effective psychotherapy of the future, but then he meets his irritatingly successful rival’s twin—and falls for him hard. Consequences ensue, and fast, driving Mardy not just to pursue his artistic dreams, but to try to liberate his AI friends from servitude, and find love in the process.
Word Count: 197690
Summary: It’s 1892, the fourth and nastiest year of the Civil War. With war prices for some things going through the roof, there are some cargoes that are too tempting, tucked down in places too risky, and a ship captain has to weigh both if he wants to make a profit and stay afloat. Last I saw my parents, they were going to do the sugar run to Jamaica. Up in the cold North sugar cane simply doesn’t grow. You have to go where it’s warm and for us in the U.S., that means the Caribbean, which is unfortunately down next to the Confederate States of America and we have to sail right past Florida with its people doing their best to be unpleasant. I won’t kid you. It’s a dangerous run. Normally, they would have been back in port a week ago, but they’re overdue. Nothing to worry about yet – much.
Word Count: 82516
Summary: An inhabited planet is not what an interplanetary mining company hopes to find while in search of rare mineral deposits, but the low-tech natives should be won over by a few ‘miracles’, right? Emily Nandi, the mining company’s legally mandated xenologist, isn’t so sure. The planet’s social structures are complex, fascinating and frustrating – she advocates research and caution rather than the seat-of-the-pants first contact the company president wants. Investigator Shadow is convinced ghosts are watching him until a fellow investigator disappears, plucked from his harduk’s back without a trace. When he reappears at the city gates, naked, half-frozen and ill, he brings back a harrowing tale of strangers on a ship high above the planet. From this shaky beginning, suspicion and misunderstanding fuel one culture-clash driven disaster after another, punctuated by apocalyptic prophesies from the oracle, Telluris. This is no way to get to know one’s long-lost cousins from Earth.
Word Count: 105000
Summary: The Silver Age of Science Fiction saw a wealth of compelling speculative tales — and women authors wrote some of the best of the best. Yet the stories of this era, especially those by women, have been largely unreprinted, unrepresented, and unremembered. Until now. Volume one of REDISCOVERY represents a historic first: fourteen selections of the best science fiction of the Silver Age, written by the unsung women authors of yesteryear and introduced by today’s rising stars. Curated by the team that produces the Hugo-nominated Galactic Journey. Join us and rediscover these lost treasures. “Female authors wrote stories about coming of age…cautionary tales…stories set beyond our universe… You’ll find these themes and more in this anthology. I hope that as you read their stories you don’t try to ferret out ‘feminine’ versus ‘masculine’ elements. What you are about to read is really good science fiction, plain and simple. I certainly enjoyed the journey and have every expectation that you shall, too.” -from the Foreword by Dr. Laura Brodian Freas Beraha
Word Count: 115000
Summary: Women write science fiction. They always have. Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women (1953-1957) offers, quite simply, some of the best science fiction ever written: 20 amazing pieces, most of which haven’t been reprinted for decades…but should have been. Whether you are a long-time fan or new to the genre, you are in for a treat. This collection of works—18 stories, 1 poem, 1 nonfiction piece—are a showcase, some of the best science fiction stories of the ’50s. These stories were selected not only as examples of great writing, but also because their characters are as believable, their themes just as relevant today, their contents just as fun to read, as when they were written almost three quarters of a century ago. Dig in. Enjoy these newly-rediscovered delicacies a few at a time…or binge them all at once!
Word Count: 109000
Summary: It appears out of nowhere—one moment the sky is empty, the next, there’s a rent in the fabric of space itself. And nothing in the system will ever be the same. In the far reaches of the Rim Mountains, itinerant field-scientist Aran Romeu is searching desperately for the cure to an incurable disease—one that’s slowly killing his best friend. He’s sworn to do whatever it takes to find it. But when the portal opens, and something comes through, he realizes that ‘whatever it takes’ will involve travelling into the uncharted space beyond the portal. And he’s not the only one after the cure, and willing to do whatever it takes to get to it first … In the weighty halls of government, Chief Justice Alba Espina is preparing a political gamble that could change the shape of the system itself. The appearance of the portal shatters her carefully-laid plans and hands her political rival a weapon he could use destroy her—unless she can delay him with the promise of a diplomatic mission through the portal. But the stakes of the mission are higher than just her personal ambition. If her diplomatic mission doesn’t succeed, it might just spell the end of humanity itself. In a remote spaceport, Savina Moya, the system's most talented assassin-for-hire, is on the run again after her latest murder. But when a deadly government agent is sent after her, with instructions to bring her back dead or alive, the diplomatic mission heading into the portal may hold the key to Savina’s survival—if she’s brave enough, or desperate enough, to take it. No one knows what’s beyond the portal. And as the three of them are drawn inexorably together in uncharted space, with no idea who is an ally and who is an enemy—it’s an open question if any of them will live long enough to find out.
Word Count: 141270
Summary: Everything Tristan, Ushna, and Brian have fought for comes down to the moment they face Inanna and Marduk. Before then, Ushna must embrace his destiny and be transformed by Tiamat. But he returns with a fractured mind and will need the help of the new firebird or he'll be lost to the insanity of a primordial God. If he's lost, so is the balance Brian and Tristan sorely need. Tristan has vowed to care for his ex-Flame, Theo Sullivan, who is doomed to forget more and more with each use of his new ability. When not dealing with his stubborn ex, Tristan must free the warriors stolen by the government and devise a trap for Inanna. And that's only the start of the challenges, and everything that can still go wrong. Note: Releasing Chaos is the final book in the Sumeria's Sons series and features a poly (M/M/M) relationship. This book was previously released by another publisher and has been re-edited.
Word Count: 84000
Summary: Stationmaster and exiled aristocrat Albert St. John Rembrandt—Bertie to his friends—is in love with a Tolari ruler he believes he can’t have. When he nearly dies finding out the hard way that some Tolari are as poisonous as their planet, it’s only the beginning of his troubles. A ship has gone missing. His station is in crisis. Bertie must somehow recover his health and manage the disaster while trying to decide whether to accept genetic modification in order to be with the man he loves. And no Rembrandt has ever taken a gen mod.
Word Count: 49000
Summary: Will the bond of blood outweigh the passions of the heart? While sketching the Temple of Dendur, graduate student Carter Denwright meets—and is seduced by—a powerful vampire by the name of Alder. Once kept secret from the human world, now everyone knows of their existence. Blinded by mistaken feelings for Alder, Carter allows himself to be drawn into his life. Too late, he realizes two things: one, Alder is vicious and cruel, and two, Carter’s true love is Alder’s brother, Freyr. The attraction between Carter and Freyr is strong, but they must fight this feeling or face the wrath of Alder. Despite their best efforts, Alder discovers the truth, and punishes Carter, hiding him from Freyr in a cruel game of cat and mouse. Freyr is not as strong as his brother, but he vows that he will find Carter again and will stop at nothing to get him back. Carter, caught in Alder’s cruel grip, commits an act of desperation which will change all their lives forever. The question is: can Freyr find Carter and is the bond between him and Carter enough to break Alder’s hold and spoil his plans to ruin them both? *Note: There are scenes of mental/sexual abuse in the first chapter of this book.
Word Count: 101000
Summary: What happens when a woman loses her memory but gains a conscience? Dr. Alexandra Turing is a roboticist whose intellect is unrivaled in the field of artificial intelligence. While science has always come easy, Alexandra struggles to understand emotional cues and responses. Driven by the legacy of her late great-uncle, she dedicates her life to the Synthetica project at her father's company, Organic Advancement Solutions (OAS). Her life is rebooted when she wakes from a coma, six months after being struck by a car. Traumatic brain injury altered Alex's senses, her memory, and her personality. Despite the changes, she feels reborn as she navigates her way back into her old life. Part of her new journey includes dating the alluring Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Emily St. John. Emily is enamored with the hyper-intelligent scientist, but there are things about Alex and OAS that don't add up. With Emily's prompting, Alex undergoes testing that leaves her with more questions than answers. What she discovers changes more than her life, it will change the world around her.
Word Count: 150000
Summary: Can a retired assassin be the savior his people need? How does a former assassin save his fellow humans from extinction? By allying them with mrrogs of course! But that’s easier said than done as humans are understandably distrustful and suspicious of sescurei, the official species of the InterGalactic community. Leopold must convince them that Mastrodai’s offer of alliance isn’t a trick, which means diplomacy, patience, and tenacity. Times like this make him grateful that he has two strong mates to lean on. And when it comes to understanding his own people, he’d be wise to follow Alex’s lead. Alex has been too long away from her family and is thrilled to see them again. But with reunions come old pressures, old doubts, and old wounds. She must negotiate who she was with who she is, while helping her mates and her colony come together with the shared goal of freedom. Mastrodai, meanwhile, finds himself in the minority for the first time in his life, and the constant hostility has him doubting the wisdom of their choices. But he’s devoted to his human mates and determined to see things through no matter the discomfort… or danger. Not everyone wants what Leopold and his mates have to give, and he needs to break through the resistance humans have built up after generations of degradation, humiliation, and fear. He must win his people’s trust, solve the riddle of his parents’ rings, and navigate the new complexities of his love life. Being an assassin was so much easier. Reader Discretion advised: PTSD, abusive family, a cult, MMF romance, dystopian.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: A Paranormal Excursion in Four Acts. It should have been a simple field experiment. Go in, prove I can do what I claim, and walk out with the cash. If they could see what I see. Feel the helplessness I do when something else takes over. I’ll bet they’re not kept awake at night by the voices in this place. They don’t see the darkness with eyes that follows us all around this estate as we gather proof. This money was going to help my little sister with her surgery. Good intentions and the road to Hell.