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- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Candlepunk
- Fantasy - Clockpunk
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Erotica
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - Fantasy of Manners
- Fantasy - Gothpunk
- Fantasy - Heroic
- Fantasy - High & Other World
- Fantasy - Historical
- Fantasy - Hopepunk
- Fantasy - Knights & Castles
- Fantasy - Latinpunk
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - LitRPG
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Mythpunk
- Fantasy - New Adult
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - People of Color
- Fantasy - Piratepunk
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - RPG
- Fantasy - Silkpunk
- Fantasy - Slipstream
- Fantasy - Steampunk
- Fantasy - Sword & Sorcery
- Fantasy - Urban & Magical Beings
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Fantasy - Young Adult
- Fantasy – Gods and Heroes
- Horror
- Horror - Angels & Devils
- Horror - Comedy
- Horror - Fairy Tale/Folklore
- Horror - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Horror - Gothic
- Horror - LGBTQ+
- Horror - LitRPG
- Horror - Lovecraftian/Cthulhu
- Horror - Man-Made Horrors
- Horror - Monsters
- Horror - Mythic
- Horror - New Adult
- Horror - Noir
- Horror - Occult
- Horror - People of Color
- Horror - Post-Apocalyptic
- Horror - Psychic Talents
- Horror - Psychological
- Horror - Shifters
- Horror - Splatterpunk
- Horror - Vampires
- Horror - Weird Horror
- Horror - Werewolves
- Horror - Witches
- Horror - Young Adult
- Horror - Zombies
- Nonfiction
- Nonfiction - Writing Guides
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - Dark
- Paranormal - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - LitRPG
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - New Adult
- Paranormal - People of Color
- Paranormal - Psychic Talents
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
- Paranormal - Vampires
- Paranormal - Young Adult
- Paranormal - Zombies
- Poetry
- Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Alien Invasion
- Sci Fi - Alien Races
- Sci Fi - Aliens
- Sci Fi - Alternate / Parallel Reality
- Sci Fi - Alternative History
- Sci Fi - Apocalyptic Fiction
- Sci Fi - Artificial Intelligence
- Sci Fi - Biopunk
- Sci Fi - Candlepunk
- Sci Fi - Christian
- Sci Fi - Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)
- Sci Fi - Clockpunk
- Sci Fi - Clones
- Sci Fi - Colonization
- Sci Fi - Comedy
- Sci Fi - Cyberpunk
- Sci Fi - Cyberspace
- Sci Fi - Decopunk
- Sci Fi - Detective
- Sci Fi - Dieselpunk
- Sci Fi - Distant Planet
- Sci Fi - Dying Earth
- Sci Fi - Dystopian & Post-Apocalyptic
- Sci Fi - First Contact
- Sci Fi - Frontier
- Sci Fi - Furry
- Sci Fi - Galactic Empire
- Sci Fi - Generation Ship
- Sci Fi - Genetic Manipulation
- Sci Fi - Gothpunk
- Sci Fi - Greenpunk
- Sci Fi - Hard Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Hollow Earth
- Sci Fi - Hopepunk
- Sci Fi - Human Evolution
- Sci Fi - Immortality
- Sci Fi - LGBTQ+
- Sci Fi - LitRPG
- Sci Fi - Lost Worlds
- Sci Fi - Military
- Sci Fi - Mind Uploads
- Sci Fi - Multiverse
- Sci Fi - Mutants
- Sci Fi - Mythpunk
- Sci Fi - Nanopunk
- Sci Fi - Near Future
- Sci Fi - New Adult
- Sci Fi - Nowpunk
- Sci Fi - People of Color
- Sci Fi - Piratepunk
- Sci Fi - Pulp
- Sci Fi - Realistic
- Sci Fi - Robots/Androids
- Sci Fi - Romance
- Sci Fi - RPG
- Sci Fi - Science Fantasy
- Sci Fi - Singularity
- Sci Fi - Slipstream
- Sci Fi - Social
- Sci Fi - Soft
- Sci Fi - Solarpunk
- Sci Fi - Space Exploration
- Sci Fi - Space Opera
- Sci Fi - Space Western
- Sci Fi - Spacepunk
- Sci Fi - SpyFi
- Sci Fi - Steampunk
- Sci Fi - Superheroes & Villains
- Sci Fi - Terraforming
- Sci Fi - Teslapunk
- Sci Fi - Theological
- Sci Fi - Time Travel
- Sci Fi - Transhuman
- Sci Fi - Uplift
- Sci Fi - Utopian
- Sci Fi - Virtual Reality
- Sci Fi - Wattpunk
- Sci Fi - Weird Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Young Adult
- 2084 Trilogy
- 46 Ascending
- A Bad-Ass Faerie Tale
- A Balance of Magic
- A Bit of the Dark World
- A Demon for Midwinter
- A New World
- A Warrior's Redemption
- ABsinthe Trilogy
- Aces High Jokers Wild
- Adventure of a Lifetime
- Aestus
- Agents of the Imperial Special Investigation Service
- Aggressor Queen
- Aisling Trilogy
- Alex McKenna
- Alterations
- Anchorage
- and Beyond
- Andersson Dexter
- Andlios
- Arc of the Oracles
- Ardulum
- Ariadne
- Ariadne Cycle
- Arrow of Artemis
- Art Medium
- Arthur Rex
- As Above
- As Above So Below
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Autumn
- Bastard Prince Saga
- Bed Breakfast and Beyond
- Behind Blue Eyes
- Black Flag
- Black Swan Planet
- Blackwood Pack
- Blessed Epoch
- Blood Resonance
- Blood Sealed
- Bloodlines of Fate
- Blue Solace
- Bound Gods
- Brandywine Investigations
- Brassbright Cooks
- Brassbright Kids
- Brimstone
- Broken Stars
- Broken Veil
- Burke's Lore Briefs
- BuzzCuts
- Cadicle
- Carnival of Mysteries
- Cassidy Chronicles
- Central Galactic Concordance
- Centricity Cycle
- Chanda Kasmira
- Changing Bodies
- Chaos Menagerie
- Charlie's Story
- Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery
- Chronicles of Tournai
- Cold Cosmos
- Cold Fingers
- Coldharbour Chronicles
- Colonizing Saturn's Moon
- Compact Universe
- Constable Inspector Reva Lunaria
- Continuing Journeys
- Creatures of Darkness
- Crossdimensional Chronicles
- Cryptomorphs
- Crystal Throne
- Cybers Wild Card
- Daire's Devils
- Dalí Tamareia Missions
- Damien the devil
- Dark Folklore
- Dark is the Night
- Darkening Stars
- Darkly Enchanted Romance
- Daughter of Mars
- Dead Geniuses
- Defending the Future
- Demon Tales and Fairy Games
- Demonica
- Deptford Paranormals
- Detective Duarte Mysteries
- Devon Island Mars Colony
- Diamondsong
- Division Zero
- Dome of Souls Series
- Dome Stories
- Dragon Souls
- Dragon War Chronicles
- Dragons of Ivria
- Draoithe
- Dreams of Chaos
- Dylan Rivers Chronicles
- El Corazon
- Eldritch Heart
- Elemental Magicae
- Ellowyn Found
- Enchanted Occasions
- Endangered Fae
- Enimnori
- ESTO Universe
- Evergreen
- Exiles of the Drift
- Extraordinary
- Faded Skies
- Fae Out of Water
- False Icons
- Fantastic Tales of Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Fantasy
- Felines of Furyne
- Femmes Fatale
- Five Seasons of Night
- Forerunner Series
- Four Moons
- Fox-Hat
- Freedom Fight Trilogy
- Freedom Series in the Switchboard Univers
- Future History of the Grail
- G-Force Federation
- Gallows Hill Academy
- Gates of Divinity
- Gay Ever After Fairy Tales
- Ghost U
- Gifted Guilds
- Green Hills
- Grimaulkin
- Guardians
- Guardians of the PHAE
- H2LiftShips
- Ham and Echo
- Hammer Falls
- Hard Way Home
- Hauntastic Haunts
- Haven
- Hawthorn Academy
- Heavenly Sins Trilogy
- Heavy Metal Magic
- Hell Holes
- Heroes by Necessity
- Hidden Wolves
- Him for the Holidays Short Story
- Hollow
- House of Witches
- Hybrid Nation
- IMP Universe
- Infinity 8
- Infinity's End
- Interplanetary Hearts
- Jack Hansard
- Jake & Dean Investigations
- James & Harriet
- Jon's Mysteries
- Jordan Abbey
- Journey Across Genes Saga
- Kedgetown
- KHNM Series
- Kitten & Witch
- Lancaster's Luck
- Last Chance
- Last Train Home
- Legacy of the Phoenix
- Legend Tripping
- Leif the Lucky
- Lenna's Arc
- Lifehack
- Liminal Sky
- Liquid Onyx
- Lost in Time
- Luxor City
- Mad Kestrel
- Magic & Sorcery Chronicles
- Magic Emporium
- Magic Mirror Collection
- Magnificent Devices
- Mara of the League
- Mating Flight
- Max Porter Paranormal Mysteries
- McCarron's Corner
- Mermen & Magic
- Merseton Tales
- Metamorphoses of Flynn Keahi
- Mike Christopher
- Mindsaga
- Monstrous Creatures
- Moon Hunter's Inc.
- My Brother's Keeper
- Mystery of the Makers
- Myth World
- Mythmatched
- Necromancer
- Nel Bentley Books
- Northern Witch
- Oarthecan Star Saga
- Oberon Cycle
- Offbeat Crimes
- Office of Preternatural Affairs
- Old Code
- On Mars
- On Wings Saga
- Outlaws of Interra
- Perilous Miles
- Phoenix in Flames
- Pirates of Aletharia
- Pirates of New Earth
- Pixel Dust
- Pixiepunk
- Planet Hy Man
- Plans
- Poetry Inspired by Science
- Pōneke Shadows
- Post Host Cozy Fantasy Series
- Progenitor
- Prophet of the Badlands
- Providence Paranormal College Boxed Sets
- Proxima Odyssey
- Queer Sci Fi Flash Fiction Contest
- Quirk & Moth
- Qwyrk Tales
- Rainbow Briefs
- Rainbow Reader
- Ray M. Holler’s Adventures
- Read by Candlelight
- Red Dog Conspiracy
- Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women
- Resonant Earth
- Revealed World
- Revin's Heart
- Rockshade’s PID
- Royal Powers
- Rubberman
- Saga of the Bold People
- Saul Imbierowicz
- Scarlet Order Vampires
- Scars
- Sentries
- Serial Killer Z
- Serpentia
- Shades
- Shades of Midnight
- Shentonia
- Ship Whisperer
- Sierra Waters
- Silverstar Mates
- Sing For Me
- Sister Seekers
- Sister Seekers Bundles
- Sisters of Chaos
- Sisters of Song
- Sixguns and Sorcery
- Small Things
- Small Things trilogy
- Small Town Georgia Tales
- Smoke and Moonlight
- Snakeheart
- So Below
- Soldiers and Mercenaries
- Somnia Online
- Songs of the Sage
- SoulShares
- Sovereigns of Bright and Shadow
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates' Legacy
- St. Acton
- Star Marked
- Star Rigger Universe
- Star Smuggler
- Star Stories
- Starman Jones
- Stars' Edge: Nel Bently Books
- Starship Teapot
- Steel Empires
- Stories of the Eleriannan
- Strange, Strange World
- subpar heroes
- Subsumption Series
- Suicide Arc
- Sunshine and Specter
- Super U
- Supernatural Selection
- Survey Intragalactic
- Surviving the Apocalypse
- Systema Paradoxa
- Taking Shield
- Tales From A Warming Planet
- Tales from Norvegr
- Tales of a gay witch
- Tales of Ardonna
- Tales of Ardonna: Woodspell Series
- Tales of Miurag
- Tales of the Crypto-Hunter
- Tales of the Forest
- Tales of the Shadow City
- Tales of Tolari Space
- Tales within Chains
- Taran Empire Saga
- Tempus Institute
- Teristaque Chronicles
- Terran Space Project
- Tharassas Cycle
- The Absinthe Trilogy
- The Action Girls in
- The Adventures of Bodacious Creed
- The Adventures of Smith and Jones
- The Alchemical Duology
- The Arcadia Trust
- The Artifice Mage Saga
- The Asarlaí Wars
- The Ascended
- The Autobiography of Calista Antoine
- The Awakened
- The BetterWorld Trilogy
- The Biomass Conflux
- The Bloody Bois d'Arc Triptych
- The Bodyguard and the Heir
- The Books of Locurnia
- The Books of the Cuari
- The Books of the Wode
- The Brassbright Chronicles
- The Calling
- The Casebook Of Elilsha Grey
- The Cassie Tam Files
- The Chaos Chronicles
- The Clockwork Legion
- The Conn-Mann Chronicles
- The Council Of Twelve
- The Coven of Zora
- The Crossing Genres Anthology Collection
- The Cycles of Revelation
- The Daedalus Files
- The Dandelion Farmer
- The Dark Between Stars
- The Darkest Storm
- The Deiparian Saga
- The Dissolution Cycle
- The Doorway to Magic
- The Dragon Doc Tales
- The Dreamscape Voyager Trilogy
- The Druid's Brooch Series
- The Dungeon Crawlers
- The Dusk Eternal
- The Dynamicist Trilogy
- The Empire
- The Everlands Cycle
- The Evie Chester Files
- The Faction
- The Fairville Woods
- The Fellowship Dystopia
- The Forester Trilogy
- The God Fragments
- The Great War of the Worlds
- The Guild of Dream Warriors
- The Hallowed Bloodline
- The Hunter Chronicles
- The Hybrid of High Moon
- The Indestructibles
- The Interscission Project
- The Kitra Saga
- The Lost Ancients
- The Mage Conspiracy
- The Magicsmith
- The Martyr's Vow
- The Mating Games
- The Meaning Wars
- The Memory Bearers Saga
- The MIndbender
- The New Dawn
- The Night Bazaar
- The Night Flyer Series
- The Novels of Loch Moigh
- The Oort Chronicles
- The Others Project
- The Parallel Society
- The Parsina Saga
- The Peridot Shift
- The Place Of Things
- The Poison Patty Saga
- The Prophecy Series
- The Pudding Protocol Universe
- The Rehumanization of Jade Darcy
- The Remembrance War
- The Roboticist of Versailles
- The Samantha Rain Mysteries
- The Secret Histories
- The Seer Saga
- The Sehnsucht Series
- The Shifting Lands
- The Six Worlds
- The Sleep of Reason
- The Sleepless City
- The Society Universe
- The Spindown Saga
- The Starchild Trilogy
- The Stolen Future
- The Stolen Series
- The Stones of Power
- The Superhero Age
- The Team Huntress Flights
- The Temujin Saga
- The Tome of Bill
- The Trekana
- The Twins of Bellesfées
- The Ungovernable
- The United Federation Marine Corps
- The Unremembered King
- The Unwoven Tapestry
- The Valespian Pact
- The Vamp Who Would Be King
- The Vampire Guard
- The Vampire Hunters Academy
- The Vega Bloodmire Wicked Witch Mystery Series
- The Voidstrider Saga
- The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide
- The Way of the Warrior
- The Web of Arcana
- The Weller
- The Wellington Mysteries
- The Will-o'-the-Wisp Stories
- The Wolves of Kanta
- The Z-Tech Chronicles
- Thung Toh Jig
- Time Burrito
- Timeless Keeper Saga
- Timelessness
- Tinker's World
- Tome of Báirseach
- Toronto Time Agents
- Towers of the Earth
- Toybox
- Tracefinder
- Transdimensional Authority/Multiverse
- Treasures Retold
- Treasures Retold Omnibus
- Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy
- Truthspoken Universe
- Trystero
- Tuners
- Twilight Temptations
- Vampire Innocent
- Variant Configurations
- Virian Chronicles
- Virian Companions
- Vyrdigaan Prophecies
- WalrusTech
- War Mage
- War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters
- Wasp Squadron: The Navy of Humankind
- Watchers of Astaria
- Whispers From a Hidden World
- Witch-Hunter
- Wolf's-own
- Womby's School for Wayward Witches
- Women of the United Federation Marines
- Worlds Apart: A Universe of Sapphic Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Writers Save the World
- Wyrdwood Welcome
- author - american
- author - arabian
- author - australian
- author - belgian
- author - british
- author - canadian
- author - dutch
- author - european
- author - french
- author - italian
- author - new zealander
- author - saudi arabian
- format - anthology
- format - audiobook
- format - book
- format - box set
- format - collection
- format - free
- format - hardcover
- format - illustrated novel
- format - kindle
- format - kindle unlimited
- format - kindle vella
- format - large print
- format - netgalley
- format - novel
- format - novel >100K
- format - novel <100K
- format - novel 40-100K
- format - novella 15k-40K
- format - novellette <15k
- format - omnibus edition
- format - paperback
- format - payhip
- format - planner
- format - prequel
- format - self published
- format - sequel
- format - series
- format - shared universe
- format - short stories
- format - short story <15K
- identity - aromantic
- identity - asexual
- identity - bisexual
- identity - demisexual
- identity - gay
- identity - gender fluid
- identity - intersex
- identity - lesbian
- identity - non-binary
- identity - pansexual
- identity - polyamorous
- identity - transgender
- potential trigger
- potential trigger - abduction-captivity
- potential trigger - addiction
- potential trigger - avalanche
- potential trigger - blood
- potential trigger - death
- potential trigger - gore
- potential trigger - graphic torture
- potential trigger - murder
- potential trigger - rape
- potential trigger - sexual abuse
- potential trigger - stalking
- potential trigger - suicidal ideation
- potential trigger - suicide
- potential trigger - torture
- potential trigger - traumatic past
- potential trigger - violence
- what - concept - amnesia
- what - concept - curse
- what - condition - blindness
- what - condition - disability
- what - condition - mental illness
- what - condition - ptsd
- what - element - ferocious poodle
- what - holiday - general
- what - topic - cartel
- what - topic - chinese medicine
- what - topic - chinese mythology
- what - topic - climate change
- what - topic - compassion
- what - topic - crime
- what - topic - desert survival
- what - topic - disaster
- what - topic - drag
- what - topic - flying
- what - topic - genetic engineering
- what - topic - harem
- what - topic - haunting
- what - topic - japanese mythology
- what - topic - learning disabilities
- what - topic - legend
- what - topic - magic
- what - topic - multicultural
- what - topic - music
- what - topic - natural disaster
- what - topic - non-violence
- what - topic - politics
- what - topic - ransom
- what - topic - reincarnation
- what - topic - religion
- what - topic - revenge
- what - topic - science experiment
- what - topic - secret
- what - topic - secret organization
- what - topic - superstition
- what - topic - taboo
- what - topic - technology
- what - topic - terrorism
- when - period - 16th century
- when - period - 17th century
- when - period - 18th century
- when - period - 1920s
- when - period - 1930s
- when - period - 1940s
- when - period - 1950s
- when - period - 1960s
- when - period - 1970s
- when - period - 1980s
- when - period - 1990s
- when - period - 19th century
- when - period - 20th century
- when - period - ancient greece
- when - period - ancient rome
- when - period - edwardian
- when - period - georgian
- when - period - great war
- when - period - middle ages
- when - period - near future
- when - period - prehistoric
- when - period - prohibition
- when - period - victorian
- when – period – 6th century
- when – period – medieval
- when – period – world war ii
- where - fictional - moon colony
- where - general - alternate universe
- where - general - carnival
- where - general - castle
- where - general - cave
- where - general - cruise ship
- where - general - forest
- where - general - military
- where - general - mountains
- where - general - private school
- where - general - rural
- where - general - small town
- where - general - swamp
- where - general - uncharted island
- where - general - underground
- where - general - underwater
- where - Mars
- where - non-Earth planet
- where - space - international space station
- where - space - space station
- where - space station
- where - spaceship
- where – general – monastery or abbey
- who - description - alpha male
- who - description - alphas and omegas
- who - description - tattoos
- who - occupation - apothecary
- who - occupation - archaeologist
- who - occupation - artist
- who - occupation - assassin
- who - occupation - asteroid miner
- who - occupation - astronaut
- who - occupation - astronomer
- who - occupation - author
- who - occupation - baker
- who - occupation - barista
- who - occupation - bodyguard
- who - occupation - botanist
- who - occupation - bounty hunter
- who - occupation - castle laird
- who - occupation - computer programmer
- who - occupation - contractor
- who - occupation - coroner
- who - occupation - cowboys
- who - occupation - detective
- who - occupation - doctor
- who - occupation - drag queen
- who - occupation - engineer
- who - occupation - ex-convict
- who - occupation - federal agent
- who - occupation - guard
- who - occupation - hacker
- who - occupation - healer
- who - occupation - herbalist
- who - occupation - historian
- who - occupation - horsemaster
- who - occupation - innkeeper
- who - occupation - inventor
- who - occupation - journalist
- who - occupation - king
- who - occupation - knight
- who - occupation - law enforcement
- who - occupation - librarian
- who - occupation - lord
- who - occupation - mage
- who - occupation - marine
- who - occupation - mechanic
- who - occupation - medical
- who - occupation - mercenary
- who - occupation - military
- who - occupation - missionary
- who - occupation - motorcycle rider
- who - occupation - musician
- who - occupation - nurse
- who - occupation - pilot
- who - occupation - pirate
- who - occupation - police
- who - occupation - politician
- who - occupation - priest
- who - occupation - prince
- who - occupation - prisoner
- who - occupation - professor
- who - occupation - psychic
- who - occupation - royalty
- who - occupation - sailor
- who - occupation - scientist
- who - occupation - security
- who - occupation - serial killer
- who - occupation - servant
- who - occupation - sex worker
- who - occupation - sheriff
- who - occupation - soldier
- who - occupation - space marines
- who - occupation - spaceship captain
- who - occupation - spy
- who - occupation - stableboy
- who - occupation - starship captain
- who - occupation - student
- who - occupation - superhero
- who - occupation - tattoo artist
- who - occupation - teacher
- who - occupation - thief
- who - occupation - tracker
- who - occupation - undercover agent
- who - occupation - warrior
- who - occupation - writer
- who - religion - catholic
- who - religion - jewish
- who - religion - mormon / latter-day saints (lds)
- who - religion - muslim / islamic
- who - religion - pagan
- who - religion - shinto
- who - type - alien
- who - type - altered human
- who - type - angels
- who - type - badass heroine
- who - type - bear shifters
- who - type - bigfoot
- who - type - centaur
- who - type - cyborg
- who - type - demons
- who - type - dragon shifters
- who - type - dragons
- who - type - elves
- who - type - fae
- who - type - fox
- who - type - gator shifter
- who - type - ghosts
- who - type - gille dubh
- who - type - god
- who - type - griffins
- who - type - incubus
- who - type - kitsune
- who - type - magical humans
- who - type - merman
- who - type - nekomata
- who - type - nephilim
- who - type - panther shifters
- who - type - reindeer shifters
- who - type - robot / cyborg
- who - type - sea dragon shifter
- who - type - sea god
- who - type - sea serpent shifter
- who - type - selkie
- who - type - shifter
- who - type - spiders
- who - type - spirit
- who - type - succubus
- who - type - unicorns
- who - type - vampires
- who - type - vegan
- who - type - werecats
- who - type - werewolves
- who - type - witch
- who - type - wizard
- who - type - wolf
- who - type - yokai
- who - type - zombies
- who - world defender
- who – occupation – monk
- who – type – druidic god
- who – type – fertility god
- who – type – pagan god
- Abandoned Place
- AI Uprising
- Alien Artifacts
- Alien Eggs
- Alien Invasion
- Alien Ruins
- Aliens Among Us
- Aliens as God
- Aliens in History
- Ancient Astronauts
- Ancient Weapon
- Antihero
- Arthurian Legends
- Asteroid Miner
- Astral Projection
- Bad Robot
- Band of Brothers/Sisters
- Band of Misfits
- Bar Tales
- Becoming a Monster
- Benevolent Aliens
- Beyond the Grave Communication
- Big Sword
- Black and White Morality
- Body Modifications
- Bodysnatchers
- Book of Spells
- Born Hero
- Burial Ground/Cemetary
- Changing Painting
- Chosen One
- Clones
- Conspiracy
- Crazy Clairvoyants
- Cross-Species Friendships
- Cryosleep
- Dark Enemy
- Dark Lord
- Death by Sex
- Demonic Possession
- Dragonriders
- Dying World
- Dystopian Governments
- Enemy to Ally
- Evil Megacorporation
- Evolving Powers
- Fallen Hero
- Farmer to Hero
- Farmer to Royalty
- Fated Mates
- Fellowship
- Fetus of Doom
- First Contact
- Fish Out of Water
- Found Family
- Galactic Civilization
- Generation Ships
- Good Robots
- Haunted House
- Here Comes the Cavalry
- Humanity is Dangerous
- Humanity is Good
- Humans Evolved From Aliens
- Hunted
- I Am Your Father
- I See Dead People
- Immortality
- Inaccessible Magic
- Interspecies Adoption
- Interspecies Romance
- Interstellar Travel
- Killer Aliens
- Library of Secrets
- Lost Civilization
- Lucky Novice
- Mad Scientist
- Magic Furniture
- Magic Talisman
- Magical Disaster
- Marooned
- Mirror Shows True Self
- Modern Human in Fantasy World
- Museum/Store of the Unusual
- No Cell Coverage
- Old Person in the Woods
- Oxygen Leak
- Parallel Worlds
- Past People/Future Tech
- Person in Distress
- Portals
- Possession
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Powerful Artifact
- Prophesy
- Pseudo European Society
- Psionic Powers
- Quest
- Redemption Arc
- Reluctant Hero
- Reluctant Vampires
- Robin Hood Legends
- Roguish Thief
- Secret Heir
- Secret Royalty
- Secret Society
- Sentient AI
- Sentient Spaceships
- Sex Magic
- Singularity
- Space Battles
- Space Dentistry
- Space Detectives
- Space is Empty
- Space is Full
- Space Medicine
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates
- Space Psychology
- Space Smugglers
- Superpowers
- Sword of Destiny
- Time Loop
- Time Travel
- Training
- Ultimate Evil
- Undiscovered Planet
- Uploaded Consciousness
- Vengeful Spirit
- Villain to Hero
- Waiting/Sleeping Evil
- Wise Mentor
Showing all books.
Word Count: 100000
Summary: Short Synopsis Agata Rosso, a once-mighty yet now prematurely aged European witch, believes that the special gifts in a young girl named Lía Munro can restore youth and vitality both to herself and her bedridden husband. She sets a deadly plan in motion to capture and use Lía—but will the girl have enough power to protect herself, plus the father she loves so much? Outline 1940 in a small farming region, and children have disappeared from the land. Local families—old-time Australians and newer European arrivals—know what to do about packs of wild, scavenging dogs in the forests, but they seem to have no way of finding children whose very bones have vanished from the earth. They also don’t know how to deal with the strange couple Mr and Mrs Rosso, who might just hold the key to everything—including the miraculous breaking of a ten-year drought. Now it’s 1977 and the wider city is growing, encroaching into these outlying communities and turning pristine farmlands into new housing estates. Paul Munro and his daughter, Lía, have arrived to inspect an available property; it’s the secluded hillside old home of the Rossos. Paul and his wife—who has recently died—grew up around the area. Paul wants to show Lía the countryside of his early years, but when Lía experiences Rosso House for the first time its undeniable spell and the spirits it hides makes her understand that this is the place she really wants to be. Just turning sixteen, grieving the loss of her mother, experiencing a spiritual awakening she doesn’t understand, Lía loves the quiet isolation and rural beauty that Rosso House and its land has to offer. At first her new life with her father seems idyllic, yet she’s soon drawn into committing a terrible act of mercy. At the same time Paul meets the beautiful and enigmatic Candela, only to become ensnared in the evils that hold her and her baby captive. The connection between Lía’s suffering and Candela’s troubles might just be the wizened old witch, Agata Rosso. Constantly searching for a way to restore her youth and her husband’s powers, Agata soon discovers just how useful Lía could be. She sends the most ruthless of men to capture her; in parallel, the terrifying man-wolf-father of Candela’s baby will do anything to get his son back. Lía desperately needs her father’s help; Candela is trying to escape a world of violence; both women are soon confronted by the very definition of evil. Will they find help from others, or is there some deeper answer within themselves? The shadow-worlds of ancient evil and modern corruption collide in this supernatural thriller, blending past and present, history and fiction, into a mesmerising adventure.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Seventh of the Virian Chronicles Does a mother always know best? Valdis believed that she was doing the best for her son, Theo, when she brought him back from the brink of death. However, the consequences were far from what she had hoped or expected. As Valdis tries to groom her son to fulfill an ancient prophecy, with the help of her husband, Odo, she discovers that Theo has his own ideas about how he wishes to live his life. When his obsession with finding his biological father overtakes him, he turns against those who have tried to help him. Can he be redeemed? Is he truly the Nethiyaan mentioned in the prophecy? Will he turn out to be the saviour of the universe or will he unleash destruction on a vast scale?
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Pulled into a magical world, two twelve-year-olds must learn to work together in order to defeat a trio of evil witches and unravel a curse that has enslaved an entire land.
Word Count: 80000
Summary: She loathes him but the cult beckons. 1908, the height of the British Empire. Clara’s autonomy is shattered when her long-absent husband summons her to join him at his eerie sect’s headquarters, insulated on a sparsely inhabited island in the Bahamas. After a harrowing sea voyage, Clara and her children disembark into an unfamiliar landscape and climate. The children explore the marvels and mysteries of Andros Island and develop friendships with a Bahamian family, while Clara struggles to find her place as a woman within the cult. But what seems at first to be a spiritual haven for Clara reveals itself to be a monster-worshiping cult intent on draining her family of more than their fortune. Must Clara give up her quest for independence to protect her children from the cult’s depraved attempts to consume their life essence?
Word Count: 40000
Summary: Just because you’re alone, doesn’t mean someone doesn’t know your business… Lucas, the closeted son of a preacher who just graduated from Florida Atlantic University, returns home and is forced to make a life-changing decision––can he live a lie and marry his lifelong BFF, who his overbearing parents have been plotting to matchmake him with for years? Or, will he stay in Florida and start a new, more open life that he knows they will never approve of? Tyler, a talented artist on the edge of seventeen, is about to finish high school, and is looking forward to becoming a proper adult and fully exploring his sexuality. However, he soon discovers there’s a kink in his plans––his father has decided to rent out the studio apartment he’s been living in, putting an end to the independence he’s enjoyed until now. Lucas answers an advertisement for the apartment, and sparks fly from the very first moment the boys meet––though both are reluctant to explore things further, since it wasn’t what either of them had planned for their futures. But sometimes life isn’t that simple, and doesn’t always go exactly as planned…
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Ash, an orphaned peasant boy, survived an unnatural plague at a copper mine with help from a mystic healer. He was adopted by a noble house and educated as a gentleman—a house where every male heir in the bloodline is burdened by a debilitating curse. Years later, the long-lost Prince Glea returned after forty years gone at sea. Still youthful as the day he sailed, he could not explain how he gained immortality. When his doubting brothers called him a pretender, he waged a civil war to reclaim his royal birthright. Ash, as a grown man, takes up arms on behalf of his adopted household to support restoring Prince Glea to the throne. But in the aftermath of battle, he discovers an ancient secret that reveals the truth of his childhood trauma. Now, he must choose to make a sacrifice to save his prince and every living thing in the world.
Word Count: 13000
Summary: Poems written by Cyborgs in the future, melding sci-fi and poetry, human and machine. The Cyborg Anthology takes place in a future where there was a thriving world of Robots and Cyborgs living peacefully beside Humans, but a disaster destroyed all Robot and most Cyborg life. The book is organized like a typical anthology of literature, split into sections that include a biography of each poet and a sample of their poetry. It covers early Cyborg poetry, political, celebrity, and pop culture poets, and ends with the next generation of Cyborg poets. The narrative takes place in the time after a cataclysmic event, and the collection wrestles with this loss. Through the lives of the poets, the book chronicles the history of personhood for technological beings, their struggle for liberation, and demonstrates different ways a person can be Cyborg. The poems and biographies together tell the story of a complex and enthralling world-to-come, exploring topics that are important in the future, and also urgent right now. “With mordant wit and a playful satiric touch, these Cyborg poems showcase a dazzling range of poetic forms and ideas: imaginative and charmingly subversive. Move over Norton Anthology of Poetry, there’s a new force in town, and they are a delight.” —Renée Sarojini Saklikar, author of Listening to the Bees and Children of Air India “The premise of this collection alone is fabulous. The poems are potent and powerful. With echoes of Le Guin, Brunner and Monáe, Lindsay B-e’s debut is layered and smart, provocative, and deeply satisfying. I was moved and fascinated. Speculative poetry at its best.” —Hiromi Goto, author of Chorus of Mushrooms and Darkest Light
Word Count: 138400
Summary: The Conceiver wants to ruin me for the Sisterhood. I can't let this happen. I stumbled into a place I wasn't supposed to be. Priestess Wilsira isn't angry. She merely demands penance at her side, only too delighted to wreck my Elder's plans for me. Serving her and her demon-blooded son, I’m caught in a cascade of revelations. I begin to understand the real powers which govern out city, consuming most of us eventually. Will I fall prey to city's worst monstrosities like so many fighters before me? Or can my private battle gain an edge for the Sisterhood when the sweeping chain of events finally reaches its end? In The Daedal Pit, intrigue and horror, action and drama weave Etaski's third act of the Spider Queen's web into a consummation of promise. Fulfilling that promise catapults one determined survivor to a place she once could see only in her dreams. Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. Found Family is a core theme throughout the saga. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, elements of erotic horror, and immersive worldbuilding. Sexuality and inner conflict play into the character growth with nuance, intrigue, action, and fantastical magic. The series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves whose intricate webs first ensnare then catapult us to places a Red Sister can only imagine in her dreams.
Word Count: 22200
Summary: Jadiera lives a simple life as a courier between the islands of the kingdom she calls home. Hauling small wares isn't exciting--but it keeps a ship under her feet. Until the day she is mistaken for someone so dangerous, people only speak of her in hushed tones. And a bunch of mythological faeries fly into her life. Having a calm and steady life becomes nothing but a wish for Jadiera as she and her new faery companions fight off pirates and evil gnomes. Life will never be the same. This is a standalone novella that ties into The Lost Ancients extended series. It can be read without having read the other The Lost Ancients books.
Word Count: 443
Summary: Dive into this collected edition of the first three volumes of The Darkly Enchanted Romance series. Sweet and sultry historical romances with just the right amount of spookiness! ~ THE HARVEST MOON In the shadows of late autumn, Malcolm comes across a quaint village tucked away in the forest. It seems the perfect spot for a weary traveller to lay his head, and maybe find a little company. But there is dark magic afoot, and lots of local gossip swirls around the seductive titian-haired weaver, Daniel. All Malcolm sought was a night's pleasure. He never suspected he would have to worry about losing his life. Or his heart. THE GHOST OF HILLCOMB HALL On a stormy night, landscape designer Jonas arrives at the cheerless and fog enswathed Hillcomb Hall. He finds an odd trio of ladies in residence and an eerie portrait of the hauntingly attractive portrait of a stately ancestor, which constantly seems to watch his every move. His nights are filled with weird dreams and otherworldly visitations. Is the manor house truly haunted? Or is it all just a trick of the mind, a sinister game being played by the inhabitants of Hillcomb Hall? MANCHESTER LAKE Monty, along with his best friend Bishop, discovers a mystical selkie in Manchester Lake who transforms into a gorgeous man of his dreams. Together they adventure through a tastefully debauched house party, an Edwardian novelty called a “night club,” and a macabre Parisian cabaret. As their journey unfolds, they come face-to-face with ghoulish agents of the occult as well as startling discoveries - including Monty’s realization that he is falling for the beautiful creature from the lake. Can he really be in love so soon, or is there a past connection? And what does it all have to do with his past trip to Paris? Before their adventure ends long-hidden secrets will erupt in a storm of magic and passion!
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - Historical
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - Romance
- Horror
- Horror - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Horror - Gothic
- Horror - LGBTQ+
- Horror - Shifters
- Horror - Witches
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
Word Count: 96500
Summary: Aik will never be the same … and neither will his world. War is coming. Aik has become the Progenitor, and the Seed Mother has released him to transform the world for her alien brood. Silya and Raven, Aik's former friends, are the only ones who can save him and the world. But what if the cure is worse than the invasion? As Silya rushes to prepare Gullton for the battle to come, she's determined to save as many people as she can. But new crises emerge that demand her attention. Raven has his own hands full, keeping the dragon-like verent in line, while helping Silya to save the world. But what if the only way to do so is to sacrifice Aik, the man that he loves? It's the end of the world … or could it be the start of something new?
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - High & Other World
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - Sword & Sorcery
- Fantasy - Young Adult
- Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Alien Invasion
- Sci Fi - Alien Races
- Sci Fi - Aliens
- Sci Fi - Artificial Intelligence
- Sci Fi - Colonization
- Sci Fi - Distant Planet
- Sci Fi - First Contact
- Sci Fi - Frontier
- Sci Fi - Hopepunk
- Sci Fi - LGBTQ+
- Sci Fi - Lost Worlds
- Sci Fi - Mind Uploads
- Sci Fi - Romance
- Sci Fi - Science Fantasy
- Sci Fi - Terraforming
- Sci Fi - Young Adult
Word Count: 78740
Summary: Dare to explore the darkest tales where sunlight never touches. Etaski's dark fantasy epic, Sister Seekers, begins underground with its denizens living and dying in eternal night. A novice Red Sister leads us through much of the series, but her Elven ancestors have their own stories to share. Tales of Miurag: The Deepearth is a same-world anthology exploring critical moments in the history for the Dark Elves of Sivaraus. This collection contains explicit and sometimes grim content, though we are never lacking all hope. Stories included in this collection: House Aurenthin - a novella on the dramatic origins of the lowest-ranking noble house in Sivaraus. Auranka the Keeper - a chilling horror tale on the monstrous Mistress of the Driders. Rohenvi - the tragic romance in the early reign of the Matron of the Twelfth House. Gaelan - a "dark slice of life," how future Red Sisters sometimes make connections long before their trials Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. The saga genre-hops a bit so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuanced intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic.
Word Count: 126000
Summary: YOUR NEXT READ IS NOW BOARDING She can speak all languages. He can smell evil intent. They're enemies. They crave each other. With international settings, a conspiracy plot, star-crossed lovers, and sharp writing, The Demon in Business Class is a stunning debut novel spanning continents and genres. Zarabeth travels the world for a shady executive, laying the groundwork for global war. Gabriel offers a second chance to the criminals that a visionary leader sees in dreams. One rainy night in Scotland, they meet... Now, it's complicated. There's also the investigator, the witch, the playboy, the gangster, the cultist, the pre-school teacher, the two angels… And, the demon. Fans of Jeff VanderMeer, Michel Faber, and David Mitchell will love this stylish hybrid-genre novel. The Demon in Business Class is an international story of fantasy, intrigue, and love, on the uneasy ground where the human meets the divine. "If William Gibson wrote paranormal .... weaves the dark worlds of the occult and big business into an intoxicating tale." – D. J. Butler, author of Witchy Eye "Creative spark? Anthony Dobranski ignites a creative bonfire ...A masterwork of invention." – Mary Kay Zuravleff, author of Man Alive! "... a swank cocktail of international intrigue, steeped in the supernatural, mixed with literary flair .... so sleek it flies off the page...." - Zach Powers, author of First Cosmic Velocity
Word Count: 114000
Summary: A Slow Burn Meet Cute! Baker. Wizard. God of Space and Time. Cupcake enthusiast. How long will it take to fan the flames and enrage this gentle phoenix? Start counting. What's a wounded and lonely little cinnamon roll to do? Stripped of his psychic powers, Calico Winghorse flees his homeworld and travels to 19th century Earth via his inter-dimensional portal. As a mixed-blood phoenix trapped in human form, he opens a bakery in the San Francisco Bay Area and quietly nurses his wounds. But the unique method of his arrival draws the unwanted attention of Infinity Corporation. Representing this angelic-run company is Agustin Chavez de la Cruz, the Demon Lord of California. Even though Agustin is IC's heir, he finds himself demoted from his duties to concentrate on his new assignment: take absolute control of Calico's portal. But Calico refuses to sell at any price. He is also very busy ensuring that the good people of the city are getting their fill of baked goods. Before Agustin can formulate a more gracious avenue of acquiring the gateway, the demanding head of IC interferes, further complicating matters. So as negotiations stumble along, Calico and Agustin come to realize they both want more than a stuffy business arrangement. However, due to Calico's injuries, the portal remains vulnerable to the darker forces that want it at any cost. Agustin will have to push both his angelic heritage, as well as his own psychic powers to the very limits to heal this sweet baker, who is also the portal world's God of Space and Time. The Demon Lord of California is the first book of an LGBTQ+ paranormal-fantasy series. You won't want to miss a first love found, hidden worlds, and a recovering workaholic grasping at his second chance. All centered around the control of an otherworldly portal. So curl up with your favorite beverage, and hang out with Cal and Gus for a while. You'll be happy you did!
Word Count: 7500
Summary: Ousting this demon has nothing to do with holy water—it’s all about a steady hand on the dagger. Mary Evans’ blood pooling in the cobbled streets beneath her corpse symbolizes everything DuHarren hates about his contract with the demon Tamuel. After two and a half centuries of a lucrative, but usually boring and occasionally horrifying partnership, he wants to get out of the deal, and he doesn’t mind dying to do it. He fears only the prospect of Hell’s fiery brimstone. When Father Michael—a beautiful but angry green-eyed priest—performs the latest in a long line of failed exorcisms, the demon is intrigued, but so is DuHarren. Would the priest make a lover? Or better, dare he hope he might at last sever his ties to the demon and escape to a cool, quiet death? Note: By Lou Sylvre writing as Loretta Sylvestre. Lou Sylvre is known for romance and happy endings. Same writer, but beware: this isn't that.
Word Count: 93000
Summary: To resuscitate his fading celebrity, tech CEO Stephen Lucas would sell his soul for one more hit. When the subspace network for his holographic gaming empire crashes, his hardware guru makes a discovery proving that Einstein was right once again—information can be sent into the past. They accidently created a simple time machine. In a culture built on instant gratification, Lucas is sure he's stumbled upon the next big thing, the game-changer that will make Wall Street give him the accolades he craves—a device that makes instant delivery possible. Want a pizza now? Send your order back in time 30 minutes. Forgot to make reservations at that chichi french restaurant two weeks ago? No worries now you can make purchases of anything in the past and have it appear when you want it—now. So, buy last weeks PowerBall ticket. Invest in that stock you wish you bought last year. Share a FaceTime call with a loved one that passed away last month. Finally time really is on your side. A time machine for the rest of us. But when he rushes into beta testing, he learns that the stuff dreams are made of can quickly become the stuff of nightmares. It turns out Move Fast and Break Things is terrible policy when developing a time machine.
Word Count: 111,172
Summary: Two sisters born in the Red Desert, young Daughters of an ancient Queen. One seizes the delights of the present. The other sees and despairs for their future. Innathi and Ishuna, the heirs of the Dark Elf Queen of V’Gedra, travel the sand dunes with their entourage. In need of water, the sisters enter the sacred canyons of Koorul, where they interrupt a mystic rite of passage for the Human son of a Sorcerer-King. Negotiations fare well between the two desert peoples until powerful magic blends with the discoveries of youth which get quickly out of control. Incomprehensible joy crashes into a dark dread which cannot be named, and a schism begins between the sisters. Diplomacy is critical to avoid unnecessary conflict, yet the Queen’s daughters do not agree on the goal. Each has her version of the events at Koorul, and each is certain of the outcome should Innathi pursue the wild magic of the Zauyrian son. A close alliance with a Sorcerer-King could bring pleasure, prosperity, and new life thriving in the Desert, or it might corrupt a delicate balance to bring down the realms and all they had ever known. This second volume of Tales of Miurag is a standalone novel which can be read on its own. Dramatic events and mature themes weave into broad history and lore headed toward a cataclysm which will change the entire world. The Desert is also Etaski’s ultimate villains’ origin, featuring several antagonists introduced in the Sister Seekers series. This story takes place approximately 3500 years before No Demons But Us, where hints of these events past echo forward and impact future generations.
Word Count: 112800
Summary: Magic, mayhem, murder, relics, true love, and drunken faeries. Life has been a bit too exciting for Taryn St. Giles. And the troubles are just beginning. Taryn has been through a year of changes—to her and her world. As a digger, she’d searched through the past to find out who the missing elves and Ancients had been. Now she knows the elves and they are helping her uncover the secrets of the Ancients. Secrets she’s not sure she wants to know. A few too many up close and personal encounters with the relics that were left behind leaves her shaken and on the run. Even from the people she loves. The relics were part of a weapon that led to the destruction of the Ancients. Now Taryn and Alric, must get a goddess, hundreds of faeries, and the rest of their friends to work together to destroy the weapon before anyone can use it again. But when her world comes crashing down around her, will Taryn have the strength to do what needs to be done? The world shattering conclusion to the original Lost Ancients six-book series!
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: ---From the Archives--- Stories by Mike McPhail and Danielle Ackley-McPhail based on the 1986-96 military science fiction role-playing game The Alliance Archives. By the late 21st century, humanity has final reached for the stars and established an off-world colony in the system of Tau Ceti, only to discover that man's greatest enemy is still man. On the colony world of Demeter, ADF power-armored troopers and their Parr scouts fight a desperate, covert war against invading corporate mercenaries. Even in the vastness of space, there is no room for lasting peace.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Second of the Vyrdigaan Prophecies, telling the back-story of Caratacuus Helvellyan. The Leesthern Enclave is a place of strict discipline, where adults and children spend most of their time segregated. Ten year old Caratacuus has never accepted the division. His frequent forays into the adults-only zones earn him tough punishments from the Elders and ridicule from his peers. A visiting sorcerer from another enclave provides Caratacuus with a tantalising glimpse into a different and more relaxed way of life. His decision to run away leads him on a voyage of self-discovery. Throughout his travels, he faces many challenges but he never wavers from his ultimate goal — to join the prestigious and experimental Donovan Institute. Follow him on his journey and share his adventures as he grows from a naïve dreamer into a worldly and accomplished man of action.