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- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Alternate History
- Fantasy - Candlepunk
- Fantasy - Clockpunk
- Fantasy - Comedy
- Fantasy - Contemporary
- Fantasy - Dark Fantasy
- Fantasy - Erotica
- Fantasy - Faery & Fae
- Fantasy - Fairy Tale / Folklore
- Fantasy - Fantasy of Manners
- Fantasy - Gothpunk
- Fantasy - Heroic
- Fantasy - High & Other World
- Fantasy - Historical
- Fantasy - Hopepunk
- Fantasy - Knights & Castles
- Fantasy - Latinpunk
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - LitRPG
- Fantasy - Low Fantasy
- Fantasy - Magical Realism
- Fantasy - Mythic
- Fantasy - Mythpunk
- Fantasy - New Adult
- Fantasy - Paranormal
- Fantasy - People of Color
- Fantasy - Piratepunk
- Fantasy - Quiet
- Fantasy - Romance
- Fantasy - RPG
- Fantasy - Silkpunk
- Fantasy - Slipstream
- Fantasy - Steampunk
- Fantasy - Sword & Sorcery
- Fantasy - Urban & Magical Beings
- Fantasy - Weird Fantasy
- Fantasy - Young Adult
- Fantasy – Gods and Heroes
- Horror
- Horror - Angels & Devils
- Horror - Comedy
- Horror - Fairy Tale/Folklore
- Horror - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Horror - Gothic
- Horror - LGBTQ+
- Horror - LitRPG
- Horror - Lovecraftian/Cthulhu
- Horror - Man-Made Horrors
- Horror - Monsters
- Horror - Mythic
- Horror - New Adult
- Horror - Noir
- Horror - Occult
- Horror - People of Color
- Horror - Post-Apocalyptic
- Horror - Psychic Talents
- Horror - Psychological
- Horror - Shifters
- Horror - Splatterpunk
- Horror - Vampires
- Horror - Weird Horror
- Horror - Werewolves
- Horror - Witches
- Horror - Young Adult
- Horror - Zombies
- Nonfiction
- Nonfiction - Writing Guides
- Paranormal
- Paranormal - Angels & Devils
- Paranormal - Comedy
- Paranormal - Dark
- Paranormal - Ghosts & Haunted Houses
- Paranormal - LGBTQ+
- Paranormal - LitRPG
- Paranormal - Magical Beings
- Paranormal - Monsters
- Paranormal - New Adult
- Paranormal - People of Color
- Paranormal - Psychic Talents
- Paranormal - Reincarnation
- Paranormal - Romance
- Paranormal - Shifters
- Paranormal - Vampires
- Paranormal - Young Adult
- Paranormal - Zombies
- Poetry
- Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Alien Invasion
- Sci Fi - Alien Races
- Sci Fi - Aliens
- Sci Fi - Alternate / Parallel Reality
- Sci Fi - Alternative History
- Sci Fi - Apocalyptic Fiction
- Sci Fi - Artificial Intelligence
- Sci Fi - Biopunk
- Sci Fi - Candlepunk
- Sci Fi - Christian
- Sci Fi - Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)
- Sci Fi - Clockpunk
- Sci Fi - Clones
- Sci Fi - Colonization
- Sci Fi - Comedy
- Sci Fi - Cyberpunk
- Sci Fi - Cyberspace
- Sci Fi - Decopunk
- Sci Fi - Detective
- Sci Fi - Dieselpunk
- Sci Fi - Distant Planet
- Sci Fi - Dying Earth
- Sci Fi - Dystopian & Post-Apocalyptic
- Sci Fi - First Contact
- Sci Fi - Frontier
- Sci Fi - Furry
- Sci Fi - Galactic Empire
- Sci Fi - Generation Ship
- Sci Fi - Genetic Manipulation
- Sci Fi - Gothpunk
- Sci Fi - Greenpunk
- Sci Fi - Hard Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Hollow Earth
- Sci Fi - Hopepunk
- Sci Fi - Human Evolution
- Sci Fi - Immortality
- Sci Fi - LGBTQ+
- Sci Fi - LitRPG
- Sci Fi - Lost Worlds
- Sci Fi - Military
- Sci Fi - Mind Uploads
- Sci Fi - Multiverse
- Sci Fi - Mutants
- Sci Fi - Mythpunk
- Sci Fi - Nanopunk
- Sci Fi - Near Future
- Sci Fi - New Adult
- Sci Fi - Nowpunk
- Sci Fi - People of Color
- Sci Fi - Piratepunk
- Sci Fi - Pulp
- Sci Fi - Realistic
- Sci Fi - Robots/Androids
- Sci Fi - Romance
- Sci Fi - RPG
- Sci Fi - Science Fantasy
- Sci Fi - Singularity
- Sci Fi - Slipstream
- Sci Fi - Social
- Sci Fi - Soft
- Sci Fi - Solarpunk
- Sci Fi - Space Exploration
- Sci Fi - Space Opera
- Sci Fi - Space Western
- Sci Fi - Spacepunk
- Sci Fi - SpyFi
- Sci Fi - Steampunk
- Sci Fi - Superheroes & Villains
- Sci Fi - Terraforming
- Sci Fi - Teslapunk
- Sci Fi - Theological
- Sci Fi - Time Travel
- Sci Fi - Transhuman
- Sci Fi - Uplift
- Sci Fi - Utopian
- Sci Fi - Virtual Reality
- Sci Fi - Wattpunk
- Sci Fi - Weird Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Young Adult
- 2084 Trilogy
- 46 Ascending
- A Bad-Ass Faerie Tale
- A Balance of Magic
- A Bit of the Dark World
- A Demon for Midwinter
- A New World
- A Warrior's Redemption
- ABsinthe Trilogy
- Aces High Jokers Wild
- Adventure of a Lifetime
- Aestus
- Agents of the Imperial Special Investigation Service
- Aggressor Queen
- Aisling Trilogy
- Alex McKenna
- Alterations
- Anchorage
- and Beyond
- Andersson Dexter
- Andlios
- Ardulum
- Ariadne
- Ariadne Cycle
- Arrow of Artemis
- Art Medium
- Arthur Rex
- As Above
- As Above So Below
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Autumn
- Bastard Prince Saga
- Bed Breakfast and Beyond
- Behind Blue Eyes
- Black Flag
- Black Swan Planet
- Blackwood Pack
- Blessed Epoch
- Blood Resonance
- Blood Sealed
- Bloodlines of Fate
- Blue Solace
- Bound Gods
- Brandywine Investigations
- Brassbright Cooks
- Brassbright Kids
- Brimstone
- Broken Stars
- Broken Veil
- Burke's Lore Briefs
- BuzzCuts
- Cadicle
- Carnival of Mysteries
- Cassidy Chronicles
- Central Galactic Concordance
- Centricity Cycle
- Chanda Kasmira
- Changing Bodies
- Chaos Menagerie
- Charlie's Story
- Chronicles of the Library of Sorcery
- Chronicles of Tournai
- Cold Cosmos
- Cold Fingers
- Coldharbour Chronicles
- Colonizing Saturn's Moon
- Compact Universe
- Constable Inspector Reva Lunaria
- Continuing Journeys
- Creatures of Darkness
- Crossdimensional Chronicles
- Cryptomorphs
- Crystal Throne
- Cybers Wild Card
- Daire's Devils
- Dalí Tamareia Missions
- Damien the devil
- Dark Folklore
- Dark is the Night
- Darkening Stars
- Darkly Enchanted Romance
- Daughter of Mars
- Dead Geniuses
- Defending the Future
- Demon Tales and Fairy Games
- Demonica
- Deptford Paranormals
- Detective Duarte Mysteries
- Devon Island Mars Colony
- Diamondsong
- Division Zero
- Dome of Souls Series
- Dome Stories
- Dragon Souls
- Dragon War Chronicles
- Dragons of Ivria
- Draoithe
- Dreams of Chaos
- Dylan Rivers Chronicles
- El Corazon
- Eldritch Heart
- Elemental Magicae
- Ellowyn Found
- Enchanted Occasions
- Endangered Fae
- Enimnori
- ESTO Universe
- Evergreen
- Exiles of the Drift
- Extraordinary
- Faded Skies
- Fae Out of Water
- False Icons
- Fantastic Tales of Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Fantasy
- Felines of Furyne
- Femmes Fatale
- Five Seasons of Night
- Forerunner Series
- Four Moons
- Fox-Hat
- Freedom Fight Trilogy
- Freedom Series in the Switchboard Univers
- Future History of the Grail
- G-Force Federation
- Gallows Hill Academy
- Gates of Divinity
- Gay Ever After Fairy Tales
- Ghost U
- Gifted Guilds
- Green Hills
- Grimaulkin
- Guardians
- Guardians of the PHAE
- H2LiftShips
- Ham and Echo
- Hammer Falls
- Hard Way Home
- Hauntastic Haunts
- Haven
- Hawthorn Academy
- Heavenly Sins Trilogy
- Heavy Metal Magic
- Hell Holes
- Heroes by Necessity
- Hidden Wolves
- Him for the Holidays Short Story
- Hollow
- House of Witches
- Hybrid Nation
- IMP Universe
- Infinity 8
- Infinity's End
- Interplanetary Hearts
- Jack Hansard
- Jake & Dean Investigations
- James & Harriet
- Jon's Mysteries
- Jordan Abbey
- Journey Across Genes Saga
- Kedgetown
- KHNM Series
- Kitten & Witch
- Lancaster's Luck
- Last Chance
- Last Train Home
- Legacy of the Phoenix
- Legend Tripping
- Leif the Lucky
- Lenna's Arc
- Lifehack
- Liminal Sky
- Liquid Onyx
- Lost in Time
- Luxor City
- Mad Kestrel
- Magic & Sorcery Chronicles
- Magic Emporium
- Magic Mirror Collection
- Magnificent Devices
- Mara of the League
- Mating Flight
- Max Porter Paranormal Mysteries
- McCarron's Corner
- Mermen & Magic
- Merseton Tales
- Metamorphoses of Flynn Keahi
- Mike Christopher
- Mindsaga
- Monstrous Creatures
- Moon Hunter's Inc.
- My Brother's Keeper
- Mystery of the Makers
- Myth World
- Mythmatched
- Necromancer
- Nel Bentley Books
- Northern Witch
- Oarthecan Star Saga
- Oberon Cycle
- Offbeat Crimes
- Office of Preternatural Affairs
- Old Code
- On Mars
- On Wings Saga
- Outlaws of Interra
- Perilous Miles
- Phoenix in Flames
- Pirates of Aletharia
- Pirates of New Earth
- Pixel Dust
- Pixiepunk
- Planet Hy Man
- Plans
- Poetry Inspired by Science
- Pōneke Shadows
- Post Host Cozy Fantasy Series
- Progenitor
- Prophet of the Badlands
- Providence Paranormal College Boxed Sets
- Proxima Odyssey
- Queer Sci Fi Flash Fiction Contest
- Quirk & Moth
- Qwyrk Tales
- Rainbow Briefs
- Rainbow Reader
- Ray M. Holler’s Adventures
- Read by Candlelight
- Red Dog Conspiracy
- Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women
- Resonant Earth
- Revealed World
- Revin's Heart
- Rockshade’s PID
- Royal Powers
- Rubberman
- Saga of the Bold People
- Saul Imbierowicz
- Scarlet Order Vampires
- Scars
- Sentries
- Serial Killer Z
- Serpentia
- Shades
- Shades of Midnight
- Shentonia
- Ship Whisperer
- Sierra Waters
- Silverstar Mates
- Sing For Me
- Sister Seekers
- Sister Seekers Bundles
- Sisters of Chaos
- Sisters of Song
- Sixguns and Sorcery
- Small Things
- Small Things trilogy
- Small Town Georgia Tales
- Smoke and Moonlight
- Snakeheart
- So Below
- Soldiers and Mercenaries
- Somnia Online
- Songs of the Sage
- SoulShares
- Sovereigns of Bright and Shadow
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates' Legacy
- St. Acton
- Star Marked
- Star Rigger Universe
- Star Stories
- Starman Jones
- Stars' Edge: Nel Bently Books
- Starship Teapot
- Steel Empires
- Stories of the Eleriannan
- Strange, Strange World
- subpar heroes
- Subsumption Series
- Suicide Arc
- Sunshine and Specter
- Super U
- Supernatural Selection
- Survey Intragalactic
- Surviving the Apocalypse
- Systema Paradoxa
- Taking Shield
- Tales From A Warming Planet
- Tales from Norvegr
- Tales of a gay witch
- Tales of Ardonna
- Tales of Ardonna: Woodspell Series
- Tales of Miurag
- Tales of the Crypto-Hunter
- Tales of the Forest
- Tales of the Shadow City
- Tales of Tolari Space
- Tales within Chains
- Taran Empire Saga
- Tempus Institute
- Teristaque Chronicles
- Terran Space Project
- Tharassas Cycle
- The Absinthe Trilogy
- The Action Girls in
- The Adventures of Bodacious Creed
- The Adventures of Smith and Jones
- The Alchemical Duology
- The Arcadia Trust
- The Artifice Mage Saga
- The Asarlaí Wars
- The Ascended
- The Autobiography of Calista Antoine
- The Awakened
- The BetterWorld Trilogy
- The Biomass Conflux
- The Bloody Bois d'Arc Triptych
- The Bodyguard and the Heir
- The Books of Locurnia
- The Books of the Cuari
- The Books of the Wode
- The Brassbright Chronicles
- The Calling
- The Casebook Of Elilsha Grey
- The Cassie Tam Files
- The Chaos Chronicles
- The Clockwork Legion
- The Conn-Mann Chronicles
- The Council Of Twelve
- The Coven of Zora
- The Crossing Genres Anthology Collection
- The Cycles of Revelation
- The Daedalus Files
- The Dandelion Farmer
- The Dark Between Stars
- The Darkest Storm
- The Deiparian Saga
- The Dissolution Cycle
- The Doorway to Magic
- The Dragon Doc Tales
- The Dreamscape Voyager Trilogy
- The Druid's Brooch Series
- The Dungeon Crawlers
- The Dusk Eternal
- The Dynamicist Trilogy
- The Empire
- The Everlands Cycle
- The Evie Chester Files
- The Faction
- The Fairville Woods
- The Fellowship Dystopia
- The Forester Trilogy
- The God Fragments
- The Great War of the Worlds
- The Guild of Dream Warriors
- The Hallowed Bloodline
- The Hunter Chronicles
- The Hybrid of High Moon
- The Indestructibles
- The Interscission Project
- The Kitra Saga
- The Lost Ancients
- The Mage Conspiracy
- The Magicsmith
- The Martyr's Vow
- The Mating Games
- The Meaning Wars
- The Memory Bearers Saga
- The MIndbender
- The New Dawn
- The Night Bazaar
- The Night Flyer Series
- The Novels of Loch Moigh
- The Oort Chronicles
- The Others Project
- The Parallel Society
- The Parsina Saga
- The Peridot Shift
- The Place Of Things
- The Poison Patty Saga
- The Prophecy Series
- The Pudding Protocol Universe
- The Rehumanization of Jade Darcy
- The Remembrance War
- The Roboticist of Versailles
- The Samantha Rain Mysteries
- The Secret Histories
- The Seer Saga
- The Sehnsucht Series
- The Shifting Lands
- The Six Worlds
- The Sleep of Reason
- The Sleepless City
- The Society Universe
- The Spindown Saga
- The Starchild Trilogy
- The Stolen Future
- The Stolen Series
- The Stones of Power
- The Superhero Age
- The Team Huntress Flights
- The Temujin Saga
- The Tome of Bill
- The Trekana
- The Twins of Bellesfées
- The Ungovernable
- The United Federation Marine Corps
- The Unremembered King
- The Unwoven Tapestry
- The Valespian Pact
- The Vamp Who Would Be King
- The Vampire Guard
- The Vampire Hunters Academy
- The Vega Bloodmire Wicked Witch Mystery Series
- The Voidstrider Saga
- The Wakeful Wanderer's Guide
- The Way of the Warrior
- The Web of Arcana
- The Weller
- The Wellington Mysteries
- The Will-o'-the-Wisp Stories
- The Wolves of Kanta
- The Z-Tech Chronicles
- Thung Toh Jig
- Time Burrito
- Timeless Keeper Saga
- Timelessness
- Tinker's World
- Tome of Báirseach
- Toronto Time Agents
- Towers of the Earth
- Toybox
- Tracefinder
- Transdimensional Authority/Multiverse
- Treasures Retold
- Treasures Retold Omnibus
- Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy
- Truthspoken Universe
- Trystero
- Tuners
- Twilight Temptations
- Vampire Innocent
- Variant Configurations
- Virian Chronicles
- Virian Companions
- Vyrdigaan Prophecies
- WalrusTech
- War Mage
- War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters
- Wasp Squadron: The Navy of Humankind
- Watchers of Astaria
- Whispers From a Hidden World
- Witch-Hunter
- Wolf's-own
- Womby's School for Wayward Witches
- Women of the United Federation Marines
- Worlds Apart: A Universe of Sapphic Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Writers Save the World
- Wyrdwood Welcome
- author - american
- author - arabian
- author - australian
- author - belgian
- author - british
- author - canadian
- author - dutch
- author - european
- author - french
- author - italian
- author - new zealander
- author - saudi arabian
- format - anthology
- format - audiobook
- format - book
- format - box set
- format - collection
- format - free
- format - hardcover
- format - illustrated novel
- format - kindle
- format - kindle unlimited
- format - kindle vella
- format - large print
- format - netgalley
- format - novel
- format - novel >100K
- format - novel <100K
- format - novel 40-100K
- format - novella 15k-40K
- format - novellette <15k
- format - omnibus edition
- format - paperback
- format - payhip
- format - planner
- format - prequel
- format - self published
- format - sequel
- format - series
- format - shared universe
- format - short stories
- format - short story <15K
- identity - aromantic
- identity - asexual
- identity - bisexual
- identity - demisexual
- identity - gay
- identity - gender fluid
- identity - intersex
- identity - lesbian
- identity - non-binary
- identity - pansexual
- identity - polyamorous
- identity - transgender
- potential trigger
- potential trigger - abduction-captivity
- potential trigger - addiction
- potential trigger - avalanche
- potential trigger - blood
- potential trigger - death
- potential trigger - gore
- potential trigger - graphic torture
- potential trigger - murder
- potential trigger - rape
- potential trigger - sexual abuse
- potential trigger - stalking
- potential trigger - suicidal ideation
- potential trigger - suicide
- potential trigger - torture
- potential trigger - traumatic past
- potential trigger - violence
- what - concept - amnesia
- what - concept - curse
- what - condition - blindness
- what - condition - disability
- what - condition - mental illness
- what - condition - ptsd
- what - element - ferocious poodle
- what - holiday - general
- what - topic - cartel
- what - topic - chinese medicine
- what - topic - chinese mythology
- what - topic - climate change
- what - topic - compassion
- what - topic - crime
- what - topic - desert survival
- what - topic - disaster
- what - topic - drag
- what - topic - flying
- what - topic - genetic engineering
- what - topic - harem
- what - topic - haunting
- what - topic - japanese mythology
- what - topic - learning disabilities
- what - topic - legend
- what - topic - magic
- what - topic - multicultural
- what - topic - music
- what - topic - natural disaster
- what - topic - non-violence
- what - topic - politics
- what - topic - ransom
- what - topic - reincarnation
- what - topic - religion
- what - topic - revenge
- what - topic - science experiment
- what - topic - secret
- what - topic - secret organization
- what - topic - superstition
- what - topic - taboo
- what - topic - technology
- what - topic - terrorism
- when - period - 16th century
- when - period - 17th century
- when - period - 18th century
- when - period - 1920s
- when - period - 1930s
- when - period - 1940s
- when - period - 1950s
- when - period - 1960s
- when - period - 1970s
- when - period - 1980s
- when - period - 1990s
- when - period - 19th century
- when - period - 20th century
- when - period - ancient greece
- when - period - ancient rome
- when - period - edwardian
- when - period - georgian
- when - period - great war
- when - period - middle ages
- when - period - near future
- when - period - prehistoric
- when - period - prohibition
- when - period - victorian
- when – period – 6th century
- when – period – medieval
- when – period – world war ii
- where - fictional - moon colony
- where - general - alternate universe
- where - general - carnival
- where - general - castle
- where - general - cave
- where - general - cruise ship
- where - general - forest
- where - general - military
- where - general - mountains
- where - general - private school
- where - general - rural
- where - general - small town
- where - general - swamp
- where - general - uncharted island
- where - general - underground
- where - general - underwater
- where - Mars
- where - non-Earth planet
- where - space - international space station
- where - space - space station
- where - space station
- where - spaceship
- where – general – monastery or abbey
- who - description - alpha male
- who - description - alphas and omegas
- who - description - tattoos
- who - occupation - apothecary
- who - occupation - archaeologist
- who - occupation - artist
- who - occupation - assassin
- who - occupation - asteroid miner
- who - occupation - astronaut
- who - occupation - astronomer
- who - occupation - author
- who - occupation - baker
- who - occupation - barista
- who - occupation - bodyguard
- who - occupation - botanist
- who - occupation - bounty hunter
- who - occupation - castle laird
- who - occupation - computer programmer
- who - occupation - contractor
- who - occupation - coroner
- who - occupation - cowboys
- who - occupation - detective
- who - occupation - doctor
- who - occupation - drag queen
- who - occupation - engineer
- who - occupation - ex-convict
- who - occupation - federal agent
- who - occupation - guard
- who - occupation - hacker
- who - occupation - healer
- who - occupation - herbalist
- who - occupation - historian
- who - occupation - horsemaster
- who - occupation - innkeeper
- who - occupation - inventor
- who - occupation - journalist
- who - occupation - king
- who - occupation - knight
- who - occupation - law enforcement
- who - occupation - librarian
- who - occupation - lord
- who - occupation - mage
- who - occupation - marine
- who - occupation - mechanic
- who - occupation - medical
- who - occupation - mercenary
- who - occupation - military
- who - occupation - missionary
- who - occupation - motorcycle rider
- who - occupation - musician
- who - occupation - nurse
- who - occupation - pilot
- who - occupation - pirate
- who - occupation - police
- who - occupation - politician
- who - occupation - priest
- who - occupation - prince
- who - occupation - prisoner
- who - occupation - professor
- who - occupation - psychic
- who - occupation - royalty
- who - occupation - sailor
- who - occupation - scientist
- who - occupation - security
- who - occupation - serial killer
- who - occupation - servant
- who - occupation - sex worker
- who - occupation - sheriff
- who - occupation - soldier
- who - occupation - space marines
- who - occupation - spaceship captain
- who - occupation - spy
- who - occupation - stableboy
- who - occupation - starship captain
- who - occupation - student
- who - occupation - superhero
- who - occupation - tattoo artist
- who - occupation - teacher
- who - occupation - thief
- who - occupation - tracker
- who - occupation - undercover agent
- who - occupation - warrior
- who - occupation - writer
- who - religion - catholic
- who - religion - jewish
- who - religion - mormon / latter-day saints (lds)
- who - religion - muslim / islamic
- who - religion - pagan
- who - religion - shinto
- who - type - alien
- who - type - altered human
- who - type - angels
- who - type - badass heroine
- who - type - bear shifters
- who - type - bigfoot
- who - type - centaur
- who - type - cyborg
- who - type - demons
- who - type - dragon shifters
- who - type - dragons
- who - type - elves
- who - type - fae
- who - type - fox
- who - type - gator shifter
- who - type - ghosts
- who - type - gille dubh
- who - type - god
- who - type - griffins
- who - type - incubus
- who - type - kitsune
- who - type - magical humans
- who - type - merman
- who - type - nekomata
- who - type - nephilim
- who - type - panther shifters
- who - type - reindeer shifters
- who - type - robot / cyborg
- who - type - sea dragon shifter
- who - type - sea god
- who - type - sea serpent shifter
- who - type - selkie
- who - type - shifter
- who - type - spiders
- who - type - spirit
- who - type - succubus
- who - type - unicorns
- who - type - vampires
- who - type - vegan
- who - type - werecats
- who - type - werewolves
- who - type - witch
- who - type - wizard
- who - type - wolf
- who - type - yokai
- who - type - zombies
- who - world defender
- who – occupation – monk
- who – type – druidic god
- who – type – fertility god
- who – type – pagan god
- Abandoned Place
- AI Uprising
- Alien Artifacts
- Alien Eggs
- Alien Invasion
- Alien Ruins
- Aliens Among Us
- Aliens as God
- Aliens in History
- Ancient Astronauts
- Ancient Weapon
- Antihero
- Arthurian Legends
- Asteroid Miner
- Astral Projection
- Bad Robot
- Band of Brothers/Sisters
- Band of Misfits
- Bar Tales
- Becoming a Monster
- Benevolent Aliens
- Beyond the Grave Communication
- Big Sword
- Black and White Morality
- Body Modifications
- Bodysnatchers
- Book of Spells
- Born Hero
- Burial Ground/Cemetary
- Changing Painting
- Chosen One
- Clones
- Conspiracy
- Crazy Clairvoyants
- Cross-Species Friendships
- Cryosleep
- Dark Enemy
- Dark Lord
- Death by Sex
- Demonic Possession
- Dragonriders
- Dying World
- Dystopian Governments
- Enemy to Ally
- Evil Megacorporation
- Evolving Powers
- Fallen Hero
- Farmer to Hero
- Farmer to Royalty
- Fated Mates
- Fellowship
- Fetus of Doom
- First Contact
- Fish Out of Water
- Found Family
- Galactic Civilization
- Generation Ships
- Good Robots
- Haunted House
- Here Comes the Cavalry
- Humanity is Dangerous
- Humanity is Good
- Humans Evolved From Aliens
- Hunted
- I Am Your Father
- I See Dead People
- Immortality
- Inaccessible Magic
- Interspecies Adoption
- Interspecies Romance
- Interstellar Travel
- Killer Aliens
- Library of Secrets
- Lost Civilization
- Lucky Novice
- Mad Scientist
- Magic Furniture
- Magic Talisman
- Magical Disaster
- Marooned
- Mirror Shows True Self
- Modern Human in Fantasy World
- Museum/Store of the Unusual
- No Cell Coverage
- Old Person in the Woods
- Oxygen Leak
- Parallel Worlds
- Past People/Future Tech
- Person in Distress
- Portals
- Possession
- Post-Apocalyptic
- Powerful Artifact
- Prophesy
- Pseudo European Society
- Psionic Powers
- Quest
- Redemption Arc
- Reluctant Hero
- Reluctant Vampires
- Robin Hood Legends
- Roguish Thief
- Secret Heir
- Secret Royalty
- Secret Society
- Sentient AI
- Sentient Spaceships
- Sex Magic
- Singularity
- Space Battles
- Space Dentistry
- Space Detectives
- Space is Empty
- Space is Full
- Space Medicine
- Space Pilot
- Space Pirates
- Space Psychology
- Space Smugglers
- Superpowers
- Sword of Destiny
- Time Loop
- Time Travel
- Training
- Ultimate Evil
- Undiscovered Planet
- Uploaded Consciousness
- Vengeful Spirit
- Villain to Hero
- Waiting/Sleeping Evil
- Wise Mentor
Showing all books.
Word Count: 90000
Summary: Biology professor Roman Janz was walking across campus and planning his next plant-collecting trip to Brazil, when something stung him on the neck. And now… now he’s wandering in the dark, in the blue, floating, disembodied, and confused. There has to be a good explanation, if he can just find someone, anyone, he can actually talk to about it. Xavier Faulkner is intelligent, creative, and made millions when he sold his tech-security company. But all his wealth and skills couldn’t keep his sister Tam from being poisoned by food contamination. She lived, but her health was damaged, and her job as a cop is gone. In the antebellum house he moved them to, Xavier hopes to find both a distraction and maybe a purpose for their lives. But the old house seems to come with strange noises, and odd blue lights, and maybe― if Xavier isn’t just going crazy― a naked guy, walking away into the blue… This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love’s Landscapes" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. Dear Author, I just moved into this old antebellum home I bought with the intentions of restoring. I often find myself awoken in the night by strange noises I cannot identify or hear during the day. At first, I think it’s just a dream… this seemingly phantom always walking away. Who is he and how can I get him to finally turn around and see me? 79,000 words
Word Count: 90.000
Summary: One week to save the child, bargain with Death and get the girl… Child Protective Services Attorney Maeve Malveaux is sure that Chrysandra Arneson needs to be rescued from her rich, powerful and abusive family. But how? Her boss won’t listen to her and neither will the judge. But after she gets taken off the case and sent on involuntary leave to get her out of the way, she’s determined to find out what’s going on. She’s not counting on joining forces with Jill, the gorgeous law librarian from work, and a mismatched collection of fairy folk. Or getting the ghostly assistance of the long-defunct Minneapolis streetcar system. And, perhaps, even a hand from Death himself. Mae and Jill are about to be caught up in a supernatural power struggle that will take them on an adventure from the Uptown neighborhood in Minneapolis into faery realms and beyond. All they need is a dime for the streetcar fare and a little help from their new allies to be on their way. But will it be enough to save a little girl and get them where they need to go? They’ve only got a week to find out.
Word Count: 53000
***One angel to bind you, one angel to save you.***
Sky Heavensent, an angel of death, is charged with the collection of souls of the recently departed. Known to his peers and immediate supervisor, the archangel Gabriel, as the liability, Sky puts his heart and soul into everything he does. When he meets Caleb Pierce, Sky is immediately smitten. The problem is Caleb is the soul he came to earth to harvest, and saving him means breaking one of the most sacred angelic directives. Already in too deep, Sky pushes aside the consequences and follows his heart. Danger and mayhem follow, but he will do everything in his power to protect his lavender-eyed man.
Word Count: 92609
Summary: Rose was waiting tables at Ken’s All-Nite Diner in Keokuk, Iowa, circa 1959, when something happened that would change her life forever. Two men burst through the front door, fighting for their lives. Though it was morning, she could see stars in the nighttime sky through the doorway as the door closed behind them. The larger of the two men quickly gained the advantage, knocking the smaller man unconscious before running out of the diner. Rose, a student nurse, quickly patched up the injured man, and when an ambulance arrived, insisted on riding with him to the hospital. His name was Henry Martin, according to his driver’s license, though both the license and the money in his wallet are dated some 60 years in the future. There’s something else, too—a portable telephone that plays music and seems to have a miniature color television inside. Just who is Henry Martin, where did he get these things, and why is someone trying to kill him?
Word Count: 165000
Summary: What does a former assassin do when he’s not out there… well… assassinating? Saving his species from extinction, of course. At least, that’s what Leopold wants to do with every molecule in his body. But the task won’t be fast or easy, and he can’t do it alone. Enter Mastrodai—a mrrog prince who has absolutely no desire to rule, much to his father’s exasperation. He craves the ability to prove his worth as a mate and to somehow atone for his actions that led to Leopold’s torture at the hands of an enemy. Making humans official would be a good start. But politics rule no matter what the species, and Mastrodai has to maneuver carefully and risk what he has built to give his mate what he deserves. And when he realizes both he and Leopold have deeper feelings for Alex, one of Mastrodai’s human slave women, he knows his future is out among the stars with his humans, not planet-bound with his kin. Unfortunately, before they can set their plan into motion, Leopold receives a vision that sends him reeling and questioning everything he knows about himself. A vision he must investigate, back to where he began—Lex, the backwater planet where he spent his early years, and where he swore never to return. Reader Discretion advised: Includes violence throughout, PTSD, a scene of graphic torture, and the start of a consensual MMF relationship.
Word Count: 108000
Summary: All legends spring from a seed of truth. Humble Kai aspires to become more than the petite, inconsequential young woman her community sees. Persistence pays off when the village holy leaders reveal a prophecy—Kai might actualize her dream of being a hero if she completes three seemingly impossible tasks. Princess Solveig, descendant of the famous shieldmaiden Sigrid the Valiant, believes she was born to accomplish great things, but her poor eyesight, weak constitution, and lack of physical expertise hold her back. Convinced she can never realize her ambitions, Solveig settles for living vicariously through her warrior girlfriend. The appearance of a dangerous jötunn wreaking havoc in the kingdom brings the two would-be champions together. Solveig feels both threatened and skeptical when Kai arrives in her father’s great hall with a “magic” sword, claiming she’s there to save the day after more promising protectors have failed. With many lives at stake, will rivalry push Solveig and Kai apart, or will they inspire each other to realize the greatness both women desire to achieve—and to survive the coming battle? Gear up for action and the dramatic storytelling of Edale Lane in this hero’s journey sapphic Viking historical romance. If you like to root for an underdog, experience epic world building, and enjoy women with swords, you’ll love Legacy of the Valiant, the second book in the Tales from Norvegr series. Buy your copy today!
Word Count: 71500
Summary: JMS Books’ Trios are themed collections of three gay romance stories by a trio of authors. Each story is available separately, but readers can get all three for a discounted bundle price. Legendary Loves Volume 2 contains three paranormal shifter M/M romances just in time for Halloween! Contains the stories: In My Arms Again by Nell Iris The Murky Depths by Kassandra Lea Weekend at Bigfoot’s by Addison Albright
Word Count: 170000
Summary: The enemy hunts him, but not for the reason he thinks. How does a human survive in an alien dominated InterGalactic Community? By becoming an assassin, of course. At least, that’s what Leopold thought when he became an assassin for the elite. Pretending to be an alien known as Voidstriker, Leopold feeds his appetite for vengeance, killing aliens as well as taking their money. It's a win-win to his mind. That is, until a bounty is placed upon his head. With his true identity now revealed to the IG Community, Leopold knows it's only a matter of time before the powerful family members of his victims come for blood. Far worse is the fact that the one who put the bounty on his head, is the one he most fears. A routine job three cycles ago brought him face-to-face with Mastrodai, a prince of the powerful Mrrog Nation. Not only did Leopold—accidentally—destroy part of Mastrodai’s moon, but one glimpse of the mighty alien had him feeling desire for the first time in his life. He ran, and like predator after prey, Mastrodai never stopped hunting him. Leopold is convinced that Mastrodai wants bloody revenge. But when he finally confronts the mrrog, he is stunned to realize Mastrodai wants something very different. Something surprisingly intimate—the one thing that scares Leopold more than torture. Reader Discretion advised: Off page torture and abuse, and aftermath of rape. While the intimacy between Leopold and Mastrodai is always consensual, there are others who wish to break Leopold into as many pieces as possible.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Who doesn't crave a little escape? Dreaming of small town life and rural charm, Alex and Rainey find a deal on an old rustic home they can't resist. But soon after Rainey moves, her preoccupation with weird local history and the complications of living alone in the woods take a toll. Alex worries that the long nights and growing isolation are driving her stir crazy. When the Sugar House is damaged and Rainey goes missing, Alex doesn't know where to turn. Was it a storm, vandals, or something worse? What happened at the Sugar House? The only thing worse than wondering is finding out.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Lenna Faircloth thought she was content enough to be junior librarian at one of the grandest libraries on the Continent, so long as at the end of the day she can enjoy a glass (or two) of wine and some decent shut-eye. Reticent and unconcerned with trivial matters, Lenna is almost laughably nonplussed the day her childhood friend, Gilbert, appears at her door, asking her to help smuggle stolen goods across national borders. Librarian is the first part of a young woman's long journey set in an alternate, sparsely-populated world. When unfortunate circumstances leave a bizarre, out-of-place artifact of immense power in the sole custody of Lenna, she is forced to question her own wants, the source of her withdrawal from others, and the curious nature of the Continent's magic -- all the while being the target of numerous political factions longing to possess the strange item bound to her by a child's promise.
Word Count: 130000
Summary: Over a million years in the future, a desperate stowaway lies concealed in a space freighter’s cargo hold. Tam Amergan is bound for the prison world Corustloth, where his partner Brogan has been abducted. Ever since the Senate took over the planetary system decades earlier, gay men like Tam and Brogan—degens, as they are labeled under Senate rule—have been forced to live in secrecy. But Brogan is Tam’s life-line, bound to his soul in a ritual performed by a secret sisterhood of women with ancient, unknown designs. Tam has no choice but to follow Brogan wherever he goes. What Brogan sees, Tam sees; what Tam feels, Brogan feels. Neither can live without the other. Thousands of lightyears away, an ancient brotherhood of mentalists works at uncovering the mystery of humanity’s long-forgotten origins. Their leader, Father, enlists the help of Bennett, who is able to connect with the mind of a space freighter stowaway on the other side of the galaxy. Is Bennett the key to humanity’s origins? Could Tam’s quest to find Brogan have a wider purpose? Both a soaring love story and sweeping sci-fi epic, Life-Line: Origins is a thrilling gay romance and science fiction novel. Ambitious, gripping, and full of heart, it is a must-read for anyone hungry for adventure and intrigue.
Word Count: 86000
Summary: Regan has her ups and downs. -Dumping her girlfriend: Down. -Moving in with her loving brother: Up. -Waking up to a plague of undead: REALLY down. After the undead began roaming the neighborhood, Regan lost track of her brother. She’s spent the last two years searching for him. In the meantime, she’s fallen in love, only to be told, “Sorry, I’m straight. And you’re a lunatic.” There’s a psycho out there somewhere who caused the outbreak, using nanotechnology, just for the fun of it, and Regan intends to hunt him down. Oh, and the crush she still has on the straight gal? Dangerously distracting, when there’s a zombie around every corner.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Unemployment is stressful enough—but throw in the threat of being tossed out the space station’s airlock as a vagrant, and human Del is in desperate need of employment. No job, no place to stay, Del wants nothing more than to be back out amongst the stars, preferably as a bridge crewmember. Trouble is, his dreams are bigger than his starship experience and years, and Del finally heads to a bar to drown his frustrations. Getting drunk might not have been the smartest thing to do—as he wakes in a strange, handsome alien’s bed, with no memory of the night before. When that strange alien calls him mate, Del thinks that maybe all his problems are over. He finally has a job. Or does he? Quinn wants love and a family, but his duty as captain to a Xolian space cruiser leaves little time for forging relationships. When drunk and adorable human Del propositions him in a space bar, begging to be his first mate, Quinn hopes that maybe he can have both duty and love. Until the next morning, when the alcohol wears off and cultural barriers and misunderstandings set off a chain reaction of mayhem, mischief, and trouble that follows Del wherever he goes. A relationship that began as a mistake may become something more—bound by love and desire, and all they must do now is survive the journey. **Gay sci-fi romance featuring a sassy human, an irascible alien captain, and adventure beyond both their dreams.**
Word Count: 86000
Summary: The year is 1877. Russians have invaded the Pacific Northwest and are advancing into California. New weapons have proven ineffective or dangerously unstable and the one man who can help has disappeared into Apache Country, hunting ghosts. A healer and a former sheriff lead a band into the heart of the invasion to determine what makes the Russian forces so unstoppable while a young inventor attempts to unleash the power of the lightning wolves.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: The Indestructibles: Jane, the solar-powered girl; Kate, the ballerina vigilante; Billy, who shares his brain with a cosmic-powered symbiotic alien; Titus, a werewolf with confidence issues; and Entropy Emily, a Whovian with a black hole where her heart should be — together with their mentor, the magician Doc Silence — have saved the world from a sentient hurricane and a living plague. They've even traveled through time to rescue an alternate timeline. But now they face their greatest challenge yet: a messenger from the stars, a creature with powers just like Billy's, has crash-landed on Earth with a warning of a pending alien invasion. The young heroes must rally their forces and turn their attention to the stars. It's all hands on deck as the Nemesis Fleet, an armada of living ships and ancient, parasitic, mind-controlling creatures, speeds toward Earth like a hive of locusts. Enemies become allies and friendships are challenged as the Indestructibles try to pull out every trick in their arsenal to save the planet. Like a Comet is where the Indestructibles stop being students and start to become the heroes they were destined to be. But will they be strong enough?
Word Count: 30008
Summary: Kyle Monroe’s encounter with a strange, gelatinous creature in an alley leaves him scarred and forever changed, revealing odd abilities he wishes he didn’t have and earning him reassignment to a precinct where all the cops have defective paranormal abilities. Just as he’s starting to adjust to his fellow misfit squad mates, Kyle’s new partner arrives. Tall, physically perfect, reserved and claiming he has no broken psychic talents, Vikash Soren irritates Kyle in every way. But as much as he’d like to hate Vikash, Kyle finds himself oddly drawn to him, their non-abilities meshing in unexpected ways. If they can learn to work together, they might be able to stop the mysterious killer who has been leaving mutilated bodies along the banks of the Schuylkill.
Word Count: 270000
Summary: Liminal Sky chronicles humankind's first journey to the stars. The first three books - the Ariadne Cycle - cover the creation and launch of Ariadne (aka Forever) as she was grown from seed on an asteroid and then launched across the interstellar void. The books are told in epic fashion, with each broken into three parts that span generations. THE STARK DIVIDE Some stories are epic. The Earth is in a state of collapse, with wars breaking out over resources and an environment pushed to the edge by human greed. Three living generation ships have been built with a combination of genetic mastery, artificial intelligence, technology, and raw materials harvested from the asteroid belt. This is the story of one of them—43 Ariadne, or Forever, as her inhabitants call her—a living world that carries the remaining hopes of humanity, and the three generations of scientists, engineers, and explorers working to colonize her. From her humble beginnings as a seedling saved from disaster to the start of her journey across the void of space toward a new home for the human race, The Stark Divide tells the tales of the world, the people who made her, and the few who will become something altogether beyond human. Humankind has just taken its first step toward the stars. THE RISING TIDE The Earth is dead. Five years after the Collapse, the remnants of humanity travel through the stars inside Forever: a living, ever-evolving, self-contained generation ship. When Eddy Tremaine and Andrissa “Andy” Hammond find a hidden world-within-a-world under the mountains, the discovery triggers a chain of events that could fundamentally alter or extinguish life as they know it, culminate in the takeover of the world mind, and end free will for humankind. Eddy, Andy, and a handful of other unlikely heroes must find the courage and ingenuity to stand against the rising tide. Otherwise they might be living through the end days of human history. THE SHORELESS SEA Rise of the Inthworld. The fight for the future isn’t over yet. It could lead to a new beginning, or it might spell the end for the last vestiges of humankind. The generation ship Forever has left Earth behind, but a piece of the old civilization lives on in the Inthworld—a virtual realm that retains memories of Earth's technological wonders and vices. Lilith leads the uprising, and if she sets its inhabitants free, they could destroy Forever. But during the ship's long voyage, humanity has evolved. Liminals with the ability to connect with the world mind and the Inthworld provide a glimmer of hope as they face not only Lilith’s minions, but the mistrust of their own kind as homotypicals fear what they can't understand. The invasion must be stopped, the Inthworld healed, sothe people of Forever can let go of their past and embrace their future.
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Hopepunk
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Apocalyptic Fiction
- Sci Fi - Artificial Intelligence
- Sci Fi - Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi)
- Sci Fi - Colonization
- Sci Fi - Cyberspace
- Sci Fi - Frontier
- Sci Fi - Generation Ship
- Sci Fi - Hard Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Hollow Earth
- Sci Fi - Hopepunk
- Sci Fi - Immortality
- Sci Fi - LGBTQ+
- Sci Fi - Lost Worlds
- Sci Fi - Mind Uploads
- Sci Fi - Science Fantasy
- Sci Fi - Space Exploration
- Sci Fi - Space Opera
Word Count: 270000
Summary: Oberon is unique among the Common Worlds - a half-world with a strange past and an uncertain future. Jameson Havercamp and Xander Kinnson are thrust into the middle of a world-ending event and have to scramble to save the world - and themselves. Along the way, they peel back the layers of the onion to discover secrets wrapped in secrets that will eventually take them to where it all started - and may provide the key to saving Oberon and everyone on it. SKYTHANE Jameson Havercamp, a psych from a conservative religious colony, has come to Oberon—unique among the Common Worlds—in search of a rare substance called pith. He’s guided through the wilds on his quest by Xander Kinnson, a handsome, cocky skythane with a troubled past. Neither knows that Oberon is facing imminent destruction. Even as the world starts to fall apart around them, they have no idea what’s coming—or the bond that will develop between them as they race to avert a cataclysm. Together, they will journey to uncover the secrets of this strange and singular world, even as it takes them beyond the bounds of reality itself to discover what truly binds them. LANDER The world needs saving, again. Xander and Jameson thought they’d fulfilled their destiny when they brought the worlds of Oberon and Titania back together, but their short-lived moment of triumph is over. Reunification has thrown the world into chaos. A great storm ravaged Xander's kingdom of Gaelan, leaving the winged skythane people struggling to survive. Their old enemy, Obercorp, is biding its time, waiting to strike. And to the north, a dangerous new adversary gathers strength, while an unexpected ally awaits them. In the midst of it all, Xander’s ex Alix returns, and Xander and Jameson discover that their love for each other may have been drug-induced. Are they truly destined for each other, or is what they feel artificial? And can they face an even greater challenge when their world needs them most? ITHANI Time is running out. After saving the world twice, Xander, Jameson and friends plunge headlong into a new crisis. The ithani―the aliens who broke the world―have reawakened from their hundred millennia-long slumber. When Xander and Jameson disappear in a flash, an already fractured world is thrown into chaos. The ithani plans, laid a hundred thousand years before, are finally coming to pass, and they threaten all life on Erro. Venin and Alix go on a desperate search for their missing and find more than they bargained for. And Quince, Robin and Jessa discover a secret as old as the skythane themselves. Will alien technology, unexpected help from the distant past, destiny and some good old-fashioned firepower be enough to defeat an enemy with the ability to split a world? The final battle of the epic science fiction adventure that began in Skythane will decide the fate of lander and skythane alike. And in the north, the ithani rise….
- Fantasy
- Fantasy - Heroic
- Fantasy - LGBTQ+
- Fantasy - Romance
- Sci Fi
- Sci Fi - Alien Races
- Sci Fi - Aliens
- Sci Fi - Alternate / Parallel Reality
- Sci Fi - Colonization
- Sci Fi - Distant Planet
- Sci Fi - First Contact
- Sci Fi - Galactic Empire
- Sci Fi - LGBTQ+
- Sci Fi - Lost Worlds
- Sci Fi - Multiverse
- Sci Fi - Science Fantasy
- Sci Fi - Space Opera
- Sci Fi - Time Travel
Word Count: 80000
Summary: A fresh start, a queer social liberal dream, and a planet that wants to kill you. Carving out a life on Mars is no easy feat. With Earth in the throes of a devastating pandemic, autistic scientist Devon and her fellow colonists are faced with the momentous task of establishing a new society – one that learns from the past and prioritises sustainability over short-term gain. Noble aspirations are easier said than done, though – especially when the entire planet wants to kill you. Grappling with the realities of human nature and with their batteries slowly dying, the colony’s 150 women and 10 men must overcome their differences to create a lasting community. But things aren’t always what they seem and maybe the colonists aren’t as alone as they thought… Perfect for fans of Mary Robinette Kowal’s ‘Lady Astronaut’ series and the writing styles of Robert J. Sawyer and Becky Chambers. This thought-provoking sci-fi novel blends classic science fiction ideas with neurodiverse and LGBTQIA+ themes.
Word Count: 100400
Summary: What if your future lies in your past? When Darren Ault meets his friend Lee McCaskill for dinner, he doesn’t expect the second course to be a gunshot to the head. Even more unexpected is the fact that the bullet doesn’t kill him—instead, it causes the rest of humanity to vanish. Darren’s attempted murder has caused a temporal paradox extending back over a thousand years, and now it’s up to him to repair the damage. Embarking on a mind-bending journey through time, Darren encounters Vikings, a depressed Norwegian silversmith, a cult that believes in salvation through pain, a beautiful Hebridean lass, and Archibald Fischer—the foul-mouthed, Kurt Cobain-worshiping Head Librarian of the Library of Timelines, where all of the possibilities that could ever happen are catalogued, tracked, and managed.