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Fantasy - Young Adult Genre

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Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Free bird? Don't make me laugh. Mom tossed me out of the nest with five dollars and the clothes on my back. Why? I visited my snitch brother in Danvers Sanitarium. Pariah or not, I refuse to abandon my favorite sibling. Did I forget to mention mom made me homeless on the night before my first day of high school? The principal took pity, but she stuck me in the boarding house with a nosy roommate. I refuse to flunk out of high school like the rest of my family. Breaking the cycle is a tall order. Three of my classmates decide to grief me because of my shady family. The others are part of an exclusive and mysterious clique. My only friend is Ed, a scrawny medium I rescued from a gang of psychic bullies. At least he doesn’t mind my obsession with ghosts. How will I get through the first month at this rowdy school, let alone three whole years?

Gallows Hill Academy Box Set - D.R. Perry
Gallows Hill Academy Complete Series

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: We all start as strangers. Why does that make me so nervous? I can't imagine life without Mom, Dad, Bubbe or my friends in Salem. And that's what I'll be living at Hawthorn Academy, the campus between worlds. But Hawthorn Academy's the place to be if I want to join the family business as a veterinarian for magic critters. It's magi only at my new school, so I'm going without my besties. The only person I'll know there is my snarky big brother. At least I've already bonded with a familiar. But my dragonet means I'm destined for above-average power levels. The last thing I want to do is scare people off. You only get one chance at first impressions, after all. But will I make friends or enemies?

Hawthorn Academy Box Set - D.R. Perry
Hawthorn Academy Complete Series Boxed Set

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: If ultimate power corrupts, how does one learn to be incorruptible? I’m Aliyah Morgenstern. All of my life, I grew up on tales of my great-grandfather’s magic bringing light and healing to the world. Then, I bonded with my dragonet Ember on my sixteenth birthday, which means I’ll be scary powerful someday. There’s one problem. Mom’s kept secrets that everyone at my new school seems to know. Turns out, I’ve got an infamously criminal uncle and now everyone’s waiting for me to do something evil. After my first horrible day at school I’m convinced I’m going to do something evil. My biggest challenge this year isn’t history, math, Gym, or even the dreaded Magiscience Lab. No, it’s keeping a devastating secret from almost everyone, including my own family. I’m an extramagus. Is evil really my destiny, or can I fight it somehow?

Hawthorn Academy Year One - D.R. Perry
Hawthorn Academy Year One

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The system is broken and if I’m not careful, it’ll break me too. While my peers get excited for college, I brace for disaster. I’ve learned at Hawthorn Academy that danger can happen to anyone. To the jock. To the class clown. To my brother. Now I’m in the line of fire. All known extramagi must have their abilities tested. The way they do it is a horrifying secret. After witnessing one last year, I made a plan to expose the ugly truth. But there’s a mind magus on campus now, threatening me. And he’s totally within his rights to do so. Mr. Fairbanks leads the Board of Trustees, which demoted the headmaster and expelled my brother. Last year’s threat was only a symptom of bigger problems. Half the Trustees play quid pro quo while the rest flex their authority for personal vendettas. Mr. Fairbanks blames me for his daughter’s troubles. Mrs. Onassis says I poisoned her son’s mind. And Mr. Pierce thinks I’m taking advantage of his children. All because extramagi are supposedly evil. But now I suspect we’re scapegoats the influential families pin blame on. They say you make your own future. But can I survive the present first?

Hawthorn Academy Year Three - D.R. Perry
Hawthorn Academy Year Three

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The only way to stop a threat is to eclipse it. And last year, we discovered an enormous one. Temperance Fairbanks: the most powerful and sadistic water magus ever to set foot on campus. Hawthorn Academy will host a series of extramural challenges. That means we’re hosting shifters, changelings, psychics, and even a vampire. Temperance vowed to hurt them any way she can, and she’s already got help. My roommate Grace has a plan. Social warfare, breaking reputations and hearts, including her own. And she wants me to be her muscle. Last year I almost burned the school down. But this time, I might just be sitting on a powder keg.

Hawthorn Academy Year Two - D.R. Perry
Hawthorn Academy Year Two

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: A boy is in danger when he stumbles upon a crime committed by two prominent men of his town, but finds an unusual ally in the form of a castle ghost. Twelve-year-old Haycorn may know all about ghosts of Ohio, but even he is stunned when he and his friend Budge encounter a ghost in a castle. The boys witness a clandestine meeting there between two men involving a kick-back scheme, putting their lives, and that of Haycorn’s mother, in jeopardy. But the ghost may have other plans for all of them.

Haycorn Smith and the Castle Ghost - John Kachuba
Haycorn Smith and the Castle Ghost

Word Count: 99000

Summary: Gavin Booker, a school librarian at Cooper Road Elementary, Raleigh, Northern Carolina, leads an orderly, normal life. Work, jogging, friends from work, his son every other weekend. Gavin is also a secret. He is a hybrid, or part-fairy, and in the Columbian Empire, hybrids are under an automatic death sentence. Magic is illegal. So is loving another man, another capital crime. Fairies are locked away in ghettoes, magical beasts, such as gryphons, unicorns, and pegasi are kept in zoos. The others, the tree and water spirits, the talking beasts, fauns, and the rest, are in hiding. This is the world in which Gavin grew up. He survived, thanks to his mother. He can never forget he is different: ministers preach against people like him constantly; hating the other is a part of every school’s curriculum.   But now, things are changing fast, and apparently, for the worst. Earthquakes, volcanoes, killer storms are all frequent occurrences. The medicine Gavin takes to suppress his body’s glowing, isn’t working. The spells cast by his doctor, a witch, are losing their power. If anyone finds out what Gavin is, he is dead. Under threat, the Empire always goes after its marginalized people. Can Gavin survive the coming catastrophe? Will he ever recover from losing the boys he loved? Can he find the fairy man who has haunted his dreams all his life before it is too late? Can his scarred heart ever heal?

In Light's Shadow - Warren Rochelle
In Light's Shadow

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Rose Titus, author of The Vampire Next Door Trilogy, now brings together a collection of her best short stories. Here in this book you will find tales of vampires, werewolves, witches, ghosts, space aliens, and even a few angels. These stories answer questions such as where do we go after we die? What is the future of this planet? And what is the future of humanity? There are also stories of young runaways, old hippies, worried mothers, troubled families, love gone horribly wrong, selfish billionaires, people who find themselves suddenly homeless, old men with their recollections of days gone by, and girls gone wild! There may even be a murder or two.

Key 13 and Other Stories - Rose Titus
Key 13: And Other Stories

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: My name is Ben, and I died last year. Almost. I’d hoped I would wake up from my near-death experience as a medium just in time for high school. Turns out it just wrecked my legs. No medium talent, either. I’m something else. A summoner. Join Ben as he finds his feet at the Academy and learns what it takes to be a summoner in this complete 9-book series boxed set! --- I know next to nothing about my talent besides it involves portals and pledge bonds. It’s okay, they teach it at school. Sounds perfect, right? Wrong. Mateo, the other summoner in my class, hates me. The class clairvoyant thinks destiny has got it out for me, too. Makes sense. As if I don’t already feel like a square peg, getting around on crutches, my portals break stuff and go to the wrong realm. It’s a good thing I’ve got help from my family, friends, and a celestial called Arie. It takes constant rehab just to keep my busted body working. But how do I fix my broken talent?

Messing Psychic Academy Box Set - D.R. Perry
Messing Psychic Academy Complete Series

Word Count: 45000

Summary: IMAGINE BEING the only un-magical kid at Hogwarts. That’s how sixteen-year-old orphan Jaden Raines feels as he enters Azunya High. He struggles to fit in, but he’s really a fish out of water. The magical isle of Azunya, where paranormal policing agency B.O.O. is headquartered, is shocking to Jaden after having lived his entire life in the American Midwest. Back there, his classmates were freaks, geeks and gangstas. Here, his classmates are genies, witches, healers… A whole pantheon of beings and monsters. And worse yet, he’ll have to read The Old Man and the Sea. Again. Jaden might be the new kid in town, but he’s still a teen. It’s love at first sight with handsome skater-boy Stiltz. They have three things in common: neither is able to use magic, they’re both petrified of water, and, lucky for Jaden, they’re both gay. They should bond, but their relationship’s stormy from the start. To try to fit in, Jaden hides his powerless state, accidentally creating the myth that he’s the most powerful being of them all. But when the entire school demands a demonstration, what’s Jaden to do? New lies and cruel deceptions leave Jaden and Stiltz stranded at sea in the middle of a deadly tropical storm. In order to survive, the boys must spill their secrets. It’s sink or swim for our heroes. Only the truth can set them free. And keep them alive.

Mysterical - Storm Grant - Tales of B.O.O.
Mysterical (Tales of B.O.O. Book 3)

Word Count: 98993

Summary: Several hundred years after the Great Dying, a whole new way of organizing society has come about. There are no cages. What long ago were considered gender relations no longer are done in the same way. A gender binary doesn’t exist. People are free. Then, comes a hunger for power. And freedom is lost. Again. Four major struggles set the scene as we meet Makk, a sixteen-year-old about to transition into adulthood. Now that Alvás is coming to an end, Makk and their fellow sixteen-year-olds embark on a long, dangerous journey to fetch water as a sacred rite of passage meant for self-discovery. But the scorching sun makes it unsafe to do anything during the day. So, for centuries, humans have turned to nocturnal ways of life. And the younguns must rely on each other to navigate the night. All the while, unable to telepathically mindspeak like the rest, Makk is marginalized by their peers and feels utterly alone. Until they meets Takver, a stranger from a shared past. Life seems to be improving for Makk. But, seemingly isolated raids by marauders—Kidnappers and pillagers of entire encampments. Murderers. Rapists.— not only threaten the vulnerable waterfetchers and the entire Átmeneti people but force Makk and Takver into hiding. While contemplating their past and future, together, Makk and Takver unexpectedly unearth a long-dormant technology that allows them to connect with ancestors and descendants across space-time. But soon they realize that the delicate balance of the present-past-future relies heavily on finding the missing journals of loved ones that they never knew existed. Makk will do whatever is necessary to reunite with their people and fight to maintain their way of life, even if it means putting their ancestors in the path of danger.

Now. Then. To Come. Fenn Thornbot - Journey Across Genes
Now. Then. To Come.

Word Count: 85900

Summary: Welcome to the Industrial Revolution. Magic has been banished back to the edges of the continent, and Sorin the Master Chemist has one remaining task: restore the guilds of Gasta Fletcha to save the continent's economy, and its soul. Except the continent has never been more prosperous. Queen Magda is ready to leave the guilds behind and embrace the incoming factories. Sorin’s task of releasing trapped skills from magic amulets is no longer a priority of the crown. Sorin would rather die than give up on the guilds, but Sorin is not the queen and does not get to make these decisions. To make matters worse, the magic of Gasta Fletcha will not be so easily ignored. Sorin would like nothing more than to sort both their personal and professional differences with Magda, but, spurred by a disembodied magic voice from an amulet, they set out on a quest across the continent, hoping to discover a new purpose. What they find instead is a trail of destruction in the wake of a rapidly growing industry: factories with horrible working conditions, children maimed in the pursuit of economic growth, and the devastating loss of guild tradition. It will take a blend of magic, chemistry, tradition, and progress to save the guilds and Gasta Fletcha, and Sorin must decide what is truly in the people's best interest—cultural history or economic prosperity. One choice will cost Sorin their queen. The other will cost them their heritage.

Ocean of Fireflies - J.S. Fields
Ocean of Fireflies

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The Education Continues at Providence Paranormal College! Five more books, no waiting. Read. Laugh. Catch a case of the feels. Book 6: Roundtable Redcap: Can Fred rescue his brother from the Fae Queen with just reluctant Psychic Irina to help? Book 7: Better Off Undead: Lane and his vampire punk band Night Creatures are broke and broken. Can they pick up their pieces and shine in a Battle of the Bands? Book 8: Ghost of a Chance: Ghostly Horace and his Medium, Bianca, must solve a mystery to save Professor Watkins. Book 9: Nine Lives: It's time for Olivia Adler to trust her instincts or Tony Gitano just might die for good. Book 10: Fae of Fae Knot: The family that's Fae together can't stay together. The series concludes as they bend the tantamount Faerie Law to its breaking point.

Providence Paranormal College Books 6-10 - D.R. Perry
Providence Paranormal College

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: At Providence Paranormal College, class is about to start. Who’s enrolled? Students who are a bit different: vampires, werewolves, changelings, shifters, psychics, and magi. For one-hundred years, the college has taught and trained only psychics or magi, and for the first time, it’s opening the doors to those not different: regular humans. At this Ivy-League school, the students are expected to learn their powers and keep high grades. Unfortunately, grades are slipping, but that’s what happens when a mysterious villain is hunting you down… Because someone is angry about this new admissions policy and they'll kill to stop integration. To defeat this rising evil, the students must band together and master their strange powers – because if they don’t.. Well, it’s pretty hard to graduate when you’re dead.

Providence Paranormal College Books 1-5 - D.R. Perry
Providence Paranormal College

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: At Providence Paranormal College, class is about to start. Who’s enrolled? Students who are a bit different: vampires, werewolves, changelings, shifters, psychics, and magi. For one hundred years, the college has taught and trained only psychics or magi, and for the first time, it’s opening the doors to those not different: regular humans. At this Ivy-League school, the students are expected to learn their powers and keep high grades. Unfortunately, grades are slipping, but that’s what happens when a mysterious villain is hunting you down… Because someone is angry about this new admissions policy and they'll kill to stop integration. To defeat this rising evil, the students must band together and master their strange powers – because if they don’t.. Well, it’s pretty hard to graduate when you’re dead.

Providence Paranormal College Box Set - D.R. Perry
Providence Paranormal College Complete Series Boxed Set

Word Count: 70000

Summary: Sylvalla escapes Avondale castle and the life of a princess, in search of the adventure she’s always wanted. Once found, adventure bites back. Fortunately, she's not alone. Unfortunately, her new-found companions are less than heroic. Jonathan, would rather make money than learn wizardry. Dirk, would rather live a long and happy life than confront danger. And at 150, old Capro would rather stop gallivanting, and harangue unsuspecting wizardry students about his glory days over a nice cup of tea. Quest has everything, heroes, monsters, chases, escapes and a complete lack of true love. A celebration of adventure fantasy, Quest is a quirky and original fantasy from award winning and USA Today Bestselling author, A.J. Ponder on behalf of Wizardly historian, F Fraderghast. Become a student of magic today, and discover the true fighter, warrior, and most unprincesslike Princess Sylvalla, as she battles for her place as a hero.

Quest - A.J. Ponder

Word Count: 38000

Summary: RISE (noun / verb) Eight definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell: 1) An upward slope or movement 2) A beginning or origin 3) An increase in amount or number 4) An angry reaction 5) To take up arms 6) To return from death 7) To become heartened or elated 8) To exert oneself to meet a challenge Rise features 300-word speculative flash fiction stories from across the rainbow spectrum, from the minds of the writers of Queer Sci Fi.

Rise Anthology

Word Count: 34000

Summary: Dr. Eavan Delaney is frustrated. It is her destiny to reunite her people and work hard to protect the rivers and waters of the world, but she has no help whatsoever. So she has lived among humans for decades, undiscovered and in peace, but she knows this is wrong: she should be taking action. Then comes the fateful day she calls for support one last, desperate time -- and is heard. With the support of ‘The Council of Twelve’, Eavan continues to work for the safety of Nature. But no one has foreseen that the ‘Other Side’ has been sabotaging her efforts. The challenge before her is suddenly much greater, and the consequences of failure even more dire than she ever imagined. Will Eavan be strong enough to save the waters from the fire?

River Guardian - A.J. Alexander
River Guardian

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: In this second instalment of the Damien the Devil series, we see Damien has found a new, more permanent home outside the foster system with Pat, Damien's Renfield and caseworker, and his twin brother Matt. He is also enjoying a budding romantic relationship with Brian, another boy from the foster home. But after the two of them are caught kissing, Damien is kicked out on the streets in the middle of the night-only to find himself in a very dangerous situation with a vampire. Brian, feeling guilty about the whole situation, goes looking for Damien the next evening, only to fall victim to the vampire's trap himself. Damien and Pat save Brian, but he's unable to remember what happened that night-until he starts to be plagued with nightmares. Meanwhile, Damien is too afraid to reveal to Brian that he is a vampeal: a half-vampire and half-human. Will they both be able to handle the truth of what each other is hiding?

Shattered Recollection - R.D. Noland - Damien the Devil
Shattered Recollection

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: A fractured world. An impossible friendship. When a mysterious ring suddenly appears on reclusive teenager Ellen’s bookshelf, she is granted the power to travel miles away from everything she’s ever known. There she meets Shard, a friendly dragon who offers to help Ellen grow her stunted-since-birth magic. Although it seems too good to be true, Ellen accepts, sure she can conquer her self-hatred by becoming an accomplished magician. Little does she know, her magical voyages have raised the suspicions of those who would destroy her. Young and lonely, Shard is determined to find his first friend in Ellen. But befriending a creature as detested as a human could spell banishment from his tribe — or worse. As the bond between them grows, they will have to face their deepest fears. If they can’t, their friendship is doomed … along with any chance they have of saving both their kinds from annihilation.

Smash the World's Shell - Daniel Fliederbaum
Smash the World's Shell