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Dawn Bonanno

Dawn Bonanno lives in the Chicago suburbs with her family, where she works as a real estate paralegal. She suffers from an obsession with pens, paper, and fixing things. She's a firm believer in balancing sit-down time with movement, so there's a good chance you'll find her lifting weights at the gym and riding her bike through the forest preserve. After graduating from the Viable Paradise writing workshop, she joined Codex Writers and SFWA. Her short fiction has appeared in Nature, Daily Science Fiction, Fireside Fiction and more. When her feline overlords allow, she blogs about her writing journey at

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Books By Dawn Bonanno

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Do you believe in magic? It might exist all around us in everyday life, hidden in trees and sunflowers, slipping into view when needed, leaving gifts when all hope has abandoned us. - Why does a young woman caring for her elderly grandfather find a secret sunflower patch in the snowy hills of Wisconsin? - What happens when a demon woken from sleep happens upon a grieving cat dad? - How will a sentient house end its long loneliness? - Can the smallest water fairy find her missing sister? - What does a bride even do with an enchanted wedding veil? - Who will save a city cat from a haunted country bridge? Sunflowers in the Snow and fifteen other stories explore the existence of magic and how it affects us. From sentient houses to psychic bartenders, this collection will carry you through stories of heartbreak and mending, families fighting and reconciling, and friends who will cross between worlds for each other.

Sunflowers in the Snow - Dawn Bonanno
Sunflowers In the Snow