Etaski writes mature epic fantasy with an ever-broadening scope. Inspired by table-top RPG, her stories weave through subgenres, so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout her world. She adores sensual, subversive Dark Elves facing off with cunning demons, clever dragons causing trouble, and deadpan necromancers summoning the walking dead alongside dwarves in battle through high-stakes adventures.
Her series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves. The beginning is not for the faint of heart, and perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuance, intrigue, action, and fantastical magic.
Her most inspiring epic stories are Neil Gaiman's Sandman, Wendy Pini's ElfQuest, Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince, and J. Michael Straczynski's Babylon 5.
Get the official Sister Seekers Prequel, "Sons to Keep," when you join Etaski's newsletter at her website!
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Books By A.S. Etaski
Word Count: Click here to reveal125650 (Click here to hide)
Summary: My sister deserved her death, but I didn't kill her. The infamous Sisterhood couldn't care less - it's the perfect excuse to make their move. My name is Sirana. I am a young Noble trapped in a most wretched spot: accused of assassinating my sister, the Matron's heir. If I take the blame, I am next on the sacrificial altar. Dark Elves live for intrigue in our underground matriarchy. We bend the rules for the cunning and the bold. To survive, I must play the game. Court intrigue, demonic rituals, and mind-rending trials against deadly foes surround me, pervasive webs spun by our sadistic priesthood and the Queen’s brutal enforcers. Through it all, the Red Sisters delight in watching me. I must prove myself beneath their ravenous gazes, or I will become the next meal for our dark goddess. A.S. Etaski spins the first threads of an intense and epic tale with No Demons But Us, in which the trials of a young Davrin Elf test her resolve to rise from the depths of fear and hatred tearing her down. Sister Seekers is mature, dark epic fantasy with an ever-broadening scope. Found Family is a core theme throughout the saga, and fans of Dungeons & Dragons will discover homebrew grounds. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, elements of erotic horror, and immersive worldbuilding. Sexuality and inner conflict play into the character growth with nuance, intrigue, action, and fantastical magic. The series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves whose intricate webs first ensnare then catapult us to places a Red Sister can only imagine in her dreams.

Word Count: Click here to reveal121650 (Click here to hide)
Summary: The helpless Noble I was once is no more. I am Red Sister Sirana, watching my city from the shadows. Once silent and disposable, I've found a place among the Sisterhood of Sivaraus, coarse, crude, and stirring to my blood. In crimson uniform I walk among sensual consorts, studious wizards, and sadistic Priestesses. I am an initiate with true influence in my underground city, a power both freeing and addicting. Everyone keeps secrets which bind them up if they jerk on the web too hard, and none are more vulnerable than novices wielding new power. Should my own secret come to the surface, I know I can't survive alone. I won't give up what I've found. Neither will the Sisterhood. Sivaraus will always need new Red Sisters, no matter what strangeness we bring with us. In Treasure Revealed, A.S. Etaski weaves threads of intrigue and action in this second tale of the Sister Seekers, where a new fighter tastes her potential in new connections that she must dare to strengthen by choice. Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. The saga genre-hops a bit so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuanced intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic.

Word Count: Click here to reveal138400 (Click here to hide)
Summary: The Conceiver wants to ruin me for the Sisterhood. I can't let this happen. I stumbled into a place I wasn't supposed to be. Priestess Wilsira isn't angry. She merely demands penance at her side, only too delighted to wreck my Elder's plans for me. Serving her and her demon-blooded son, I’m caught in a cascade of revelations. I begin to understand the real powers which govern out city, consuming most of us eventually. Will I fall prey to city's worst monstrosities like so many fighters before me? Or can my private battle gain an edge for the Sisterhood when the sweeping chain of events finally reaches its end? In The Daedal Pit, intrigue and horror, action and drama weave Etaski's third act of the Spider Queen's web into a consummation of promise. Fulfilling that promise catapults one determined survivor to a place she once could see only in her dreams. Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. Found Family is a core theme throughout the saga. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, elements of erotic horror, and immersive worldbuilding. Sexuality and inner conflict play into the character growth with nuance, intrigue, action, and fantastical magic. The series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves whose intricate webs first ensnare then catapult us to places a Red Sister can only imagine in her dreams.

Word Count: Click here to reveal125350 (Click here to hide)
Summary: I emerge from the Deepearth for the first time, blinded by searing light. Vast lands beyond my comprehension await me. I will face them pregnant and alone. My Sisters and I have been compelled to take missions in this uncharted wilderness. By order of our Queen and the abyssal power which backs Her, we cannot refuse. For the slimmest chance of success, we must move beyond each other's reach with little knowledge to aid us. The Valsharess predicted we would never see each other again. When a sisterhood has no demons but each other, what are we to this new land once we've been split apart? Etaski's fantasy world breaks wide open in Surfacing, as the Sister Seekers epic rises to the next level. Beneath the unforgiving sun, webs dissolve into dreams, and scattered shards of dark history wait to be picked up and pieced together. Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. The saga genre-hops a bit so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuanced intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic.

Word Count: Click here to reveal135000 (Click here to hide)
Summary: I am the dark foreigner among pale-skinned mercenaries, crossing exposed grasslands. My only ally is a sinister scholar hiding scars from past rituals. He alone knows I carry a child. Each day assaults my senses and leads me farther away from home. Inevitably, my mission will lead out of isolation to the first Human settlement in my path. With few watching my back and more tempted to exploit it, I wade into an unforgiving test of my training and vigilance, determined not to be pulled down. Twisted portents and pious zealotry expose danger in every direction, while new, threatening dreams of distant sands muddle my Queen's past with my present. As all close in around me, I must find a way to serve the Valsharess and slip free of man-made chains which would enslave me. In Black Witch, Death Mage, far-reaching threads and mystical visions constrict to bind those within it, pulling the tales of present and past closer than they've been in thousands of years. Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. The saga genre-hops a bit so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuanced intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic.

Word Count: Click here to reveal128600 (Click here to hide)
Summary: I escape into a twisted wilderness with a stolen relic protecting me from madness. Behind me is the mysterious stalker from across the plains. He’s caught up to us. My sisters are out there somewhere out, and my unborn is here with me. Struggling to tell guardians from beguilers on a warped battlefield, I worry for all our fates. Somehow, I must bear the terrifying risk of bargaining with Surfacers in ways which ensure enslavement back home. No Red Sister can give up her mission when compelled by her Queen to see it through. Surrounded by allies and enemies alike seeking to influence the only free Davrin Elf on the Surface, I must relearn my limits when confronted by those who have none. The true scope of Etaski's saga arises in The Mark of Gold. Tangible peril meets cryptic visions, forcing a driven few to redefine what it takes to break the shackles of compulsion and forge them as bonds of loyalty. Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. The saga genre-hops a bit so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuanced intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic.

Word Count: Click here to reveal148000 (Click here to hide)
Summary: I’ve confronted the half-blood mercenary who has what I need to find Jael, wherever she may be. Neither of us will leave until we reach a bargain which yields what we most desire. The Dragonchild has brought me into a city he knows to its foundations, where I am at a disadvantage. My devout Deathwalker may be content to wait for the coming war between Manalar and the Ma’ab, secure in his value to a newly revealed influence in the conflict, but my position seems neither secure nor desirable to anyone but me. I must dig deeper into the motives of all involved, including my own, to convince the Guild's leaders to lend me their vast knowledge and far reach within strangely familiar plots. I have to succeed for Jael’s sake, for she is my only sister left. In The Guild’s Design, outcasts from the Deepearth dare to reveal resolute hopes waiting within quiet hearts. This time and opportunity must not pass them by, lest the promise of war rend their chances for a future beyond the next conflict. Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. The saga genre-hops a bit so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuanced intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic.

Word Count: Click here to reveal174300 (Click here to hide)
Summary: My sister is in grave danger, captive in the city of Witch Hunters. As Manalar prepares for war, her only chance lies with infiltrators from Augran. I shall join them. The prosperous port of Augran thrives in diverse trade with the Dwarven Clans. The Bishops of Manalar have withdrawn defiantly into the Temple of the Sun, scorning their past allies. The Ma’ab Empire has sent their dark army out of the Far North, seeking not riches but a small, well-protected spring high upon a mountain. The sacred pool of Manalar is said to bless all mages who control it. On the fringe, there’s Gavin and me. Each dedicated to our purpose, we garner allies from Augran and the Clans of Taiding willing to see them through. My Dragonblood bodyguard, Mourn, reinforces our strengths as we expect others like us to jump out of hiding and into the fray. I failed one sister. I will not fail another. Sirana’s desperate search upon the Surface reaches its culmination in Battle for Manalar, where foes and allies unite and clash in this transformative event driven by opportunity, righteousness, and reprisal. Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. The saga genre-hops a bit so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuanced intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic.

Word Count: Click here to reveal78740 (Click here to hide)
Summary: Dare to explore the darkest tales where sunlight never touches. Etaski's dark fantasy epic, Sister Seekers, begins underground with its denizens living and dying in eternal night. A novice Red Sister leads us through much of the series, but her Elven ancestors have their own stories to share. Tales of Miurag: The Deepearth is a same-world anthology exploring critical moments in the history for the Dark Elves of Sivaraus. This collection contains explicit and sometimes grim content, though we are never lacking all hope. Stories included in this collection: House Aurenthin - a novella on the dramatic origins of the lowest-ranking noble house in Sivaraus. Auranka the Keeper - a chilling horror tale on the monstrous Mistress of the Driders. Rohenvi - the tragic romance in the early reign of the Matron of the Twelfth House. Gaelan - a "dark slice of life," how future Red Sisters sometimes make connections long before their trials Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. The saga genre-hops a bit so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuanced intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic.

Word Count: Click here to reveal386,840 (Click here to hide)
Summary: When sisterhood by blood is pure misery, can sisterhood by trial be any different? My sister deserved to die, but I didn't kill her. If I take the blame, I'm next on the sacrificial altar. The Red Sisters know this. Now they're watching me. I'm about to find out why. ~~~ In their underground city, only the cunning and the bold thrive. Sirana Thalluensareci refuses to be cowed. Banished from everything she knew after surviving an assassination attempt, the abused dark elf finds delight in the sensual thrills of the court’s explicit intimacies. But she’s taken off-guard when one of the realm’s most powerful organizations steps out of the shadows to abduct her to their lair. Relying on her wits and nerve to thread her way through a controlling sisterhood, Sirana navigates passionate encounters, sharp-edged battles, and a series of initiation rituals where failure means a painful death. Even as the independent warrior-in-training discovers a taste for hidden pleasures, old scars threaten her ability to survive on the danger-strewn path when the Red Sisters' competitors, the Daughters of Braqth, turn their eyes toward her. As everyone around her pushes her to the edge, can she keep her balance and avoid falling into the spider's trap? If you crave found family, nuanced characters, bold and steamy scenes with touches of survival horror, then you’ll love A.S. Etaski’s Machiavellian matriarchy. Begin the intense first trilogy of the Sister Seekers series today!

Word Count: Click here to reveal135500 (Click here to hide)
Summary: The Dragon is awake, and he's ready to rejoin the game. When the Valsharess compelled the novice Sister Sirana to leave for the Surface, she also commanded the Lead Sister Jaunda to leave her beloved city for the dark labyrinth of the underground wilderness. Jaunda seeks the lair of a legendary creature who's been asleep since before she was born. After spans of searching, she approaches her goal at last, only to discover he just woke up ... and he wants to play. Meanwhile, Sirana waits for her bodyguard to rise out of an abrupt and powerful sleep. In the aftermath of the Temple City's fall, surrounded by battle-weary refugees and bustling Dwarves, she uncovers wounds among critical allies within the redoubt. The Red Sister must help them heal before they can continue her Queen's unspoken mission. Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy for adults with an ever-broadening scope. The saga genre-hops a bit so things never get stale. Found Family is a core theme throughout, and fans of Dungeons & Dragons will find familiar grounds. Perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, immersive worldbuilding, and elements of erotic horror. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuanced intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic.

Word Count: Click here to reveal111,172 (Click here to hide)
Summary: Two sisters born in the Red Desert, young Daughters of an ancient Queen. One seizes the delights of the present. The other sees and despairs for their future. Innathi and Ishuna, the heirs of the Dark Elf Queen of V’Gedra, travel the sand dunes with their entourage. In need of water, the sisters enter the sacred canyons of Koorul, where they interrupt a mystic rite of passage for the Human son of a Sorcerer-King. Negotiations fare well between the two desert peoples until powerful magic blends with the discoveries of youth which get quickly out of control. Incomprehensible joy crashes into a dark dread which cannot be named, and a schism begins between the sisters. Diplomacy is critical to avoid unnecessary conflict, yet the Queen’s daughters do not agree on the goal. Each has her version of the events at Koorul, and each is certain of the outcome should Innathi pursue the wild magic of the Zauyrian son. A close alliance with a Sorcerer-King could bring pleasure, prosperity, and new life thriving in the Desert, or it might corrupt a delicate balance to bring down the realms and all they had ever known. This second volume of Tales of Miurag is a standalone novel which can be read on its own. Dramatic events and mature themes weave into broad history and lore headed toward a cataclysm which will change the entire world. The Desert is also Etaski’s ultimate villains’ origin, featuring several antagonists introduced in the Sister Seekers series. This story takes place approximately 3500 years before No Demons But Us, where hints of these events past echo forward and impact future generations.

Word Count: Click here to reveal40,000 (Click here to hide)
Summary: A century ago, one Priestess left for the surface world. She vanished. This is her story. Irrwaer is an acolyte serving the Priestesses yet lacks the consuming urges which drive their ambitions. She would rather stay small, quiet, and avoid the bottomless appetites of her matriarchy but understands passively hoping leads to a short, miserable life. Or worse: a long one. In the Sanctuary of the Spider Queen, the only way to keep any choice for herself is to gain power over others without becoming addicted to them. As the healer works among meek males, rowdy Red Sisters, and the sinister sons of demons, she asks a troubling question. In a place where power passes through daughters, why are the Priestesses only competing for sons? Even asking this question is dangerous. Sooner or later, everyone disturbs the Queen's web. In "Sons to Keep," Etaski introduces the political sphere of Sivaraus through the eyes of the least ambitious. These events occur one hundred years before the birth of the protagonist Sirana in Sister Seekers #1: No Demons But Us. Their effects still ripple out from the center of a vast, interconnected story.

Word Count: Click here to reveal194000 (Click here to hide)
Summary: Hubris brought Manalar to its knees. An eclectic alliance could lift it back up. The Godblood of Manalar hadn’t much chance of defeating the Ma’ab when I broke into the city to rescue my sister. The longer Captain Isboern waits to try again, the more entrenched his enemies become. Jael and I don’t want to go back, but if the Ma’ab fester in the South, they could spread and track me as far as Sivaraus. Our best allies agree, better if the northern empire is purged now, and the cleansing of the sacred pool passes to the Human leader giving all Paxia hope. Countless obstacles stand in our way, from spies and Hellhounds to demons and devils. With them come discoveries granting insight on why my Valsharess sent me to the Surface. The Ley Lines and their shadows flow and twist together in the fever of war rekindled. In them, I gain a glimpse of Her Vision. Nothing in my life has horrified me more. Author’s Note: Sons to Keep: A Sister Seekers Prequel complements Book 10 of Sister Seekers by adding to its history! Sister Seekers is dark epic fantasy with an ever-broadening scope. Found Family is a core theme, and fans of D&D will find familiar sword and sorcery. It is perfect for fans of entwined plots, challenging themes, elements of erotic horror, immersive worldbuilding. Sexuality and inner conflict play into character growth with nuance, intrigue, intense action, and fantastical magic. The series begins underground with an isolated race of Dark Elves whose intricate webs first ensnare then catapult us to places a Red Sister can only imagine in her dreams.

Word Count: Click here to reveal79,000 (Click here to hide)
Summary: All who live shall die, but few can plan for that transition. Life's greatest mystery and most practical companion. The meeting with death is inevitable, the transition unknowable. What lay beyond could be tormenting, enlightening, blissful, or nothing of note. The death mages of Miurag spend their lives observing death's transition in others, most preparing to one day meet their own. Privy to unique perceptions most would deem mad, their motives and choices beyond the veil are anyone's guess. The stories included: The Deathless Rises – An extraordinary desert sorcerer manages to outlive his Elven family and takes the hubris of life into the Nexus. Devour the Oracle – A young Ma'ab woman learns all she can in the slum and slavery of her birth, knowing her death will germinate a new age of enlightenment. At the Crossroads – A former monk pledges to an old death mage in an isolated tower. He's where he needs to be but cannot yet see when. The Herald Returns – Miurag's newest Deathwalker returns to the Nexus. This time, he takes his body with him. Harrowed's Breath – A young Guildsman returns to his homeland as one of the spirits he once worshipped, now seeking an elusive peace post-mortem. Tales of Miurag: Death is a same-world anthology expanding the Sister Seekers series by A.S. Etaski. This is not a standalone work. These stories follow established characters from previous books and are best read between Sister Seekers Book 8 and Book 12. This book contains spoilers and references to events in Tales of Miurag: The Desert as well as teasers for future novels in Sister Seekers.