Frank Schildiner has been a pulp fan since a friend gave him a gift of Philip Jose Farmer’s TARZAN ALIVE. Since that time he has published articles on Hellboy, the Frankenstein films, Dark Shadows and the television’s Lovecraftian links. He is a regular contributor to the fictional series TALES OF THE SHADOWMEN and has been published in SECRET AGENT X Volumes 3 and 4 and RAVENWOOD, STEPSON OF MYSTERY, THE BLACK BAT MYSTERY by Airship 27, THE NEW ADVENTURES OF THUNDER JIM and THE NEW ADVENTURES OF RICHARD KNIGHT by Pro Se Production and THE AVENGER: THE JUSTICE FILES by Moonstone.
Frank works as a martial arts instructor at Amorosi’s Mixed Martial Arts. He resides in New Jersey with his wife Gail who is his top supporter.
Books By Frank Schildiner
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