Five-time Hugo Finalist Janice L. Newman is the author of the acclaimed speculative romance collection "At First Contact". A longlister for the Astounding (Best new SF Author) in 2022, she has also edited and contributed to both volumes of Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women and is currently working on more queer SFF romances.
She first achieved prominence in 2011 as "The Batgirl of San Diego", spurring a dramatic rise in female representation at DC comics, both creators and characters.
A BNF in the fanfiction community, her passions include (queer) C-Drama, anime, and the DC universe.
Books By Janice L. Newman
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: The Fantastical Romances You’ve Been Craving Hugo Finalist Janice L. Newman presents a touching trio of romances in a speculative vein. From the edge of space, to the shadows of the paranormal, to the marvels of the mystic: At First Contact: A germaphobe and an android are assigned a mission to survey a planet together. Will they discover new life or a new love? Ghosted: Leo is searching for the soul that used to haunt his grandmother’s house. Did Will ghost him? A Touch of Magic: What if love could alter the fabric of existence? A fraught romance between two teachers just might be helped along by a touch of magic.