Jess' weird fish-out-of-water life has left her with enduring love/affair with common tropes. The relationship counselor recommended she break it off, but she just keeps coming back to play with them (and fuck them up) some more.
In between her tropic indulgences, she writes queer fantasy with aromantic, neurodivergent, and generally 'weird' characters, takes care of her family, argues halakha, and tries to do a bit of educational activism on the side.
Her website 'A Gryphon's Aerie' updates semi regularly, and she's active on Mastadon, Tumblr and a few other spots around the web.
Contact Information:
Email Address: jess@jessmahler.com
Books By Jess Mahler
Word Count: Click here to reveal13090 (Click here to hide)
Summary: Not every fight ends with glory and honor: sometimes the best you can do is live on. Just when the wolves of Long Valley thought the war couldn't get any worse, a sneak attack cost them everything. Assaulted on two fronts and looking down the abyss of total extinction, the Pack Father will offer full surrender to the lesser of two evils. Now, forced to serve their conquerors and ground down daily into the dirt of humiliation and desperation, the pack will discover: can they afford to pay the price of survival? Pack Father Navin must live with the 'choice' he made for the pack. Pack Second Cyneburg must bow to the conquering general who will use her authority but refuse to heed her words. Elizabet must face bringing a child into a world that cares nothing for them. Follow them as they struggle on and reach -- uncertainly, painfully, endlessly -- for some hope of continuation and a new beginning. Because the true price of survival is this: you need to find a way to go on afterward.

Word Count: Click here to reveal26000 (Click here to hide)
Summary: Reimund Swiđhun has it made. With the king's blessing, he will capture Lady Mildthryth, marry her, and finally have land to call his own. Lady Mildthryth Rúna has been fighting off would-be 'suitors' for months. She will marry on her terms or not at all. On their world, a noblewoman is expected to marry and accept her subordinate place. Unfortunately for Reimund, Milthryth's people have other traditions. She refuses give up and be a broodmare for any of the knights and lordlings the king sends after her. And before long, she has Reimund right where she wants him. For Reimund, the only thing more shameful than being captured by a woman is bending knee to one, but he will do what he must to keep his friends and followers safe. Even if it means spending the rest of his life Bound by His Oath.