Marianne Xenos is an artist and writer from western Massachusetts. Her stories have been published in magazines and anthologies including The Future Fire, The Fantastic Other, and Orion's Belt. In 2022, she was a winner of the Writers of the Future contest and is a Pushcart Prize nominee for her short story in the Winding Paths anthology. Marianne is working on a collection of stories as well as a novel set in Boston's queer community in 1983.
Contact Information:
Email Address: mariannexenos@gmail.com
Books By Marianne Xenos
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Adventure awaits the intrepid reader willing to enter Winding Paths, an anthology of game stories and poetry, puzzles and prizes. You can’t get to UR any other way, and UR is where 25 original works by award-winning writers and new voices dwell. You can read this book in order, but perhaps you are a wanderer. If so, you’re in luck! Choose paths to wind your way throughout, all the while searching for items, earning rewards, and solving puzzles. And at the end? You can keep playing. The cover is The Royal Game of UR’s game board. The rules, along with a set of game pieces for each story or poem, are provided inside the book. Fictional combat. Author against author. Whom do you favor? Or maybe you will wish to stay in UR forever. Let the games begin…

Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Created in opposition to Florida's Don't Say Gay bill, Written With Pride is an anthology exclusively filled with short stories by authors who all belong to the broad and beautiful spectrum of the LGBTQIA+ community. The stories range in style and subject matter, as well as genre-from contemporary to speculative fiction. Not all of them have happy endings, but all of them were penned by members of our community who still believe in their voice.