Michael R. Johnston is a high school English teacher and Science Fiction/Fantasy writer living in Sacramento, California with his wife and daughter. He is a fan of Jedi and starfighter pilots, and he firmly believes that they were never “Romulans.” He can be found at mjohnstonbooks.com and on Twitter @MREJohnston.
Contact Information:
Email Address: michael@mjohnstonbooks.com
Books By Michael R. Johnston
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: As the Zhen Empire descends into civil war, Tajen, Liam, and Katherine each have their own part to play in the final conflict between the human race and the Zhen Empire. As Tajen searches the outer regions in an attempt to find and recruit Zhen deserters to his side, Katherine heads for Marauder space to seek out technology their Tabran allies need. Liam, believing his two best friends dead, must keep the human fleet alive as it is pursued across the Empire by Zhen forces. As the final battle approaches, each of them will be tested to their limits.

Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Reclaiming Earth from the Zhen was only the first battle. Now Tajen Hunt and his fellow colonists must fight for their fledgling colony’s survival. Tajen’s mission to seek aid from the Kelvaki Assembly is cut short when the Zhen invade Earth. Now he, Liam, and Kiri must return to Earth and liberate the colony from brutal occupation. When Tajen learns the Zhen plan to destroy a human fleet amassing in preparation to help Earth, he and his crew must escape the planet once more and warn them.

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