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Michaele Jordan

Michaele Jordan was born in California and raised in Cincinnati. She took a bachelor of arts degree from Bard College and an associate's degree in programming from Southern Ohio College. She worked for years as an administrator before at last pursuing her early dream of becoming a writer. Mirror Maze is her first novel to appear in print, although her earlier work, Blade Light, was serialized in Jim Baen's Universe. You can visit her website at

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Books By Michaele Jordan

Word Count: 135000

Summary: Demons and sorcerers stalk the streets of Victorian London, searching for a magical treasure lost in the Opium Wars.

Book Cover: Mirror Maze, 2nd edition
Mirror Maze, 2nd edition

Word Count: 85000

Summary: A charming traditional quest fantasy, full handsome villains, dangerous sorcerers, and a pretty, perky apprentice. Not to mention lots of very cool magic!

Blade Light - Michaele Jordan
Blade Light