Steven D. Brewer has been a fan of science fiction and fantasy stories for as long as he can remember. He still remembers getting scolded for not reading chapter books in fourth grade because he was avidly consuming The Hobbit late at night, by flashlight under his covers. And he probably got his copy from his older brother and most important mentor.
As an author, Steven identifies diverse obsessions that underlie his writing. His early interest in natural history, life science, and environmentalism he learned from his father, an ecologist and ornithologist. He attributes seeing his mother study German for his abiding passion for languages that led him to major in Spanish (as well as Biology) and subsequently learn Esperanto and use it for international correspondence and travel. His fascination with Japanese culture grew from writing haiku and haibun in Esperanto. And his mania for information technology and the Internet led him back to graduate school where he earned a Masters in Earth Science and a PhD in Science Education.
His scattered interests led to an eclectic employment history. He did farm work and food service growing up in southwest Michigan. He has worked as a large-animal caretaker, an archeological faunal analyst, a hunter of the fastest lizards in the world, a gas-station attendant, a bilingual teacher’s aide for a migrant-worker education program, and an edutainer with live animals and a portable planetarium. For the past quarter century, he has served as a non-tenure-system faculty member in higher education.
Steven currently teaches scientific writing at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He lives in Amherst, Massachusetts with his extended family.
Books By Steven D. Brewer
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: The Better Angels. Entertainment. Music and Dancing. And Rescues! Originally designed by the Magicorps corporation to be singing and dancing idols, the Better Angels are non-human biological androids that look like young girls. But their design was repurposed for nefarious purposes. After a mysterious guardian angel named David rescues them, they need to somehow find their own way in a big galaxy. And what better way than by returning to their roots as magical-girl idols! Quickly gaining galaxy-wide fame, traveling in their starship Angels’ Wings, from their permanent berth on the Truck Stop at the Center of the Galaxy, David and the Better Angels jump from planet to space station to asteroid, singing and dancing, offering benefits for charity, and offering appearances for their fans. But is that all they’re doing? Some wonder … Seemingly magnets for trouble, the Angels attract more than their fair share of unwanted attention. But they also collect new allies along the way.

Word Count: Information not available
Summary: From all the good things provided by advanced AI to the innocence of discovering new worlds, join our authors as they present uplifting stories of science fiction and fantasy.

Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Revin and the Professor must go undercover to investigate a mysterious device that has the power to generate storms and may threaten their very existence. But securing the information and getting out alive may be trickier than they bargained for.

Word Count: Information not available
Summary: After trailing a notorious trafficker across the galaxy, a self-appointed guardian angel arrives at the Truck Stop. Hidden within the trafficker's cargo hold may be just what he needs to shut down the trafficker's illicit trade for good.

Word Count: Information not available
Summary: After the Queen of Belleriand encounters an etheric anomaly that threatens the airship, Revin is abducted. But by whom? And why? Revin must use all of his newly-acquired skills as a pirate — and more — in order to s

Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Even a pirate will stop at nothing to help his little sister. When Grip, the first mate, is dismayed by his little sister's surprise engagement, Revin accompanies him home to learn who arranged her marriage and why.

Word Count: Information not available
Summary: When an airship is hijacked by pirates, a young man with a secret loses his mentor ... and his future. After twice thwarting the pirates' plans, he must finally come to terms with the pirate captain and decide whether to ally himself with him ... or to confront a hostile future alone.