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Sue Eaton

Sue Eaton (in her prime) is a former teacher who was born in Northamptonshire, England. She now lives in leafy Cheshire with time to write and read. Her favourite reads are inclined towards horror and science fiction, particularly Doctor Who and John Wyndham. Her writing reflects this.

Published works to date include stories in The Corona Book of Horror Stories, The Second Corona Book of Horror Stories, The Corona Book of Science Fiction and her debut novel, The Woman Who Was Not His Wife.

Work also includes a piece on 'Chalk face Love Songs' BBC Radio 4.

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Books By Sue Eaton

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Something is definitely rotten in the experimental settlement on Ceres. Jax wonders how it will affect her and her colleagues when along comes Nan and shows her a side to the complex she did not expect. Together, the two young women work to break the control the aliens have over the human settlers and begin to form the foundation of a fairer community.

The Ceres Illusion - Sue Eaton
The Ceres Illusion