Vincent E. M. Thorn is an award-winning fantasy author of mixed Japanese and European descent whose aspirations began in childhood. He spent many years writing short stories for friends and small online communities, but he finally entered the professional circuit in 2019 with his debut novel, Skies of the Empire.
Among his various influences, Vincent most regularly cites Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, Scott Lynch, and C.S. Friedman for shaping his writing. He currently lives in the metro-Atlanta area, He enjoys heavy metal and show-tunes, and is a huge fan of animation and comics.
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Books By Vincent E.M. Thorn
Word Count: Click here to reveal206000 (Click here to hide)
Summary: What is the cost of survival? It's been a year since Cassidy Durant became the captain of the Dreamscape Voyager, and six months since she witnessed the carnage at the Dragon's Nest. Supported by her crew and Hymn — the enigmatic Fae with whom she has formed an illicit partnership — she has done all she can to carry on with her life. However, the horrors of the past refuse to stay behind her. Instead, they threaten the future of the entire Empire. Promises of the Empire is the epic second installment in the Dreamscape Voyager Trilogy, which began with Skies of the Empire.

Word Count: Click here to reveal160000 (Click here to hide)
Summary: Airship pilot Cassidy Durant finds herself entangled in a menacing plot when a Faerie named Hymn saves her life in exchange for protection against nebulous enemies. This complicates her simple life of cargo trading, since affiliating with the Fae is a death sentence in the Empire. Meanwhile, reluctant mercenary Zayne Balthine is tasked by his employer, a devout worshiper of the Desert Goddess, to break into the Imperial Palace. It's not his first suicide mission, but this time, things are different. He'll die should he fail, though that’s nothing new. But if he succeeds, he will be responsible for unfathomable death and devastation.