Books Published By Flashpoint Publications
Word Count: 89,000
Summary: "Welcome to Paradise Island Resort, where we specialize in sun, sand, and self-improvement." Jess Parker has entered middle age single, bitter, and emotionally wounded. Even her friends have noticed her downward spiral into anger and resentment. Then she wins a self-help vacation to the beautiful Paradise Island Resort. Despite spending the past few years with her emotions on ice, the warm tropical climate and hotter resort manager, Lucia Cruz, succeeds in thawing her heart. Jess falls for Lucia, even knowing that her island stay is limited. Four weeks is hardly long enough when love is on the line. Jess will need to make some tough choices about the rest of her life when her time is up. She's vowed to be a better person and has started making positive changes, but it's on Jess to put her heart and soul into it. She also holds onto the hope that some connections, no matter how unexpected, simply can't be broken.

Word Count: 117000
Summary: If we know anything by the third and final installment of this thrilling trilogy, it's that Royal Connate Olivienne Dracore is an adventurist, not a soldier. Yet after the events over King's Marsh, the people and land are in need of both. It's a good thing her beloved Captain Castellan Tosh is one of the most powerful psi their world has ever seen. Together, with Olivienne's protective Shield team, they seek to not only right generations of wrongs perpetrated by one family, but to finally solve the mystery of the Makers.