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Sasoriza Books


Books Published By Sasoriza Books

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: The immortal King Glëa po’Lon is rebuilding the Kingdom of Xol after his hard-won victory ended a civil war. While he plans for perpetual reign, he grapples with the prospect of outliving his aging friends. Meanwhile, distant foes are on the move seeking to challenge his place on the throne. A defeated rebel, Ravel po'Marn, is scarred by talons of an unearthly creature. While struggling to delay her transformation into an inhuman monstrosity, she is also bound by family honor to join her younger brother Candor on his quest for vengeance against the king. With her very humanity at risk, she must do whatever she can to protect her brother… even from himself.

Denise Tanaka - Talons of the Abyss
Talons of the Abyss

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Condrie the tavern maid befriends a man on the run only to discover he is a firebird disguised in human form. Together they must elude the tyrant king's relentless forces while seeking the truth of who massacred other firebirds enslaved to the king.

Truth in Cinders - Denise Tanaka
Truth in Cinders

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Constance Kirby has lost her way. Nearing middle age, and working a dead end job, she is at her wit's end caretaking for her grumpy, housebound father. When the ghost of silent film star Rudolph Valentino visits her, can she get her life back on course?

Wish and a Star - Denise B. Tanaka
Wish and A Star

Word Count: 424

Summary: She lost a war… Ravel, a captain in her father’s cavalry unit, alone survived the defeat of her prince and country at the end of a civil war. Now, she is a fugitive without a home. He won a kingdom… Prince Glea returned after forty years lost at sea. Still youthful as the day he sailed, he could not explain how he gained immortality. When his doubting brothers called him a pretender, he waged a civil war to reclaim his royal birthright in blood. Now, he must deal with the aftermath. One chases the sky… A nobleman scholar avoided the civil war to embark on a solitary quest. Lord Torval must elude his pursuers long enough to find what he seeks. More innocent lives are at stake than anyone knows, and only he holds the key to their survival.

Only Bones Remain - Denise Robarge Tanaka
Only Bones Remain

Word Count: Information not available

Summary: Ash, an orphaned peasant boy, survived an unnatural plague at a copper mine with help from a mystic healer. He was adopted by a noble house and educated as a gentleman—a house where every male heir in the bloodline is burdened by a debilitating curse. Years later, the long-lost Prince Glea returned after forty years gone at sea. Still youthful as the day he sailed, he could not explain how he gained immortality. When his doubting brothers called him a pretender, he waged a civil war to reclaim his royal birthright. Ash, as a grown man, takes up arms on behalf of his adopted household to support restoring Prince Glea to the throne. But in the aftermath of battle, he discovers an ancient secret that reveals the truth of his childhood trauma. Now, he must choose to make a sacrifice to save his prince and every living thing in the world.

The Curse in the Stones - Denise Tanaka
The Curse in the Stones