Books Published By Wordwooze Publishing
Word Count: 84980
Summary: The Southern town of Estonko has hidden a secret for a century but now it's been discovered and is leading to a haunted house and a crimm worse than the secret hiding it.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: When it's discovered a prep school teacher was once a romance novel cover model, his life is turned upside-down.
Word Count: Information not available
Summary: Sometimes, life is completely unfair. Spoiled teenager Jenny Halpen's parents were against her going on a cruise, but her doting uncle didn't see it that way. He thought it a fine graduation gift for his favorite (and only) niece. Unfortunately, before Jenny has a chance to enjoy the voyage, the Cassandra collides with a meteor shower, and her escape pod is separated from the others. Landing on an uninhabited world might not be so bad if Jenny's pod-mates were human, but they're not. They're poodles...all three of them...and not just your garden-variety poodles, either. They're the telepathic Royal Family of Canaris, and they're of the opinion that Jenny's now their servant, existing only to protect and serve them. Robinson Crusoe had it easy!
Word Count: 34577
Summary: When the teenaged author met a group of sight-seeing vampires on Savannah Beach, it was a life-changing experience for all of them.
Word Count: 33450
Summary: One hundred years after being driven out of a small Irish town, a vampire returns...or does he?